Inside the mansion, Living room

3rd Pov

Inside the living room, Leo and the others look at an opened bookshelf. In it, they saw a set of stairs going down.

"So uh...yeah. Look what I found, captain," said Cole

"Uh-huh, I can see it," said Leo as he saw a set of stairs going down

"Exactly, what happened in here?" questioned Leo

"Well, me and Kuina we're just exploring the whole mansion looking at some stuff, it's nothing much. That's until I go to one of the bookshelves and I tried to grab a book," said Cole

"Let me guess, the whole bookshelf just opens?" said Leo

"Yup! Hit it right on the nail, captain," said Cole

"Hey Kitt, you never told me that there's a secret room in this mansion before?" questioned Leo

"That's because there's nothing down there except for some weird language, scribbled on a wall" answered Kitt

"Weird language? Could you describe it?" questioned Leo

"...I don't know how to put it but the language is nothing but scribbled," said Kitt

"Okay, that honestly doesn't help anything at all. You know what let's just go down there. If you guys want to come with me then be my guest," said Leo as he started going down the stairs

"So uh...Kuina, you're coming?" questioned Cole

"I got nothing better to do so let's just go," said Kuina

"Okay, you...what's your name again?" questioned Cole

"My name is Kitt, Cole," introduced Kitt

"Alright, Kitt. You're coming with us?" questioned Cole

"If thats the captain order then so be it," said Kitt

"So everyone's coming then. Okay, let's get going," said Cole as he and the others started going down the stairs

Underneath the mansion

"Good God, I can't see shit down here. Hey, are you guys still with me!" said Cole as he and the others climb down the stairs

"I'm right behind you, Cole. You don't need to shout," said Kuina

"Wait, wait! Hold on a second, let me just do this and..." said Cole as he channels his electric in his body

"Done. Now, we can see more clearly," said Cole as he became a human flashlight

"Good, just don't get close to us especially Kitt since he's a robot," said Kuina

After a few minutes later, they finally reached the end of the stairs. They look around the area to only see a big room with a bunch of skeletons laying around.

"Huh, what happened in here. It looks like a shit shows down here," said Leo as he picks up a half skeleton head.

"Yeah and there's almost practically nothing in here except for these skeletons," said Cole

"Wait, didn't you say that there was a weird text down here?" questioned Leo as he looks at Kitt

"Yes, it's right over there," said Kitt as he pointed at the end of the room.

All of them started going there and just like what Kitt said, there is a bloody text that is written on the wall. The text says...

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

"I uh...yeah... I don't understand it at all except the Cthulhu one. Although for some reason, I think I've heard it from somewhere before," said Cole

"I've tried every language I could find and since then none of them seems to indicate anything. It's as if this language wasn't meant to exist," said Kitt

"It says 'In his house at R'lyeah dead Cthulhu waits dreaming," said Leo as everyone even Kitt looks at him in shock

"Wait, you can understand it? How?!" said Kuina

"...Well, I hate to do this but I guess it's time for me to tell you the truth. Alright, everyone, I want everything I say stays in here and that's an order. You got it?" said Leo as everyone looks at each other and nod their head

"Alright, here we go. The reasons for how I was able to know it is because of my Devil Fruit. My Devil Fruit is called the Sakana-Sakana No Mi, Model: Cthulhu," said Leo

"Model Cthulhu? Exactly, what is a Cthulhu?" questioned Kuina

"Well, to put it short Cthulhu is an alien. A very powerful alien. I don't know when or how but from what I've known, that...thing must have crashed landed on this planet to rest," explained Leo

"And how exactly do you know all this, Leo? I mean from what you said, how do you even know if it's even an alien," said Kuina

"That's because I have the unfortunate time to meet that thing. After I ate the devil fruit, I just found out that Cthulhu is still alive. That thing was humongous and honestly, that was the only time that I got scared in my life," said Leo

"At first, I was in denial thinking that it was just some fucked up imagination that I've dreamed of. But now, this thing, these sentences right here, just proves to me that Cthulhu rests in this world. Oh and the word R'yleah, that is his 'home'," said Leo

"If you have met Cthulhu before then can you try and describe it?" questioned Kitt

"Sure. He's huge, he has a pair of dragon-like wings, has a squid for a face and it's green or well I think it's either lime green or dark green," said Leo

"Anyway, this Devil Fruit is a Mythical Zoan and what it does is pretty simple. It makes people go insane," said Leo

"Making people go insane. That's a terrifying ability," said Kitt

"Right? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. Anyway, since it's a Zoan, I can turn into Cthulhu itself. Unfortunately or well, fortunately, I can only change my hands and legs," said Leo

"Is that it? Is that all of its power?" questioned Kuina

"No, I highly doubt so. There still more where that came from, it's just that I still haven't unlocked it yet. If I'm gonna be honest, I think I might have only unlocked 10% of its power," said Leo as he looks at his hand

"Oh and I also forgot to mention that if I ever turn into Cthulhu full form, then I want all of you to close your eyes as fast as possible including you to Kitt," said Leo

"Why? Is it too ugly to look at?" joked Cole

"I wish it was but no. Remember when I said that it could make people go insane? This would also apply to its true physical form. In short, if people ever see Cthulhu true form then not just you guys but everyone in this world would go insane. Don't even try to resist it. Some tried and failed miserably. The only way I could think of trying to not go insane is as if you close your eyes. In a way, you could say that sometimes ignorance is bliss," said Leo

"Holy shit, that shit is just too Op. Can someone please nerf it, like damn how can something like this even exist in the first place!" said Cole

"Well, it wasn't meant to exist in the first place. Hell, you could even say it was also my fault. I should have just eaten another Devil Fruit but no, I just had to be so greedy," said Leo

"What did you do, captain?" questioned Kitt

"That...well, I'm not gonna talk about it. Maybe next time. Honestly, just thinking about it makes me, even more, guiltier," said Leo

"Anyway, let's get out of here. There's nothing for us to see anymore," said Leo as he started walking back to the stairs.

"...Hey, do you think we should...I don't know... try to talk to him about it?" questioned Cole

"No, it's best if we leave him alone for now. From the looks of it, it's best if we drop it for good or until he's comfortable enough to talk about it," said Kuina

"I agree with Kuina. The captain is having a guilt trip right now. It's best if we leave him to his accords for now," said Kitt

"Yeah, I guess your right. But still, the power to be able to make people go insane from mere sight? That sounds absurd. I can't believe Devil Fruit such as captain exists here. Wonder if there's anymore like that in the Grand Line," said Cole

"If there is then we gotta be prepared. We don't know how many there are going to be out there but the only thing we could do right now is to get stronger and be prepared for the worst," said Kuina

After that, everyone started climbing up the stairs and exits the mansion.