Leo's Pov

After I got out of the alleyway a bright light suddenly flashes my eye.

"Oh no not this crap again," thought Leo as he covered his eye with his hands.

Once the light died down I saw lots of people wearing fancy clothes walking around doing their own business.

"Hmm now that I can see clearly I think I might be at Goa Kingdom considering the fact that everyone here looks rich and the building looks modern." thought Leo as he was walking around the place

While I was walking to wherever the hell I was going I was able to encounter a mirror in one of the shop and got to see what this kid look like before he died.

I had green hair and two green eyes with the left one being covered by the hair. I also seem to have this weird x looking scar just above his eyes. My skin also seems a bit pale compared to anyone else. I also noticed that I was wearing a black shirt and blue long pants. Overall I look like one of those rich kids.

"Hmmm I can't believe I'm saying this.... but damn I look so cute." thought Leo.

"Well then now, since that's out of the way I should probably explore this place and maybe find someplace that I can train probably at MT.Colubo." whispered Leo to himself

"By the way, system do I have a shop that I can buy things in the system." questions Leo to the system

[Yes would you like to open it]said the system

"Yes please I would like to see what's in the shop" said Leo


System points=0

Devil fruits





Manual skill

"Yep just what I was expecting but system what does the system points do?" question Leo

[System points are used for currency to buy things at the shop]said the system

"Okay then how do I get this system points" questions, Leo

[You can get System points by completing a quest or killing bosses]said the system

"Hey system can I convert Beli into system points." said Leo

[Yes you can 1 Beli=1 System points]said the system

"Cool, so I can steal tons of Beli from people and convert them into SP." thought Leo(SP means system points)

"Alright then that's good to know so I should probably explore this place then" said Leo

A few hours later

"Jeez just how big is this place I've been walking around here for god know how long and all I've seen are the exact same things" complains Leo as he was walking

Just after I said those word I heard a scream coming from another alley

"Jeez what was that scream just now, I think it's coming from the alleyway, better check It out."thought Leo as he runs through the alleyway

Alleyway(yet again)

When I got there I found this fat guy and a lady who was on the floor pleading to him while I was hiding behind a trash can

"Please just let me go I don't have any money on me." said the lady

"Bullshit give me everything you have or I'll slit your throat and use your body as a playtoy for myself." threatened the fat guy as he was pointing a dagger at the woman

"Again I..I don't have any m....m....money on me so please just let me go." pleaded the woman again

"Well then I'm just going to have to kill you then since you don't have any money." said the fat guy again

"N..n..noooo please nooo." cried the woman as she was trying to escape but failed miserably.

"Oh no, I don't think so, you're not gonna escape from me you little bitch." said the bandit

[Ding! You have received a new quest]

Save the woman from the bandit


800 system points/gain a new skill

"Oh wow, things just got intense and how the hell am I even gonna save this woman I don't even have any weapon and there's nothing here that can help me.....oh wait there a pipe right here...how convenient...guess my luck does help me." said Leo as he picked up the pipe

Rusty Metal Pipe

Desc: It's just a pipe but rusty


"Guess it's better than nothing," said Leo as he rushes to the bandit

Bandit's Pov

"Heh look at her face pleading just for me to let her go, can't wait till to see her face on I slit her throat".thought the bandit

"Now I'll ask again give me everything you got and maybe just maybe I'll let you go." said the bandit to the woman

"No.....please someone...SOMEONE HELP ME." shouted the woman"

"Hah you think someone gonna help you there's no one here but just the two of us no one's gonna hel-"


"AHHHH WHAT THE FUCK." said the bandit as he accidentally let go of the woman

"AHHH WHO HIT ME." said the bandit as he turns around only to be met by another hit




After that last hit the bandit the falls unconscious

Back to Leo's Pov

"Well then, that was hard at all... I honestly wasn't expecting it to be this easy." said Leo

[Ding! You have learned a new skill]

Sneak(level 1)

Desc: People won't detect you easily while your sneaking.15% won't get detected

[Ding! Gain 1 strength]

"Huh, that's neat"thought Leo

"Hey lady you should probably get out of here while you still can." said Leo to the woman

"Ahhh t.t..thank you very m.m.m...much little kid." said the woman with a shocked face

"No problem now run along now I got something to do here." said Leo

"Y.y.yeah I should probably go an-WATCH OUT." screamed the woman as she was pointing something behind me

"Huh UGHHH" said Leo as he was about to turn around only to be met by a fist

-9 damage

Leo then falls down and accidentally drop the pipe and just as he was about to get up he got pinned down by the bandit

"So little brat you're trying to be a hero or something, you should have just left while you still can." said the bandit as he was still pinning Leo down

"Now look what happens now you're gonna die just cause you wanted to play hero." said the bandit

as he starts choking Leo

Leo then search around for something to use and found a dagger that the bandit use

"B.b.b.b"said Leo

"What are you trying to say huh little brat, speak up before I choke you to death." said the bandit he leaned closer

Leo then suddenly spits at the bandit's eye

"AGGGGHHH MY EYES," said the bandit as he let's go of Leo to rub his eye

Leo using the chance that he has immediately gets up and goes for the dagger

"AGGGHHH YOU LITTLE BRAT I'M GONNA KILL YO-" said the bandit only to get interrupted


Without hesitation, Leo then slash the bandit throat using his own dagger

"Gurgling noises.."

The bandit then falls down while he is holding his neck as he was dying and for a few seconds the bandit died

[Ding! You have successfully killed the bandit. Earned 350 SP

[Ding! You have successfully completed the quest. Earned 850 SP/learned a new skill

Sense Danger(level 1)

Desc: You can sense any incoming danger that is coming to you

"Oh...oh god I...I just kill someone." thought Leo