
Chairman Jiang was seated in a wheelchair, and Zoe, who had brought him in with the help of her driver, was standing behind him with a smile on her face at the look of surprise on the faces of both Mrs. Jiang and Grace. She had been shocked herself when she had received a call from the hospital, and her father had spoken to her instead of the doctor.


"Dad?" Grace and Mrs. Jiang called at the same time as they stood up from their seat and hurried to his side. He smiled when Grace threw herself on him. This had to be his Grace.

"Is that really you, my princess?" Chairman Jiang asked when he saw the tears that were glistening in Grace's eyes. 

"Of course, it's Grace. Who else would it be?" Mrs. Jiang asked as she tried to push Grace aside so she could hug her husband, but Grace didn't budge.