SYNOPSIS: The Year 1945, when Marlon and Luisa got married. After the reception, they went to their honeymoon but were died on the spot when their bridal car, was bumped by a killer trailer truck.
After 50 years of their death, they have lived again in the person of Gerardo and Raquel to continue their romantic relationships.
TAG: Love Romance
Marlon and Luisa got married in 1945. After the wedding and from the reception, they went to their honeymoon, but due to a car accident, both have died on the spot. A trailer truck bumped their bridal car. Their bodies were barely recognizing.
In the funeral wake
"How pitiful they are," said by many.
Marlon and Luisa were good to their relatives and friends, that's why they were shocked in that incident.
Marlon and Luisa were buried at the foot of the mountain after one week of mourning, near the boulder were their names inscribed on it. The place was said to be the witness of their never-ending love story.
So, the name MARLON LUISA engraved on the boulder at the foot of the mountain was a marking history of their province.
After 50 years, they lived again in the person of Gerardo and Raquel.
Before the accident happened, they were happy, full of dreams, having a plan to build a happy family with children, for their complete happiness.
"Luisa, tomorrow let's go up the hill to the foot of the mountain, let's bring food so we can stay longer and relax," said Marlon.
"Okay, I like it so I can breathe some fresh air," replied Luisa.
In the mountain.
"Hayyyy! the breeze is good here, isn't Marlon?"
"Ah, yes and we also hear different bird sounds,"
"Look at the surroundings, Marlon, there are many trees that provide shade."
"Yes, Luisa, and when you look at the plains, you will see farmers planting rice.
"And, Marlon, on the far side of the plains is the vast ocean,"
The province of Marlon and Luisa, as compared to other neighboring provinces, was beautiful.
"Luisa, let us engrave our names on this rock as a mark for our would-be loving memory ."
"All right Marlon and let us also engrave a heart to enclose our names,"
"Yes, I think that's a good idea, let's do it,"
After Marlon and Luisa curved their names, they swore.
"Luisa, this place will be a witness to our love, even if death separates us," said Marlon, whose words spoken were within his heart.
"Yes, Marlon, and here in this place, we will meet again, even if death separates us," Luisa's passionate response.
So, their oaths have formed one after another.
Days passed, and they decided to get married. And in 1945, April 15, they were married.
On that day, was the happiest wedding celebration that happened in the province. All were invited.
And when the celebration has ended, the bridal car got ready for the newlywed to go to their honeymoon.
Upon crossing the hi-way, they didn't notice the incoming trailer truck.
BLAG! BLAG! ( the loud noise of two colliding vehicles )
The impact of the collision made the bridal car rolled down, and Marlon and Luisa were lifeless and almost unrecognizable.
That incident almost was forgotten by people in that province, due to the passing of years. And only a few living there were the ones who remember the story of Marlon and Luisa.
Fifty years have passed since then.
Somewhere in Manila, a group of men was drinking while having fun for the birthday celebration of one in the group. Gerardo was among the group.
"I'm drunk already. I couldn't have for another round. Let me, go home brothers, Happy Birthday bro." said Gerardo.
"Okay, be careful, you might encounter a ghost." Then the group laughed.
SKRITTTTTT! (sounds of sudden brakes)
Gerardo was surprised and fell. The driver, Raquel, got off the car and scolded him.
"Hey, you, are you committing suicide?" said Raquel angrily.
"S-Sorry miss b-beautiful, next time be careful with your driving"
"Ah, you mean, you have the right to give a lecture on me?" said as if she would lose her temper.
At Raquel's point, she just left, refusing to argue with a drunken guy.
When Raquel left, she wondered why the guy was so familiar to her. She asked herself "Do I know him? When and what occasion did we meet? Who was he, and it was as if we had just met? I just can't remember where," Raquel thought while driving.
In the other side
Even though Gerardo was drunk, his mind was clear.
"Why was that woman so familiar to me? Where did we meet?" said Gerardo.
The next morning when Gerardo, was no longer intoxicated with wine, he was still thinking about the beautiful woman, who she was and where they met, as he usually asked himself.
"Hayyy! My head is aching, thinking about her all day. I'm not going to fool myself into thinking her. Why? Am I crazy about her?" Gerardo's self-loathing".
Gerardo had already forgotten about the woman, but he couldn't fool himself, sometimes he was even thought her.
"Gerardo come with me, on Sunday in our province, I will visit my grandmother," said his friend, Mauro.
"Okay, it's nice, so I can slow down my brain mentally. I want to relax sometimes," Gerardo said happily.
"Good, we'll be leaving on Sunday morning, so we can get to the province early, and you will enjoy there," said Mauro.
So, early on Sunday, they took a bus to the province.
While on the bus, Mauro fell asleep but Gerardo couldn't, because he was thinking of the beautiful woman.
Gerardo fell asleep until he dreamed of an incident where he was riding in a car when the car suddenly crashed, and he cried out loud.
Gerardo suddenly, shouted which surprised the passengers.
"Gerardo, why did you shout?" said Mauro.
Mauro apologized to the passengers.
Gerardo grabbed his head. He seemed to feel some kind of headache. He felt that the incident had a powerful impact on his brain.
"Gerardo, are you okay? We are about to arrive at the bus terminal," said Mauro.
"I'm sorry, Mauro, for I have disturbed the passengers," said Gerardo shyly.
"By the way, Gerardo, what have you dreamed?"
"I still can't say, but it seems that my dream was true, and why I was with a woman inside that car, which I'm still perplexed."
They still have an hour before the bus terminal so Gerardo, related what had happened when he was almost hit by a car the other night he went home drunk. He said also that the driver was a beautiful woman.
"Oh!, come on Gerardo, maybe you're in love at first sight," said Mauro.
"No Mauro, as if I have seen her already, where and when, something I don't know."
"Ha! Ha! Ha! I guess you were drunk then. Well, If I were you, I'll just forget her, Okay?"
The bus has arrived at the terminal.
"Check your luggage before leaving," said the conductor.
"Here we are, Gerardo. Wow, the air is good to inhale," said Mauro.
"Yes Mauro, I do seem to enjoy here, and I'm sure to forget that lady driver, who almost hit me."
The two rode a tricycle.
Along the way, Gerardo sees the beauty of the surroundings, many trees, cold breeze, and farmers out there planting rice.
And because of what Gerardo has seen, he has forgotten for a moment that beautiful lady driver.
GRANDMA! GRANDMA! (Mauro shouted)
Mauro hugs his Grandma and introduced Gerardo.
"Grandma, this is Gerardo, my friend."
"Mauro, have your dinner and take a rest. I'm sure you were tired of the trip."
"Yes, Grandma."
"Gerardo, tomorrow we're going to some great places here, up to the foot of the mountain on the hill, we'll bring food and wine so we can stay there longer and relax.
"That's fine, okay. I will surely enjoy here before we return to Manila.."
The next morning, the two has woke up early, and after their breakfast, they went to the foot of the mountain. And as they walk, Gerardo was amazed at what he is seeing around the place.
"Mauro, you're right, your province is beautiful."
Gerardo wondered at what he saw around. Why the place was so familiar to him when this was the first time he has been here. And upon seeing the boulder, as if someone whispered to him about their oath of Luisa.
"Who was that Luisa in his mind?" said Gerardo to himself/
"Hey, Gerardo, what's the matter with you? As if you're not of yourself. Come on, let's eat and drink," said Mauro.
So, they sat down near the boulder where the names MARLON LUISA were engraved on it.
"MARLON LUISA, what was this Mauro? Why these names engraved here?."
As Gerardo touched the rock where the names MARLON LUISA etched on it, he just felt like a small amount of electricity entered his whole body, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought it was due to cold air.
"Well, as far as I know, it has a long story for Marlon and Luisa, and my grandma perhaps knew their story. I suggest you ask her. But, they are dead for several years already, why are you so curious about it?"
"I don't know Mauro, I'm just confused. This place was so familiar to me, that high mountain, that wide rice field, and the sea, and this rock. They were all in my subconscious mind Mauro. By the way, were you born here in the province?"
"No, my parents got married in Manila. Manila is my birthplace. But why?"
Gerardo didn't answer him, because it was getting dark, so they got ready to go home.
When they got home, Gerardo asked Mauro's grandma about what he saw on the foot of the mountain, especially the rock where the names Marlon and Luisa engraved on it.
"Yes, grandma you tell Gerardo the story about Marlon and Luisa, Gerardo was asking me for something I don't know."
"It's a long story, all I can say, it was already fifty years ago when Marlon and Luisa, after their marriage, have met an accident while on their way to their honeymoon. Their bridal car collided with a trailer truck and they both died together.
Before their marriage, they went to the foot of the mountain where they engraved their names in the boulder. After they engraved their names, they sware to one another that in case of death, they will live again and would meet in that place.
"Grandma, now I just know that story," said Mauro.
To Gerardo, why does he already knew the story of Marlon and Luisa, when he just came here in this province for the first time, and he needs an answer to all of these.
The next day, the two returned to Manila.
Just like Gerardo, is also Raquel, Raquel, always wondering where and when, she met Gerardo, the guy, who she almost hit the other night.
Raquel is the CEO of a large company.
"Ma'am, here is the report you were asking for," said his secretary.
"Okay, just leave it there."
When Raquel comes home, her mother noticed her always thinking deeply.
"Raquel, was there something bothering you?" asked her mother.
"Yes, Mommy, it's about the guy, I almost hit, the other night", replied her.
"What about him?"
"It was just like we had met already, but I'm confused as to where and when we met?" said Raquel.
After Raquel had eaten her dinner, she went to her bedroom, but she couldn't sleep.
"Why do I have to bother myself to think of him," said Raquel and after a couple of minutes she asleep.
Gerardo and Raquel may be destined to each other when Gerardo accidentally bumped on Raquel's shoulder in a narrow street, somewhere in Manila. The things of Raquel dropped off because of the incident, however, Gerardo without looking to the woman picked her things.
"You again? Very coincidence, huh," said Raquel.
"Oh! The beautiful lady who almost hit me," said Gerardo smiling.
"Yes, it just seems to be the reverse now, I'm the one who was bumped," said Raquel, who also smiles at Gerardo.
"Sorry, miss I'm sorry," said Gerardo.
"Ah, it's okay."
Though both were shocked, for their accidentally meeting, it was as if someone was telling them that this would be the perfect timing for them to know each other, and to understand once and for all, the mysteries that have wrapped their mind, of something they couldn't be explained, by the circumstances.
Raquel has walked away, but Gerardo stopped her.
"Miss just a moment, Can we talk for a while?"
Raquel has stopped for a moment because she also wants to know who this guy was.
"By the way, I'm Gerardo, whom you almost hit the other night," said Gerardo with a smile while joking.
"Well, I'm Raquel, the driver whom you lectured to be careful next time, remember?" said Raquel, who smiled also.
And because of their joking response to each other, it made them know well, each other.
To make the story short, after a couple of months of their friendships, they became a sweetheart and got married.
They were very happy after the wedding as if they both were happy before, sometime, in their life. Something they couldn't explain.
After their honeymoon, they went to Mauro's province, to the foot of the mountain. to the boulder where the names Marlon and Luisa were engraved. Like Gerardo, Raquel has felt also the same as what Gerardo had felt before.
The two, newlyweds, have decided also to engrave their names in the rock beside Marlon Luisa's names. And after engraving their names, they sware with one another that death would not be a hindrance to continue their relationships.