Kelvin and Calvin.

"Where are we going to?" Zoe asked Zhang Wei when he just kept driving in a direction she wasn't very familiar with. 

"You will see when we get there. Are you uncomfortable?" Zhang Wei asked, turning to look at her with a small smile.

He had to admit that she was good with her disguise, though. It was only now that he knew for sure that Zane was a girl that he was taking note of the little details. He made a mental note to ask her how she had managed to make her chest look so flat. 

"Why would I be uncomfortable? It's not like this is the first time I'm hanging out with you," Zoe said with a scoff. 

Zhang Wei grinned at that. He was going to make her as uncomfortable as possible. "So, how are your mother and sister? They didn't come around with you?" 

Zoe cleared her throat. "They are busy with work and other stuff, you know? So they couldn't come around," Zoe said with a shrug.