Inside the Captain's cabin

3rd Pov

"So Kitt, have you finally decided on your choice yet?" said Leo as he inspects the jar full of the Monstrum Virus

"Yes. I have already made my decision. However, I got a question that needs to be asked, " said Kitt as he sits on a chair and fixes his broken arm

"What is it, then?" questioned Leo

"Why is there a body on the table, " said Kitt as he looked at Ajax's body resting on top of a table

"Oh him? I'm just gonna do a few experiments on him, so it's nothing much. Also, if you're wondering, he's still alive right now.l, " said Leo

"So it would seem, " said Kitt as he goes back to repairing his arm

"Are you gonna experiment on him now or later?" questioned Kitt

"I'll just wait until Alex finish doing what's he's doing, " said Leo

"Where is your crew? Are they busy right now?" questioned Kitt

"They're killing monsters right now. Back at the village, I told them to go and finish the rest of the monsters, " said Leo

"Anyway, enough about me. So, what's your answer? Are you gonna join my crew or not?" questioned Leo

"...I've been doing lots of calculations and I've decided that I'm gonna join your crew, " said Kitt

"Alright then, welcome to the-" said Leo only to get interrupted by Kitt

"However, only under these conditions, " said Kitt

"Ugghh, not again. I swear this shit always happens to me. Okay, what is it?" said Leo

"For my first conditions, I want to be able to freely do my experiments as well. I won't bother you except for when I need some materials for my constructions/experiment, " said Kitt

"Okay, I can allow that but you're going to have to tell me what is it you're gonna be doing first. Last time someone did an experiment without my notice, they almost sunk The Jackdaw. Luckily, we were at the docks so nothing bad happened, " said Leo

"For my second condition, I wish to have the freedom to upgrade this ship. For my third condition, I want to also have the freedom to help you in making and improving your crew's weapons and armours, " said Kitt

"Okay, that can be arranged. Although, for the third one I'm gonna have to ask my crew about that, " said Leo

"For the final condition, this is more of a personal one, I want to go back to the mansion, " said Kitt

"Okay, that one can also be done. I just need you to mark it on the map. But what are you gonna do once we got there?" questioned Leo

"Grabbing all of my belongings. Also, I want to see it one last time just before I go," answered the robot

"So, does this mansion belongs to you or something?" questioned Leo

"No, it belongs to my creator, " said Kitt

"And I assume he's dead, now?" said Leo

"Correct. He has been dead for approximately a year now, " said Kitt

"...You have my condolences, then. Do you still miss him?" questioned Leo

"...I...do, actually. Even though I am unable to feel any emotions, I still do miss him. For the longest time, my creator tried to make me learn and understand how to feel emotions. Unfortunately, that dream didn't come true as he died of old age, " said Kitt

"Did he taught you how to repair/improve ships?" questioned Leo

"Yes. He also taught me lots of things such as geography, math, the history of the world, different languages..." said Kitt

"Okay, okay, I get it. He taught you a lot. Is there any more conditions that you want to add?" said Leo

"Just don't torture me or force me into making something that I don't want. If you do then I'll eliminate you. Other than that, there is none, " said Kitt as he looks his broken arm

"What are you doing, Leo?" said Kitt as he saw Leo filling some Monstrum Virus from the jar to a syringe

"Oh nothing, just wanted to run some experiment, " said Leo as he walks over to Ajax's body

"Now, let's see here. I wonder what would happen if I inject more virus to someone who's already infected. Does it do anything or does it do nothing? Let's find that one out, shall we?" murmured Leo as he injected the virus inside his body

After that, his body started shaking a bit and you could hear him groaning in pain. His left arm started to grow a bit bigger and somehow looking more paler.

"Okay, so it does react, just not the way I was expecting. I thought that it would make him a bit more...menacing. Turns out it just makes him grow bigger. Well, at least it did something, " said Leo as he pulls out a notebook from his jacket and started writing it

"You know, it kinds of ironic if you think about it. Before this, he experiments on other people just to get some result, now he's literally nothing but an empty husk of what he used to be and is now used as a test subject. I almost feel bad for him...almost. In a way, karma is a bitch, " said Leo

"Speaking about test subjects, I should probably capture some bandits or pirate and used them for my experiments. Better yet, why don't I call Alex Mercer and 'borrow' some of his blood. I wonder what would happen if you mix both the Blacklight virus and Monstrum virus together? Ooohhh, this is definitely something I should see. Maybe I could make some new species out of it, " thought Leo

Kitt just started at Leo impassively and immediately returns back repairing his hands.

[ Uhh, partner. You're dozing off again.] said the System as he appears right beside Leo

"Hmm? Oh sorry!" said Leo as he puts his notebook back into his pocket

"Hey, Kitt! Let me help you with that arm of yours!" said Leo as he walks over to Kitt and helps him repairing his hand

[ *Sigh* Honestly, this is such a bad idea, partner. Trying to experiment on something that is still unknown will always lead you to worse situations. I guess curiosity does kill the cat.] said the System

"HEY! ATLEAST HE DIDN'T JUST CONSUME THAT...THING LIKE AN IDIOT! " said The Darkness as he suddenly joins the conversation

[ Yeah, that's true. But still, do you really think it's a good idea trying to experiment on it? This is a dangerous game he's playing.] said the System


[ Probably? Do you mean 50/50?] said the System

"LET'S JUST GO WITH THAT FOR NOW, " said The Darkness

[...Yeah, guess so.] said the System as he disappears out of thin air

A few days later,

At an unknown island

3rd Pov

"Alright guys, here we are, " said Leo as he jumps off of the ship

"This is your home, right Kitt?" said Leo as he saw Kitt and some of his crew jumping off the ship

"Scanning...Scanning...scanning complete! Yes, this is my home, " said Kitt

"Good, let's get going now. You lead the way, Kitt, since you this is your home, " said Leo

"Leo, I got a question that needs to be answered?" said Kitt

"Okay. Make it quick, " said Leo

"Why are there so little of your crew? Where is the rest of them?" questioned Kitt as he only saw Kuina and Cole going with them

"Oh that. I told my right-hand man which if you don't know by now is Hans to stay at the island and help the villager kill the rest of the monsters remaining left. Same to both Alex and Kuro, " said Leo

"Okay, but is it okay to leave them like that? Not that I'm worried or anything but do you trust your crew that much to complete the mission?" said Kitt

"Yeah, don't worry about it. I know Hans a long time ago, so I know how strong he is and we trust each other. Also, this might sound a little weird but you could say that we're fighting as a family, " said Leo with an enthusiastic voice

"Fa...mily? But I scanned you both before and both of you are not blood-related, " said Kitt

"I mean of course it's obvious that we're not blood-related but still, in a way, I really do think of him as a part of our family. But it's not just him though, everyone in my crew is like a family to me. Even you, Kitt, " said Leo

"Even...me? But, why? We know nothing about each other and yet why do you want to treat me as apart of your family?" questioned Kitt

"Why? Honestly, no reason at all. I just really like to consider every one of my crew as my family. Plus, don't you like it that someone would consider you as a part of a family?" said Leo

"I..." said Kitt only to get interrupted by Cole

"Hey, guys, sorry to bother but are we gonna go or are we just gonna stand here and do nothing?" said Cole

"Oh right, I almost forgot about that. Anyway, you can tell me your answer later. Right now, show us the way to your mansion, " said Leo

"Right. Follow me, " said Kitt as he started walking towards the location while Leo and his crew follow behind

While they were walking, Leo decided to question Kitt again.

"Hey Kitt, about your creator. Can you tell me more about him? I'm quite curious to know more about him, " said Leo

"Sure. My creator's name is Dr Mathhew Hills born on June 20th 1443. He was a scientist working for the World Government-" said Kitt only to get interrupted by Leo

"Wait?! Your creator worked with the World Government before?! Has he ever met with Dr Vegapunk before?!" questioned Leo

"Yes. My creator said that he has met with him before however whenever I tried questioning more about him, my creator would either avoid the question or simply ignore it, " said Kitt

"Oh... But why though? Did your creator do something bad to the Government? I mean not that I blame him or anything cause... well, you know why" said Leo

"My creator said that he was a defect to the World Government. He said that he created something that is considered both dangerous and powerful. Once the World Government knows of this, they tried to forcefully take the invention and use it for their own needs. However, before that could happen, my creator destroyed his lab and barely escaped the World Government, " said Kitt

"Okay, how did he escape exactly? If this invention is so important then there must have been dozens of ship and at least a high ranking officer trying to capture him, " questioned Leo

"To be honest, he got lucky. There was a terrible storm at that time and he was able to use that advantage to escape. Unfortunately during his escape, he lost both his map and a compass so he was stranded on a ship for a while, " said Kitt

"What happened after that?" questioned Cole as he joins in on the conversation

"He said that after he escaped the World Government, he encountered a fishing boat on the sea. After that, he said that it's all history. However, he also said that before he escaped, he was able to take some of his inventions with him, " said Kitt

"Would one of the inventions perhaps be the thing that the World Government wanted?" questioned Cole

"...Yes. He was able to recover that invention, " said Kitt

"What exactly is this invention that the World Governments so desperately want? From what I heard, you said that it was so dangerous that the World Government had to have it for themselves. So what is it?" said Kuina as she also joins in on the conversation

"The invention that the Government so desperately wanted...is me, " said Kitt

"You? You were the invention?" said Cole

"More specifically, it's what inside of me, " said Kitt as he taps at his chest

"My creator said that it was called The Reactor Core. The Reactor Core is a blue positive energy that has infinite amounts of power source that is both more powerful and cleaner than any nuclear energy. In fact, it is so stable and positive that it would restore any damaged ecosystem on this planet, " said Kitt

"My creator was both in awe and ecstatic about the core that he decided to start an invention. After many months of trial and error, he finally created what is known now as The Reactor Core. Unfortunately, the World Government has eyes everywhere and not long after they too also discovered it. After that, you already know the rest so there's no point of repeating it, " said Kitt as he finished his story

"Hot damn, so you're telling me that right now you're powered by that Reactor Core inside your body, " said Cole

"Yes, " confirmed Kitt

"Damn man, so where did he find it? From the sound of it, it looks like he found it somewhere, " said Cole

"It's vague but I remembered my creator saying that he discovered it when a small meteor crashed near his lab. He immediately investigated the meteor and discovered it's nature as a star fragment. He theorized that the meteor was located millions of year away from another planet that has no longer existed." said Kitt

Anyway, while he was extracting the star fragment, it was revealed that the energy within the star fragment consists of 2 energy. One you already knew while the other one is a reddish jet-black negative energy. This one is the complete opposite of the Reactor Core. It is both unstable and is able to destroy anything at a cellular level. My creator called it the Negative Core and it is theorized that its energy potential is ultimate destruction itself, " said Kitt

"What happened to the Negative Core?" questioned Leo

"Unknown. Potentially lost, " said Kitt

"That sounds bad, " said Kuina

"Yeah, no shit. Let's just hope no one finds it, " said Cole

" We have arrived at our destination, " said Kitt as he stops in front of the mansion

The mansion is big and looks old. The walls are purple and the rooftop is black. They noticed that the front gate is broken.

"This must be where you fought Ajax and his monsters, " said Leo

"Yes, " said Kitt

"Alright then, come on everyone let's go inside, " said Leo as he and the other started going inside the mansion

Inside the mansion

3rd Pov

"Okay, this place looks...big and dusty, " said Cole as he looks around the area of the house

"Not surprised, I mean we already saw how big this house is, " said Kuina

"Alright guys, why don't we split up. Cole and Kuina, I want you to explore around for a bit while Ajax and I are going...wait where are we going again?" said Leo

"We're going to my creator's laboratory, " said Kitt

"Right that. So see you all back at the entrance, " said Leo as they started splitting up

Leo followed Kitt upstairs and saw lots of paintings and lots of doors. A few minutes later, they finally arrived at a white door. Kitt opened the door and he goes inside the room. Leo followed suit and saw the room is dark.

"Lights on!" said Kitt as the lights lit brightly inside the room

"Ow. Too damn bright!" said Leo as he covers his eyes with his hands

A few seconds later, Leo slowly lowers his hand and is in a bit of awe. He saw lots and lots of amazing invention inside the room.

"*Whistle* Wow! These inventions look so futuristic. Did he created all of this?" said Leo as he examines an uncompleted machine

"It's not just him, I also created some inventions too, " said Kitt

"I gotta say this is very impressive. I mean, are you sure we did not accidentally go to the future or something?" said Leo as he picks up a big gun

"I assure you, we did not go to the future. Although, I was thinking of creating a teleportation machine, " said Kitt

"Hey Kitt, what does this gun do anyway?" said Leo as he examines the gun

"Observe, " thought Leo

Prototype Gun

Desc: A prototype gun that was made by Kitt. This gun shoots out a blue laser that is quite lethal. Unfortunately, Kitt has considered it as a failure due to how heavy it is and it overheats easily

"Nothing much. It only shoots out laser but unfortunately, it was considered a failure, " said Kitt

"Hey, do you mind if I keep it? Maybe I could repair it?" questioned Leo

"Do whatever you want with it. If you could repair it then good for you, " said Kitt

"Nice. Thanks, Kitt, " said Leo as a dark portal appears beside Leo and he puts it in

"So what is it that you want to do here? Back at the ship, you said that you wanted to grab your belongings. So where is it?" questioned Leo

"It's right here, " said Kitt as he opens up a secret compartment inside the walls

Inside the compartment, there is a black suitcase, a picture of what appears to be Dr Matthew, 15 ammo bullets packs, seastone handcuff and a goggle.

He picks up the picture and looks at it for a bit. It shows Dr Matthew looking very old and is sitting on a wheelchair. Standing beside him is Kitt wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and a goggle on his neck.


Inside the laboratory, Dr Matthew looking to be in his mid 70's is wearing a lab coat, black jeans, black short and a pair of goggle. He has curly black hair, brown eyes and has a bit of scar on his left cheek. He looks at the deactivated Kitt that is resting on a metal table. He looks to his right and saw a small briefcase on a table.

"Okay, I've prepared everything I need. Now, let's get this started, " said Matthew as he opens the briefcase

Inside the briefcase is a spherical blue energy core. This is the Reactor Core. He puts his gloves on and slowly picks it up.

"*Sigh* this is the only way. After this, there's no turning back, " said Matthew as he puts the core inside Kitts's chest.

He shuts the chest and immediately goes to a lever and pull it. Kitt started going up as worse started pulling him up. After that, electricity started to violently appear around his body. Not long after, all of the machines that Matthew created started to get affected by the lighting. Some of the machines started blowing up and not long after, a bright blue light started to shine brightly.

After that, the lightning finally subsided and Kitt started slowly descending. Matthew slowly got close to Kitt and started to inspect on him.

A few seconds later, a bright light suddenly envelopes his eyes. After that, he blinks and his eyes return back to normal. He blinks again and again until he looks at Matthew.

"W-who...who am I and...who are you, " said Kitt in a monotone voice

"Heh, looks like it was a success. Thank God it worked otherwise, I didn't know what to do, " thought Matthew as he started smiling a bit

"Hello there. My name is Dr Matthew Hills. Welcome to the world of the living, " said Matthew

"I...are you...my creator?" questioned Kitt

"Why yes I am, " said Matthew

Kitt started to slowly get up from the table and tries to walk. However, he almost falls onto the ground if it weren't for Matthew catching him.

"Woah there, sonny. Calm down for a bit. Here try sitting first, " said Matthew as he helps Kitt sits back on the table

"Whew, I gotta say. You're quite heavy. Then again you're a robot so it would make sense" said Matthew

Kitt started examining his hand and tries to move his fingers. He looks up at Matthew and asks another question.

"What is my name, my creator?" questioned the robot

"Your name? Well, I haven't thought of it yet so let me think for a second. Hmm...Aha! Your name will be Kitt, " said Matthew

"Kitt. I shall remember it, my creator, " said Kitt

"Eh, stop saying creator, will ya? Just call me Matthew or professor, " said Matthew

"Then from now on, I shall call you professor, " said Kitt

Another flashback...

"Hey, Kitt! Could you help me over here! I need a little bit of help from you!" said Matthew as he looks to be in his 80's

"I'm here, professor. What is it that you need from me?" said Kitt

"Come here for a second, will you. I got something to show here, " said Matthew

Kitt comes over to Matthew side and saw red curtains hanging beside a wall.

"Could you open up that curtain for me?" said Matthew

"Most certainly, professor, " said Kitt as he pulls open the curtain

Behind the curtain, he saw a small cake on a table and a picture of him.

"What is this professor?" questioned Kitt

"Happy Birthday, Kitt! Today is your 5th birthday!" said Matthew as he walks over to Kitt and pats his shoulder

"Professor, I'm sorry to ask but...what is this thing called birthday? Is it some type of celebration that you speak of?" questioned Kitt

"It means that today is the day of your birth. We usually celebrate it once a year, " said Matthew

"But...why is this the 5th? Shouldn't it be the 1st?" questioned Kitt

"Well, I kind of forgot about your birthday cause I was busy teaching you. But don't worry about that, here take this, " said Matthew as he gives Kitt a present

"A reward? But I didn't do anything special today, " said Kitt

"Ahh, don't worry about it. Just open the present, " said Matthew with a big smile as he ruffles his hair

Kitt slowly opens the present and see a brand new pair of goggles.

"So, do you like your gift, Kitt? I made it myself, " said Matthew

Kitt puts on the goggle and looks around the area.

"I...I like it, professor. I shall cherish this for the rest of my life, " said Kitt

"Hahaha, it's nothing much honestly. But thanks, I appreciate the compliment, " said Matthew as he pats his back

"No professor, I will wear this goggles and I shall wash it every day. I will make sure it stays clean and shiny, " said Kitt

"Calm down, Kitt. I swear sometimes you could get too serious, " said Matthew

"Now enough about that, why don't we blow out the candles and cut the cake, " said Matthew as he directed Kitt towards the cake

"Happy birthday, Kitt!" said Matthew

Kitt looks at the cake for a second and blows out the candle

Another flashback

We see Matthew in his laboratory making another invention. Suddenly, he started coughing very badly and he falls onto the ground

"Professor, are you all right!" said Litt as he rushes towards Matthew

"*Cough* *Cough* I'm *Cough* I'm fine Kitt. It's just *Cough* a simple *Cough* *Cough* cough. I'm gonna be *Cough* fine, Kitt, " said Matthew

"No, your not professor. You're coughing very badly, " said Kitt

"Ahh don't worry *Cough* *Cough* about it. It's probably just me growing *Cough* old" said Matthew, as Kitt helps him slowly, gets up

"Are you sure about that professor? Should I get the coughing medicine?" questioned Kitt

"Yeah, I guess you *Cough* could do that, " said Matthew

Kitt nods and immediately goes to get coughing medicine from a cabinet. Just as he got the medicine he turns around and saw Matthew on the ground again

"Professor!" shouted Kitt as he drops the medicine and rushes towards the professor again

Kitt crouches down and started to scan him.

"Temperature low. Heartbeat is slow. This is bad. Hang in there, professor!" said Kitt

Another flashback


This time, it shows Matthew in his late 80's resting on a bed while looking outside the window. He hears a sound and saw Kitt opening a door with a tray full of food.

"Professor, here is your lunch, " said Kitt as he closes the door behind him

"...Just put it on the table, Kitt, " said Matthew as he saw Kitt put the tray in the table

Kitt pulls a chair from the table and sits on it.

"Professor are you okay? Is there anything you need? Do you need to go to the bathroom?" questioned Kitt

"No, no Kitt. I'm okay. How is the lab Kitt? Were you able to create anything today?" questioned Matthew

"I was, although unfortunately, it turned out to be another failure. I shall make sure that next time it works, " said Kitt

After that, it was silence. Matthew looks at the food and then looks at the window again.

"Professor, can I ask you a question?" said Kitt

"...What is it, Kitt?" said Kitt

"I'm sorry if this sounds personal but... it's regarding your past. How was the world like? Were you happy? Have you ever regretted doing something in the past?" questioned Kitt

"...Well, I did one time. But... I wish to not talk about it, " said Matthew

"Then I'm sorry for asking about it professor. I shall never speak about it ever again, " said Kitt as bows a bit

"No, don't worry about it, Kitt. I... How about this, let me tell you a story, " said Matthew

"Once upon a time, there was a kid who was born a prodigy. He was such a genius that everyone started praising his works. The kid was so ambitious and diligent that one day he wanted everyone in the world to recognize him as a genius, " said Matthew

"Every day, he goes to school and started learning anything he can. Not long after, people and even the teacher started to praise him. Fast forward to when he was 18, he got an invitation from the Marines. They said that they want him to create an invention that could impress them. Once he saw this, he drops everything and started to work very hard on making an invention, " continued Matthew

"On the final day, he presented a machine. It's called The Devil Fruit Tracker. With it, the marines could identify if that person has any Devil Fruit or not. Safe to say, it works and the Marines were impressed that they wanted him to become a scientist in the Marines. The kid was ecstatic and immediately said yes without thinking. The kid thought that 'This is it! This is where I finally could show the whole world that I'm a genius!" said Matthew

"What happened after that, professor?" questioned Kitt

"Well, let's just say that day the kid will finally learn how unforgiving this world is. He has been living with people praising and spoiling him that he forgot that reality hits you harder than you thought, " said Matthew

"...Was that...was that kid you, professor?" questioned Kitt

For a few seconds, Matthew didn't say anything and just nods.

"Kitt, whenever I look at you. I always saw myself when I was younger. So full of ambition. However, after years of teaching and taking care of you, I saw you as a son I never had before. Kitt, you were without a doubt my greatest creation that I have ever made and it is the first time that I don't regret ever making, " said Matthew as the smiles at Kitt

"...T-Thank you, very much professor. I shall cherish your kind words, " said Kitt

"Hahaha, no worries about it. Now, could you help me bring my food here? I'm quite famished here, " said Matthew

"Certainly, professor, " said Kitt as he helps Matthew eat his food

Another flashback

This time, Matthes in his 90's is in the backyard sitting in a wheelchair while Kitt stands behind him holding the handles.

"It's a beautiful sight to see, isn't it Kitt?" said Matthew

"Most certainly, professor, " said Kitt

"...Kitt, could you do a favour for me, please?" questioned Matthew

"Anything for you, professor. What is it that you wish for me to do, " said Kitt as he leans a bit to the front

"One day Kitt...one day, when I leave this world. I want you to go out to the world and make some friends. I don't want you to stay here forever and do those crappy inventions. I don't want you to make the same mistake that I did years ago. I want you to be free and... do whatever you think that makes you happy. I'll always be proud of what you do, " said Matthew

"... I'll think about it, professor. However, I still don't know what it means to be happy or feel any kind of emotion. I'm just...emotinaless, " said Kitt

"Don't worry, Kitt. One day, you will learn what it feels like to have emotions. Although speaking about it, before this I've seen you actually felt happiness before, " said Matthew

"What do you mean by that, professor?" questioned Kitt

"Haha, oh I don't know, like the time where I gave you that goggle as a present. Oh, I remember that day, alright. You seem quite happy and content about it. You see that's proof that you do know how to feel happy. It's just that you never seem to notice it. Either way, I just want you to be happy with your life," said Matthew

"...I"ll try professor. I'll try, " said Kitt

After that, they said nothing but look at the backyard with the sun being very bright.

Final flashback...

Kitt is standing at the backyard and looks at the ground.






He looks at the grave and puts some flowers on it. After that, it started raining and Kitt still doesn't move

"...Don't worry, professor. I will be the one to carry your legacy. For now, you may rest, " said Kitt

He turns around and started to go back to the mansion. He looks at the grave one last time.

"Goodbye...dad, " said Kitt as he walks inside the mansion

Flashback end

3rd Pov

"Hey, Kitt! Hey! Do you hear me!" shouted Leo as he tries to get the robot attention

"Yes, I hear you. What is it that you want?" questioned Kitt

"Yeah, don't you hear Cole shout? Come on, he said that he found something, " said Leo

Kitt looks at the picture one last time and puts in his pockets. He grabs the briefcase, ammo, wears his goggles and walks towards Leo

"Alright, lead the way Leo, " said Kitt

"Alright, let's go, " said Leo as he and Kitt started running out of the lab