...I Found It.

"Who goes for a dinner date dressed in this manner?" Kimberly asked as she looked him over with a frown of disapproval which was similar to what he had given her the previous night. What had he been thinking dressing this way to such a restaurant? Kimberly mused.

Melvin suddenly felt very embarrassed by his casual outfit. He really felt like dashing out to get a change of clothes, but he knew it was too late already. 

"I will join you inside in a bit," He said apologetically. 

"Just don't keep me waiting," She warned as she returned inside. She was feeling more in control of the situation now that she knew she could use her feminine wiles on him. 

Melvin took off his glasses and face cap before returning to the car to drop them off, and then he walked into the restaurant to join her.

"Hi!" He greeted feeling very awkward as he took the seat opposite her.