Don't Cry.

In Ann's hospital room, the doctor and Mrs. Jiang were looking at Ann with worried expressions on their faces as she tried to sit up. 

Although Ann was still feeling very weak, but something told her everything wasn't okay, and there was no way she was going to allow herself to sleep off again without finding out who these people were and what was going on with her. 

Mrs. Jiang took off the warming blanket she had used in covering Ann the previous night while the doctor took off the oxygen mask from her face as they both helped her sit up.

"Do you think you can manage to speak now?" The doctor asked her softly.

"Wa..ter," She said in a very weak voice.

Mrs. Jiang rushed over to the other side of her bed to pick up the flask of water she had kept by the table and quickly poured her a glass. She lifted it to Ann's parched lips and waited for her to finish drinking before stepping away from her.