
"Is there a problem?" Mrs. Jiang, who was speaking to the event planner in her husband's study, asked when she noticed one of the maids hovering around the door. 

"Mr. Wang Tae-joon is here to see Miss Grace," The maid told Mrs. Jiang politely from the doorway. 

"Hmm. You can go. I will speak with him," Mrs. Jiang said before excusing herself from the event planner. 

Mrs. Jiang got to where Tae-Joon was and cleared her throat, "Is everything alright?" She asked when she noticed the dark circles under Tae-joon's eyes and how nervous he looked. 

Tae-Joon looked up and quickly stood up to greet her, "I'm just here to see Grace. Has she changed her mind?" Tae-Joon asked hopefully, making Mrs. Jiang sigh. 

"I hate to admit to you that you may have been right. I think she does need a psychiatrist," Mrs. Jiang said in a low tone so that no one else would hear her. 

"Why? Did something happen?" Tae-Joon asked with a concerned frown.