Chapter 8: Act 1: Chapter 4

Thirtieth day, Seventh Moon, 228 AC

Jess was cooking up a storm in my house, while I had escaped outside with Koryn. I had made my preparations last night, and I had gotten my best clothes clean and the cloak for Nyra ready. Jess oversaw the feast preparations before she went off to help Nyra. She had roped in another farmer's wife, Tyna, for help, and the two of them had taken over my house.

I sat on the porch with Koryn and just enjoyed the day. Soon enough I would be standing in front of the Heart Tree, but for now I was trying to keep calm and relax. Koryn tried to keep me distracted and was doing a fair job but my mind kept drifting back to the upcoming ceremony. I was going to get married!

Koryn and I were playing some checkers, as I had made it in some of my non-existent spare time to help spare me boredom come winter. I started with checkers, since it was a fairly basic game that didn't need numbers or the like. When Koryn understood the game, he came to like it and we played together when we could.

After an hour or so, talk eventually drifted back to farm work and Koryn asked me, "So are you all set up for Nyra's dowry?"

I nodded and replied, "I've expanded the chicken coop to accommodate the geese and made a new stall in the barn for the sheep. It will be good to finally have some goose feathers for the bed and blankets."

Koryn laughed, "Aye, I bet it would. Still can't believe how badly you sleep!"

"Well we all can't have a lot of geese, can we? 'Sides I'm used to it; the road coming North was plenty uncomfortable, and there just isn't enough time."

Koryn grunted his assent, "True. What are you doing with your sawmill? Looks taken apart."

I looked over at the sawmill and saw what he meant. The wheel was taken off, and a lot of the gearing was taken off and stored elsewhere. "I'm a bit worried about the spring flooding. It'll be my first winter here, and I think it should be okay, but I'm not going to risk any of the expensive things."

Koryn nodded his understanding, "The bank looks like it'll hold, but you can never tell."

"Yes, I'm worried about the supports for the building itself. We'll see come spring, but I might make a better one on the other side of the river instead."

Koryn looked incredulous, "Another one? What's on the other side?"

I replied with amusement evident in my voice, "I might build a ditch on the other side to carry the water away from the river and build the mill away from any possible floods. I think I got a good spot picked out."

Koryn rolled his eyes, "Only you would consider building another giant building. You sure you got no Stark blood in you? Sounds like Bran the Builder come again."

I laughed, "Nothing so grand as Winterfell, but something big enough to start sawing for others. Make some coin, eh?"

We laughed, talked, and drank away the next few hours. Finally, midday came, and I went in to get dressed. My house smelt strongly of clam chowder, bread, and assorted pastries for the wedding feast. It was delicious. Jess and Tyna had made the recipes on my suggestion, and coin, since I wanted to make this truly special. The clam chowder was a new recipe to them, as were the pastries. The pastries used white flour, which was much more expense than whole wheat and had fruit in them. I knew Nyra would love them, as fresh bread was one of her favorite foods.

I got dressed quickly, grabbed my cloak for Nyra and exited my house. I started walking with Koryn to the Heart Tree. Unfortunately, it wasn't very close to my home being about a brisk 30-minute walk, but there was a path the entire way. When I got there, I saw that Nyra wasn't there yet.

I walked around to some of the others that came and greeted them and thanked them for coming. All told there was only four local families from nearby farms, as well as a few people I was friends with from the fishing village.

The Heart Tree itself was certainly breath-taking. Definitely not Earthly, it was a curious thing and it made me think on why I was here. This was the place of the old gods, were they real? Did they bring me here? I grew up like a lot of other Americans believing in God, if not necessarily actually going to church, but this was a world without God. Was it possible? Was I supposed to become the first Christian priest? I laughed and dismissed the image of me in priestly clothes.

I suppose I should have connected with the Faith, but it felt to me like it tried to imitate God and felt fake. Were the old gods the answer? I had tried not to dwell on these thoughts for many years, as I had yet to receive any sort of sign. With trouble, I drew myself back to the present.

I didn't have to wait long until she came into view. She looked beautiful walking underneath the sunlit canopy, in her white dress and heavy woolen cloak. She gave me a radiant smile when she noticed me.

Her family also came by in their nicest clothes, all dyed, and they certainly made a sight amongst the other families.

All the others went and stood off to the side, making a pathway to the tree for Nyra to walk.

I stood nervously underneath the great Heart Tree, and watched as Nyra and her father Ethan, started to walk towards me at the base of the tree.

I gave a reassuring smile to Nyra, and a confident nod to Ethan.

Ethan started the ceremony, "I am Ethan, son of Bran. Who comes to marry my daughter Nyra?"

"I, Michael Ragnar come to marry your daughter Nyra."

Ethan looked to his daughter, "Do you accept this man as your husband?"

Nyra responded in a clear voice, "I, Nyra daughter of Ethan, accept Michael Ragnar as my husband."

She reached out her hand towards me, and I held on to it as we kneeled before the Heart Tree. We both bowed our heads and gave a silent prayer. I prayed for a good life for my wife and children.

After a moment, we both rose, and I moved behind her and removed her cloak. Koryn came forward and took the cloak and gave me mine. I placed it on her shoulders and gave her a light kiss.

I then picked her up in my arms and started to carry her all the way back to the farm and the feast. This was a tradition I was not looking forward to, it was going to be a long trip.

As we all walked, I leaned down to Nyra and asked, "Comfortable?"

She laughed bright and clear, "More than you I bet!"

I laughed, it was tiring but it felt good to have my wife in my arms.

She asked, "Why don't we sing for everyone to pass the time? Might take your mind off the walk."

I raised an eyebrow, "How about your favorite?"

She smiled, "That would be perfect!"

"You've got the love I need to see me through. Sometimes it seems the going is just too rough…"

We sang and laughed as we walked back to the feast. By the time we arrived, we were all hungry and I was exhausted. I put down Nyra, while Jess and Tyna ran about serving the food.

As we all ate and drank, stories were passed, advice given, and there was a festive atmosphere throughout the area. The clam chowder was a hit, and Nyra loved the pastries. The next few hours were spent in merriment, and laughter.

Finally, as the sun started to dip below the horizon, someone called out "Bedding!"

Another tradition I was not looking forward to. It seemed Nyra was of the same mind, for she stood up and pulled me out of my chair. She then jumped into my arms and shouted out, "I think we can do it on our own!" She leaned to my ear, laughed and shouted, "Run!"

I laughed as we ran into the house and shut the door behind us. We could hear laughter outside. I looked to her, and we both looked nervous. This was not my first time, but this was my wife. My wife!

As I approached her, I leaned down and whispered "To the future, my love."

She just smiled seductively.