
"Oh my goodness! Ann!" Sara shrieked happily as she ran out of the restaurant to meet Ann, who was standing outside the door, grinning at her like an idiot. 

"I missed you so much!" Ann said with a happy laughter as she lifted Sara off the ground and spun her around. 

"Is this really you? When did you come in? Oh my God! You look so different and really beautiful too! Your skin is literally glowing, and your hair..."

"Calm down, will you? Why don't we go inside first?" Ann asked with a giggle as she allowed Sara to take her luggage from her and lead her inside the restaurant. She was back home to where she had started from. 

"Mom went to the market, so I'm alone. Have you gone to see your boss yet? Are you really over him now? Are you really not worried that she is getting married to him? Or you're here to crash the marriage?" Sara asked with a concerned expression on her face.