Just A Fan.

"Brad!" Grace called from where she was seated immediately after she sighted Brad walking into the police station. The police officer who she had been giving her statement to raised his head to look at Brad. 

"What are you doing here? What did she do?" Brad asked, turning to give the police officer his attention.

"She was arrested for assaulting him," The police officer said, pointing in Jeremy's direction. Brad turned to look at Jeremy, who was yet to see him, and frowned when he noticed the scratches on his face and blood that seemed to be dripping from his nose. 

"Jeremy?" Brad asked in surprise as he looked from Grace to Jeremy and back again, "Do you know who he is?" Brad asked, wondering why Grace would assault Brenna's husband. 

"Jeremy King. Jer's father," Grace said tight-lipped, deliberately not referring to him as Brenna's husband.