"I'm Not Ann Peters."

"Did I just hear you call me Grace?" She asked just to be sure Brad had deliberately called her by her real name and hadn't made a mistake or that she hadn't heard him wrongly.

"Yes. I did. How long did you really think you could fool me?" Brad growled angrily before turning to walk away from her. 

"So you actually knew who I was this whole time, yet you deliberately didn't say a word?" Grace asked, trying hard not to lose her already frayed temper.

Brad paused when he heard the anger in her voice. "I beg your pardon?" Brad asked as he turned around to look at her incredulously. 

Was she really getting mad at him for not telling her he knew she had been deceiving him and everyone else about her true identity? Even after she had just kept information of his grandmother's health condition to herself? She was simply unbelievable! 

"How long have you known about this? Ann told you, didn't she?" Grace asked him, her eyes flashing with undisguised anger.