Striking Resemblance.

"Someone is here to see you," Chairman Jiang's secretary told Zoe from the doorway. 

Zoe had a frown on her face as she raised her head from the files in front of her to look at the secretary in confusion.

"Me? Like a personal visit or what?"

"Yes. A personal visit, I think," The secretary said with a nod as she waited to receive further instructions from her. 

Who could possibly come over to ask for her at the office? Zoe mused. "Who is this person?" 

"He..." The secretary stopped when Zhang Wei opened the door and flashed Zoe a smile. 

"It's your darling boyfriend, Zhang Wei," Zhang Wei said with a grin as he walked past the secretary and stepped into the office.

What was this confused soul doing here? Zoe mused briefly before giving the secretary a nod for her to leave.