Twenty-seven Years Ago (2)

"I'm coming over. Where exactly are you at the moment?" Phil asked as he got into his car.

"We were already on our way out of the sports center. Why don't you meet us at gelato? I want to pick up some snacks for the kids before taking them home," Melvin said, and the boys whooped happily when they heard they were stopping over at gelato. 

"Okay then. I'm on my way," Phil said before hanging up. As he drove, he thought about what Jeff had just told him and was very tempted to park by the roadside and check what Jeff had written in the reports, but he couldn't. It was sealed, and only Melvin had the right to break the seal on the envelope. 

What had Jeff meant when he said Alvin was dangerous? Did Alvin possibly threaten him or something? Phil asked himself yet again and sighed when he couldn't come up with any answer. He really wished Jeff had answered his questions directly.