An Unexpected Meet

Today is a week day, the day that Kaitou didn't have to go school and today he is out of his house because he need to find a new reference about studies.

He walked down the street while holding a book and because he didn't pay attention of his surrounding that he accidentally bumped into someone.

His book fall down and when he looked up to see who he bumped into it was a guy almost the same height as Kaitou looking like a highschooler.

"Oi, you little shit how dare you bump into me, Where is your apologize huh!?"

He then gripped Kaitou collar with his bare hand. Kaitou who didn't show any interested on him looked at the girl who is with him.



"Huh? Do you know this girl?"

"No, I don't ever remember meeting her at all."

"T-teacher i-isn't that a bit m-mean!"

Kaitou then sighed as he thought that today going to be another peace day instead trouble still come for him.

"So what happens? Did this guys trying to bother you?"

"U-um yeah, When I s-said th-that I do-don't want t-to f-follow them they s-still bo-bother me."

"HAAA? What did you say!"


The guys then said with a loud voice and that surprise Yua.

Because the guys sudden shout. Out of the blue they are being crowded with people.

"Ah, I really didn't like people staring me."

Said Kaitou then he sighed. He then change his view toward Yua who is avoiding the guys eye.

"You there…"


"Do you need help?"

"Y-yeah i-if can!"

"Well then…"

Kaitou then hold the guy hand who is gripping at his collar.

"Wh-what are you going to do huh?"

Kaitou then twisted the guy hand and lock it with karate style.

"Ah, damn it because of you guys trash my clothes have been dirty. Who are going to clean it now HUH?"

With a demonic aura coming out of Kaitou the guys who was threatening him before got scared. Kaitou then continued his word.

"This is why trash like you only could bullies weak people, but how unfortunate for you I'm not weak at all."

"How about you already go home and go cry at your mom lap?"

With that Kaitou then push the guy down to the ground.

The guys and his gang hurriedly run from the place.

"I-I will r-remember this, you asshole!"

After chasing away the gangs Kaitou then hold out his hand. Yua looking flustered a bit tried to take his hand but the thing that Kaitou want to take is his fall book.

"Geez, because of that trash my book become this dirty."

He then looked down at Yua who still holding out her hand.

"Hm, what are you doing?"

"N-no nothing at all…"

"Is that so? Oh, by the way are you alright?"

"A-ah y-yes it's a-all because o-of you. T-thank you t-teacher."

"Is that so, well then have a good day."

With that Kaitou walked away from the place leaving Yua alone.

"W-wait a m-moment T-teacher."

"What? You still have something to do with me."

"Y-yeah ac-actually I w-want to treat y-you f-for a drink."


"Be-because I want t-to thank y-you for h-helping m-me out."

"Well, if you want to thank me then next time try not to give more trouble to me. Well then, have a good day."

Kaitou then walked away and arrived at the bookstore.

"So, how long are you going to follow me?"

Said Kaitou while looking at Yua who has been following him after that.

"I-I will follow y-you a-anywhere u-until y-you want to a-accept m-my invitation."

"Well then, do as you like."

As he said that Kaitou then entered the bookstore.

"T-teacher… w-wait for m-me!!!"

Inside the bookstore Kaitou then goes around and looking at the book about studies.

"Hmm, which one should I get?"

"U-um t-teacher, what a-are we d-doing in t-this store?"

"Huh? Why are you asking that, can you see that we are going to buy book here."

"W-well I also can s-see th-that… w-well it's ok-okay though."

Kaitou looking confused at her look back the book he was holding.

"Well then, I've decided to buy this reference book plus this extra book that may help in the future."

Kaitou then carry the book that he going to buy. Yua looking curious took one of the book that Kaitou carry.

"Wh-what is th-this?"


Yua then looked at the front of the book as she read the title she was surprised that she don't know what to say. The title is about How To Control An Idiot Until They Followed Your Command, Hardcore Version…

I wonder how that kind of book can be sold at this store.

Kaitou then took back the book and move to the counter.

After he had paid the book he goes back and take Yua away.

"Let's go, you are embarrassing me by standing there."

At that time Yua was blushing because Kaitou take her by hand.


"By the way, you want to treat me right, I'm feeling hungry right now."


Looking disappointed Yua just replied with a smile on her face.

They then arrived at one of famous café at the town. Both of them then enter the café together. Inside both of them were welcomed by the maid there.

"Welcome home, Master."

"Oh, for today you guys are doing such a great job."

Replied Kaitou.

"T-teacher wh-what did y-you just do."

Embarrased Yua take Kaitou away to the corner.

"Didn't they call me Master before?"

"W-well yeah…"

"So, then I need to properly say my gratitude as their owner."

"How far did your mind go by thinking that?"

Saying that she put her hand on her forehead.

"Eh, did your talk become normal?"

"Wh-what d-do you j-just s-said T-teacher? Hahahaha"

As like she was hiding something she laugh awkwardly.

"Wh-whether than that sho-shouldn't we t-take o-our s-seat."

"Hm, you're right I felt tired just by standing here."

Then both of them were leaded by the maid there.

"Well then, Master if you had finish choosing your menu please call me."

"I will do that, for now you could leave."

Then the maid leaves their table. Yua looking at Kaitou with an unbelieve able face.


"T-teacher r-really say wh-what you h-had in mi-mind huh?"

"It's not wrong at all to show your true intentions."

"Well, th-that might b-be right?"

Said Yua while sipping the drink that the maid sent over.

Then the both of them finish their lunch. Kaitou as he look at his watch pick his thing up and stand up.

"Well then, if you don't have anything more I would like to excuse myself."

After saying that Kaitou then move to get out of the café but before he could do that Yua hold her.

"T-teacher c-could you wait f-for a bit?"

"Why though?"


As she said that she then looked out the window and saw a park.

"I-I w-would like to have a w-walk at t-the park."

"Is that so, well then have fun."

Saying that Kaitou once again tried to leave but got hold by Yua.

"T-teacher, d-do you w-want to l-leave me walk a-alone."

"Well… that is the plan though."

"A-are you g-going t-to le-let y-your g-g-girlfriend walk a-alone!"

As Yua said that all the customer in the café stare at them.

This girl is not bad thought Kaitou. Not stand the glare from the other customer Kaitou once again take Yua had and lead her to the park.

"So, what do you want to do here."

"N-not r-really…"

"Huh? You drag me out here just to said that?"

"Hehe, i-isn't it you're the o-one wh-who dr-drag me here…"

She chuckled more after saying that. Both of them then sit on one of the benched at the park.

"Hey, t-teacher?"


"I-I L-love you."




NAME: Sonozaki Sumire

Age: 17 Years old

Height: 164 cm

Cup: D

Birth of month: 9 September

Talent: Artist

Food Like: Late-night snack

Hair Colour: Black

Eye Colour: Green

Family Member: Father, Mother.

Status: Single

Work: Student



"What did you just say?"

Kaitou looking confused ask Yua.

"L-like I s-said…I-I l-like you."

As she said that she then leaned closer toward Kaitou.

"What are you doing?"


She then got their face close up to kiss Kaitou on the mouth but before she could do that Kaitou put his hand on her mouth stopping her.

"Shouldn't we end this already?"

"Wh-what are you s-saying t-teacher?"

"Don't play dumb…"



As she tried to speak out Kaitou open his mouth.

"Don't give an excuse to hide your act but honestly you really imitate your little sister really good."

"That it makes me thought that it was tiring to act all day."

"H-how did you know?"

Kaitpu as expecting her to say that push her back slowly and crossed his arm.

"I already knew from the start."


"Even if I said that you did a great job imitating your little sister but you make one simple mistake…"

"Wh-what is that?"

"Your sister now could talk to me just normally, Her word did not sound like that anymore."

Realizing her mistake she then sit up properly and somehow different from before.

"Huh, If you had already known from the start you should have told me earlier."

(Her attitude just changed really fast.)

"So did you know that I also ask the gangs to bother me."

"Well I know that because he had a bad acting talent. He shouldn't really say that did I knew you."

Saying that Kaitou look at Yui who is burning with anger now.

"Yeah, after this I will really give him a lesson."


"And here I thought that you didn't know at all it was me all the way."

Saying that she then looked down on the ground but then she realized something.

"But if you had known it was me from the start why did you still let me do as I like? You are the person who didn't even care if people embarrassed you at all?"

"Well the reason is because I can't let you do thing alone, because even it is late you're still my student if something happen to you I will need to take responsibility for it."


"But the main reason is because I want to see how long could you hold your little sister attitude."

"So that is your main reason huh? Teacher…"

"Oh, you could call me Kaitou if you want because it is way better to talk by using our first name."

Hearing Kaitou said that Yui just let out a big laugh.

"You are just like what I heard. Saying something important without showing any emotion? It must be interesting to get teach by you. Right Kai~kun…"

"I do said you could use my name but I didn't said you could make it into a nickname."

As Kaitou said that Yui just get up and put a smile on her face.

"Hmm, actually you need to get used to it from now on."


With just saying that she then walked from the scene leaving Kaitou alone.


"With this my problematic student had increased plus this one student is a bad one. I need to be careful not to bump into her always."

The next day at school.

"My calculation had gone wrong."

The reason Kaitou said that is because there is a new girl entering his class from this day on. All the student in his class is welcoming the girl with a joy environment especially Haruto.

"Hi, nice to meet you, My name is Yui, and from now on I will be learning together with you guys."

She then move her eye as like she is searching for 'someone' and that 'someone' is Kaitou. She then found what she have been looking for. The moment their eyes meet she then winked her eye at Kaitou.

"Oh god, please give me a rest already…"

With that Kaitou got a new student to be teach and also more trouble are going to come in but don't worry if its Kaitou then he might handle it with just one hand. Tehe!