Where is her mommy?

With in one week Anuradha got shifted in Sameer's house. She doesn't like Meera at all, why would she? After all she's the daughter of her love Sameer. Many days passed away just like that, Anuradha was curious about Meera's mother. Where is she? Why she's not living with them? I think I should ask Sameer about it. Next morning she went to him and asked hey Sameer can I ask you something? Don't mind my question I'm just curious about Meera's mommy, where is she? Why she's not living with us? He answered Meera don't have mommy. Anuradha was sad, she was scolding herself how can I be so mean to a little girl? How can I hate her? From today onwards I won't hate her and I'm going to love Meera like my own daughter.