2 Years later...

Well...it has been 2 years since I was adopted by Makino and I gotta say, it has been quite...interesting and peculiar to say the least. Alright, to start things off I've literally grown since then, my height is about 121 cm which is apparently quite average in the One Piece world. My hair is still the same since then except it's a bit longer than usual. My body on the other hand...well let's just say that I have 4 packs now due to training. Secondly, my stats has tremendously increased since then and well...


Name=Leo The 'Thief Master'











I've been doing lots of training in the forest and I finally was able to encounter some animals that live in there, some were friendly and some tried to attack me. It was pretty easy, to say the least, I mean all of the animals are big and all but they couldn't really do shit to me. For some reason though, while I was training out in the forest, I always feel like there was someone watching me behind my back...weird huh. Oh and another thing is that my daily quest has been updated.

[Daily quest]

Do 2000 push up, sit-ups, squats and run 20 km.

Rewards:4500 SP

[Daily quest]

Steal money from 55 people

Reward:4500 SP

Oh! and did I forget to mention that I've been working as a bartender at the bar with Makino. Yeah, at first Makino was not really liking the idea of me working there but after a lot of insisting she finally gave in and let me work there. If you're wondering, yes I live with Makino now which is at the bar...i still wonder though why she works there. But anyway, back to the point, so yeah while I was working there, I did meet Luffy and I gotta say...he was really annoying that I started to question on how Makino was able to even take care of him. But hey, in the end, we were able to somehow get along with each other and he started calling me 'green eyes'...typical Luffy.

If you're wondering what happened to The Darkness, well we're still talking to each other albeit not very much and at night I would always sneak out of the house so that I can train in the forest and trying to utilize on using The Darkness. Throughout the months, I was able to unlock some more power while using The Darkness

The Darkness(level 48)

Desc: An element force of Chaos and Creation that bestows his host with nearly limitless powers as well as allows them access to an otherworldly dimension and control over the veritable legion of Darklings who dwell there.

-Tendrils: The Darkness can form tentacles or tendrils of various shape and sizes to do their will. These tentacles are strong enough to tear enemies apart or destroy obstacles.

-Demon Heads: The Darkness manifests itself in the form of eel-like demon heads that can devour enemies or rip them apart.

Heightened senses: Certain senses are heightened; such as the ability to literally feel a person's footsteps from several yards away, even while underground.

Regeneration: The Darkness endows his host with regenerative abilities. These healing abilities are advanced enough to regrow damaged or lost internal organs in mere minutes.

Teleportation: The host can travel anywhere in the shadows

Darkness construction: The darkness can create various out of The Darkness such as guns and sword

-Locked(Reach level 50)

-Locked(Reach level 65)

-Locked(Reach level 80)

-Locked(Reach level 90)

-Locked(Reach level 100)


Strong light: The power of Darkness depends on Darkness, as they are banished away by strong light. The host is rendered mortal in light of a day. Anything that is created by the Darkness is burned away by strong light. The darkness host can become more tolerant of light with time, experience and training. Weapon of light such as flashlight, flashbangs or light cannons can harm a wielder of the Darkness. To combat the weakness, the host can destroy light source(turning off lights in a room, smokes grenades, etc) or stick to the shadows

Copulation: If a host impregnated a woman, the spirit of the Darkness is passed to the newly conceived child and the host dies at the moment of his birth

So yeah, now I can teleport anywhere as long as there's a shadow and create various weapons but it will only be temporary. On the plus side though, I did found a way to make the weapon permanent, apparently, I just have to have a blueprint of the said weapon on my hand and Bam I got the weapon, but the only way I can do it is as if I have a skill called gunsmith, blacksmith and crafting. To top it all off, all of them has to be at level 90 and holy shit it took me almost 2 years just to get there, but it was all worth it.

So I just bought blueprints for both Casull and Jackall from Hellsing Ultimate and construct them using The Darkness. I also bought another blueprint which was the Monafilament Wire or in simple terms, Walter C. Dornez weapon. The only problem is that whenever I use Walter's wire I have to consume my mana too but other than that it's good. And of course, I got a new skill out of it

Crafting(level 90)

Desc: You can craft stuff as long as you have the right material.

Gunsmith(level 90)

Desc: You can now create and upgrade guns as long as you have the right material.

Blacksmith(level 90)

Desc: You can now create various weapons and upgrade them.

Wire manipulation/Proficiency (level 55)

Desc: The user can create, shape and manipulates wires, usually pliable metallic strands or rods made in any length and diameter. It grants the user a great attack, range and versatility, distant or close. You can also use the strings to swing and grapple from structures, building or even clouds. You can control the sharpness of the wire with delicate movements, allowing to cut through matter or pick up objects. Furthermore, you can set traps, compress and wrap wires to form a weapon and attach wires to projectile so the user can control their trajectory.

And speaking about mana, now I can use magic now...yay. I'm just gonna list all of the magic that I've learned. I'm gonna say it now, it's gonna be a lot.

List of Magic/ Physical Attacks


-Agi (Attack one enemy with flames) 15 Mana

-Maragi (Attack multiple enemies with flames) 35 Mana


-Bufu (Attack one enemy with ice, the chance of freezing enemy are low) 20 Mana

-Mabufu (Attack multiple enemies with I've, the chance of freezing enemy are low) 45 Mana


-Zio (Lightning strikes one enemy, chance of shocking an enemy are low) 20 Mana

-Mazio (Strikes multiple enemies with lightning

chance of shocking an enemy are low) 45 Mana


-Zan (Blast one enemy with gale/wind) 20 Mana

-Mazan (Blast multiple enemies with gale/wind) 45 Mana


-Psi (Light psychokinesis damage to one enemy) 20 Mana

-Mapsi (Light psychokinesis damage to all enemies) 45 Mana


-Frei (Light nuclear damage to one enemy) 20 Mana

-Mafrei (Light nuclear damage to all enemies) 45 Mana


-Kouha (Light bless damage to one enemy) 20 Mana

-Makouha (Light bless damage to all enemies) 45 Mana


-Eiha (Light curse damage to one enemy) 20 Mana

-Maeiha (Light curse damage to all enemies) 45 Mana


-Lunge (Light physical damage to one enemy) 35 HP

-Cleave (Light physical damage to one enemy) 35 HP

-Giant Slice (Medium physical damage to one enemy) 55 HP

-Headbutt (Medium physical damage to one enemy, chance to inflict fear are medium) 60 HP

-Double Fangs (Medium physical damage to one enemy 2x) 50 HP

-Tempest slash (Minuscule physical damage to one enemy 3x to 5x) 55 HP

-Lucky Punch (Minuscule physical damage to one enemy, chance of critical damage are high) 30 HP

-Vajra Blast (Medium physical damage to all enemies) 65 HP

-Vicious strike (Medium physical damage to all enemies) 75 HP

-Rampage (Light physical damage to all enemies 1x to 3x) 40 HP

-Swift strike (Light physical damage to all enemies 3x to 4x) 55 HP

-Mind slice (Medium physical damage to all enemies, chance of inflicting confuse are low) 50 HP

-Deathbound (Medium physical damage to all foes 1x to 2x) 50 HP


-Dia (Slightly restore one ally's HP) 30 Mana

-Diarama (Moderately restore one ally's HP) 65 Mana

-Media (Slightly restore all ally's HP) 45 Mana


-Tarukaja (Increase one ally's Attack power temporarily) 70 Mana

-Rakukaja (Increase one ally's Defense temporarily) 70 Mana

-Sukukaja (Increase one ally's Agility temporarily) 70 Mana

-Tarunda (Decrease one enemy Attack temporarily) 70 Mana

-Rakunda (Decrease one enemy Defense temporarily) 70 Mana

-Sukunda (Decrease one enemy Agility temporarily) 70 Mana

-Rebellion (Increase one ally's critical rate temporarily) 90 Mana

-Charge (Multiply user's next physical attack damage by 2.5) 150 Mana

-Concentrate (Multiply user's next magic attack damage by 2.5) 150 Mana

Passive Skills

-Counter (10% chance of reflecting physical attack)

-Fire boost (Strengthen Fire attacks by 25%)

-Ice boost (Strengthen Ice attacks by 25%)

-Elec boost (Strengthen Electric attacks by 25%)

-Wind/gale boost (Strengthen Wind/gale attacks by 25%)

-Psy boost (Strengthen Psy attacks by 25%)

-Nuke boost (Strengthen Nuke attacks by 25%)

-Bless boost (Strengthen Bless attacks by 25%)

-Curse boost (Strengthen Curse attacks by 25%)

-Resist Phys (Reduce damage from Physical attacks)

-Dodge Phys (Double evasion rate against Physical attacks)

-Regenerate 3 (Recover 6% of max HP)

-Attack Master (Automatic Tarukaja at the start of battle)

-Defense Master (Automatic Rakukaja at the start of battle)

-Speed Master (Automatic Sukukaja at the start of battle)

-Endure (Survive one fatal blow with 1 HP remaining)

Yep...it's a lot..well then let move on to the next one. So about my Rokushiki technique, it's been doing pretty good, I mean I was able to learn all of the six techniques except for Rokougan. Unfortunately, I still haven't mastered all of it...yet, but I will get there eventually.

Soru(level 65)

Desc: One of six technique of Rokushiki.Soru allows the user to move at extremely high speed in order to avoid attacks, as well as the attack at higher speed and with greater power.

Geppo(level 65)

Desc: One of the six technique of Rokushiki. Geppo allows the user to actually jump off-air itself, allowing them to stay in the air for much longer than usual. While the technique itself affords several advantages both in and out of the battle for the user, it has one major weakness, since it's usage depends heavily on the user's legs, restraining or pinning down any major parts of their lower body can significantly disrupt Geppo

Tekkai(level 55)

Desc: One of the six techniques of Rokushiki. Tekkai hardens the user's muscle to the level of iron, in order to nullify damage taken from attacks. However, it can be broken by strong enough forces. When Tekkai is active, the user is unable to move. Tekkai can also be used to enhance the user's attack by the increased density one gets from using Tekkai, similar to Armament Haki, although it requires the user to utilize Tekkai after they are mobile toward the opponent. The strength of Tekkai can vary for users with different physical conditions, the higher the level of muscular strength can take stronger forces and enhance attacks. Furthermore, one should remember that the user's body is still flesh and blood, so it has its limits. Tekkai also cannot protect against non-physical attack, making the user vulnerable.

Shigan(level 50)

Desc: One of the six techniques of Rokushiki. Shigan is a close-quarter combat technique, in which the user pushes their finger into a certain target at a very high speed. It's a very useful technique that can connect rapidly and accurately, which works well with the Rokushiki users impressive speed and agile technique. However, it's never been used to counter or deflect another powerful attack in any fights, which is why the user could easily break their finger instead of blocking it with Tekkai. Furthermore, it would also sprain your finger when failed using the technique.

Rankyaku(level 60)

Desc: One of the six techniques of Rokushiki. Rankyaku is a powerful projectile technique, in which the user starts kicking at very high speed and strength, sending out a sharp compressed air blade that can slice objects and greatly damage a human body. However, it has been shown that almost any length of appendage (such as tail or neck) at high velocities are also capable of this move.

Kami-e(level 55)

Desc: One of the six techniques of Rokushiki. Kami-e makes the user's body extraordinarily flexible in order to avoid attacks, float and bending their body like a piece of paper.

Although I don't usually use Shigan a lot considering that I always use my wires, I do use Geppo a lot cause come on let's be honest here, it's pretty fun considering you can somewhat fly...Actually, does it still considered flying? Either way, It doesn't really matter, but on the other hand, I'm still trying to learn how to use Rokougan. Apparently, the only way I can learn this technique is as if I reached level 100 on all of the six Rokushiki techniques...yeah this shits gonna take a long time.

Okay, onto the next one, so I was able to buy another skill manual which is...Haki. Yup, I now know how to use both Observation and Armament Haki, although the manual itself cost a lot which was somewhere around 100 or 150 Million SP, but hey it was worth it. If you're wondering how many SP I have, weeeelllll...

System Point: 450 Million

I guess that's what happens when you stole from a bunch of rich people, expensive store and killing people...did I forget to mention that when I kill people, I gain more SP...don't blame me, blame The Darkness. Anyway, yeah I know how to use Haki now, although my Armament is not that great, it's still good enough for me to coat my arms and wires in Haki. My Observation, on the other hand, let's just say it's good enough for me to predict people's movement. And if you're wondering...no, I don't have Conqueror's Haki which is unfortunate.

Observation Haki(level 35)

Desc: It grants the user the ability to access a kind of extrasensory perception, granting the user several helpful abilities.

-Presence Sensing

Desc: Allows the user to sense the presence of others. If fully mastered, it would allow the user to see other, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. This type of Haki allows the user to see another person aura, be it behind buildings, strategically hidden or camouflaged.

-Strength Sensing

Desc: Allows the user to measure the strength of the people whole presence they sense. Through Strength Sensing, the user can easily locate powerful allies and avoid powerful enemies.

-Intent Sensing

Desc: By using this ability, the user can sense the intention of someone, allowing the user to predict the action of others. The user can predict the attack of their opponent and counter them. The more killing intent the enemy has, the easier their attack are to predict, although more skilled users can predict moves whether it is murderous intent or not.

-Locked(Reach level 60)

-Locked(Reach level 70)

-Locked(Reach level 90)

Armament Haki(level 30)

Desc: Grants the user augmentation of their body via their own spiritual energy, allowing them to access to a great increase of power and endurance. Because of this, Armament Haki is the most used in combat.


Desc: The most basic ability, it grants an enhancement of power and endurance. It can be used in a single part or in the user's whole body. It also has the ability to bypass the power of a Devil Fruit user whose body has been altered by their fruit in any way, such as Logia and Special Paramecia users. However, unlike Seastone, it does not actually nullify the user's Devil Fruit power. It can also be used as a higher level of offensive power, more so than just bypassing a foe's Devil Fruit.


Desc: An evolved step of the Enhancement. A heavy concentration of this Haki can harden the body of the user, granting the user a greater increase of their power and endurance that surpasses the mere Enhancement application. It's most distinctive and recognisable Haki, as it turns the user's body shining in black colour. The hardening effect of this technique is easily able to block sword attack and even break them if the user is strong enough.


Desc: By touching an object the user can imbue it with their own Haki to greatly increase its power and endurance. It is a great asset for weapons-based fighters, as it can be imbued into weapons. Any weapon that has been enhanced by Armament hits immensely harder than it would, as well as allow the weapon to take greater punishment without breaking. This ability usually used in conjunction with Hardening, turning the object black.

-Locked(level 60)

-Locked(level 85)

Ok, guys, I want you to keep in mind before this I had almost 6 Billion System Points...again I stole from a lot of rich people don't question it. So yeah, I was scrolling down in the Shop System, trying to find a good Devil Fruit, and I came across this Devil Fruit.

5.5 Billion SP= Sakana-Sakana No Mi, Model: Cthulhu

Desc: It is a Mythical Zoan type that allows the user to transform into Cthulhu, which is a green giant with an octopus head, dragon-like wings and sharp claws.

Weakness: Although the user still has the same weakness as any Devil Fruit which is Sea Water, however with the power of this Devil Fruit the user can slowly adapt the weakness through training.

Yep...I can't believe it myself either, but apparently, Cthulhu does exist in this world...I don't know if I should be worried or not. Anyway, when I saw this at the shop I was goddamn happy cause I had enough SP to buy it until I found this warning.

*Warning, after you consume this Devil Fruit, be careful when using its power as it is very dangerous and only the strong-willed and mind can control and comprehend this power. You have been warned*

Yeah, at first I was kind of a bit worried about this warning but then I thought nothing of it and just bought the Devil Fruit. Oh, how wrong I was. The day that I ate that Devil Fruit, was the day that I was never the same person again.


Leo's Pov

Right now, I was standing in the middle of the forest while holding the Devil Fruit that I just bought.

"So this is what the Devil Fruit looks like huh, I gotta say it looks kinda weird." said Leo

The Devil Fruit looks like an apple with dark green colour and blue swirls.

"Well, I guess every Devil Fruit looks weird, alright then just a single bite out of this Devil Fruit and I got its power." said Leo as he was getting ready to eat the Devil Fruit.

"Alright, bottoms up." said Leo as he immediately took a bite out of the Devil Fruit.


After I ate the Devil Fruit, I started to get ready for the worst taste I had ever have, but after a few seconds later, I tasted...nothing...just nothing, it just tastes like a normal apple.

"Hmm weird, people say that whenever you eat a Devil Fruit, you would always taste something horrible or weird, but all I'm tasting is just not-" said Leo as he got interrupted

Suddenly my head started to hurt like hell and by instinct, I dropped the Devil Fruit and hold my head in pain. It was the worst headache I've ever had in my entire life. (Just imagine the pain is like Diavolo infinite deaths)

"ARRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHH" screamed Leo very loud

"Goddamn, this shit hurt like hell, is this what the warning means." thought Leo as he was still in pain

[Partner! Partner! Are you okay!] said the System with a bit of panic in his voice

"Wh...what do you think System, can't you see I'm in p...pain right now." thought Leo

[Don't worry partner, I'll try to find a way to get rid of the pain] said the System

"P...p...please, make it fast." said Leo

After a few minutes of torture and agony, the pain finally stopped and I let go of my head.

"Huff...huff...huff...finally...huff...the pain...huff...stopped." said Leo as his body was covered in sweat

After that, my body and mine couldn't take it anymore and I started to fall unconscious due to exhaustion

Somewhere in the dark void

"Ugggh, where am I." said Leo as he groggily wakes up.

"Wait, why am I here again!? Did I actually died from consuming the Devil Fruit!?" panicked Leo

"Oh man, I knew I shouldn't have been too greedy and I should heed the warning, dang it and now look what happe-" said Leo only to get interrupted

"Look behind you." whispered a voice

"Huh! Who said that!?" said Leo as he looks around trying to find the voice

"Look behind you." repeated the voice again

"Okay." said Leo a bit confused

As I turned around, I then saw something that will haunt my dreams for the rest of eternity. What I saw was...Cthulhu itself standing there menacingly. He was staring at me...directly into my eyes. Mere words can't even describe of what I'm feeling right now.

"W...w...wh...what...t...the." stuttered Leo

"L', ymg''re orr'enah ahf' mgepah able I' survive ya r'luhh (So, you're the mortal who was able to survive my powers)" said Cthulhu in a deep strange voice

"W...w...what, I can understand it" thought Leo as he is still terrified.

"Nafl uh'eor ymg' mgepah able I' survive ya r'luhh, mgng ymg' mgepah able I' survive f' both mentally ng physically (Not only were you able to survive my powers, but you were also able to survive it both mentally and physically)" said Cthulhu

"W...w...what do you want Cthulhu and can you understand what I'm saying right now." said Leo

"yes, orr'enah, Y' ahor kadishtu ahf' ymg"re ai ng ahf' Y gotta IIII ah ymg' I' inherit nilgh'rinah or ya r'luh (Yes, mortal, I can understand what you're saying and what I want is for you to inherit my power)" said Cthulhu

"Any orr'enah cahf mgep tries IIIIn'gha Azathoth fruit ah hai mglw'nafh mgng ymg' ah uh'eor orr'enah cahf mgep survived ng IIII cahf ah worthy (Any mortal that has tried eating the Devil Fruit are now dead, but you are the only mortal that have survived and for that you are worthy)" said Cthulhu

"Holy shit, I think I might go crazy if I just keep staring at him." thought Leo

"Oh h' mgr'luh like ymg"re yog I' wake yogor hup ymg' slumber orr'enah, vulgtmnah ng, Y' guess h"s shame, oh vulgtmnah, c' ahor meet ephaii ph'nglui ehyeahog yar, mgep no farewell (Oh, it looks like you're about to wake up from your slumber mortal, well then, I guess it's a shame, we shall meet again in another time mortal, until then farewell)" said Cthulhu

Before I could even speak or question Cthulhu, I suddenly started to fall down

In the middle of the forest

Leo's Pov

"Auuuggghhh not again, why does this keep happening to me." said Leo as he wakes up

[Partner, you are awake, how do you feel?] said the system

"Yeah, don't worry about me system, I'm okay." said Leo as he started to get up

"Damn, it's already night time, just how long was I out." said Leo

[Approximately 8 hours, partner] answered the System

"I didn't mean it to you System, but either way thanks." said Leo

"I should probably go back home fast, I don't want to make Makino be worried sick about me," said Leo as he started going back home

"But I can never forget that encounter, it was so terrifying and menacing, just looking at him was enough for me to almost go crazy, I think I'm gonna start have nightmares from now on." thought Leo as he was still terrified by Cthulhu's terrifying presence.