Chapter 1: The Beginning

It all started with the birth of darkness, and the fight between good and evil. With life hanging in the balance of right and wrong, lines will be drawn. Forces of unknown power will rise or fall at the hands of others. Giving life to generations of evil. Evil unlike any has ever seen. The mystery of life started with darkness, not the other way around.

Plagued with a difficult decision one being desired a different outcome. One that balanced the odds. That would make life a little less chaotic for those that came before him, and after. This beings name is Cosmo. The original Darkness. Born in the fires of the universe. Destined for greatness and to bring an end to the reign of his family. After years of planning, the first dark angel was born. His name is Maxium. He was made in the form of a man to blend into the humans world. He has bright blue eyes that seam to peer into the deepest desires of man. At first his only purpose was to destroy. He was given powers to complete this task. They are the powers of destruction and death. Attractive and seductive he made his way in the hearts of the woman on earth. Corrupting the very foundation of human kind. Spreading evil in his wake. With only one purpose it made it hard for him to feel any kind of remorse or pain.

Satisfied, Cosmo created twenty-four more dark angels and made Maxium king over them. His own personal army. To bring darkness to the hearts of man. His fathers most loved creation. He never gave Cosmo the time of day. They took his every attention. All he wanted was to be loved as they were. However his father wasn't capable of looking him in his eyes. Never gracing him with his presence. Justified revenge and rage filled his heart. Which is why he was led to deface the very thing his father loved most of all, the human race.

His father (God) is the reason he is banished from heaven. He hated that his son was in fact his equal. Never in his immortal life has anyone matched the power of his own. Cosmo is darkness. His exact opposite. Driven by rage and hatred. Therefore his banishment was justified in his eyes. He didn't have to explain his self. To no one. He's all powerful, and all knowing. However what came next he had no idea. The dark angel Maxium broke free of cosmos control. If he could do it the rest of them could. He had no idea what the dark angels were up to and it scared him.

In a desperate attempt to fight back, God created the first angel. He created him to defend heaven against the dark angels. His is Gabriel. He led an army of angels to earth. Where they started to kill the inhabiting people. Sparking the commonly mistaken beginning of the war between good and evil. However we know differently. It's been waging far longer then that. While this war continued, earth saw the side effects. lighting storms, volcano eruptions, earth quakes, and more devastating disasters. In the years to come bonds were made between the factions. Some dark angels and angels couldn't resist their urges. They fell in love with each other. Being Immortal never able to die gave them time to be with each other or so they thought. God created weapons that could strip them of their immortality. When Cosmo found out he warned Maxium of Gods plans. Maxiums determination and sheer power made him ruthless. With his top four generals Maxium killed half the angels army without batting an eye. If it wasn't for Cosmo he would have finished the job. This made Cosmo proud but at the same time made him worried. To keep them safe he had hell redesigned and turned into the dark angels home. A place they can live in peace and strive in darkness. Only problem was Maxium feel in love with a woman. Not just any woman. The angel of lust and desire. Her name is Sarah. When they were together it was as if time stopped just for them. Her long blonde hair fell down in-front of her green eyes. Her smile cursed the men and woman who looked at her. No man nor immortal could resist her temptation. Except for Maxium, who wasn't driven insane by her beauty. This is why she found him so breath taking. He wasn't falling head over heals for her. Partly do to his equal magnetisms. She fell in love with the king of hell. Both of them knew the risk of being together but didn't care. A few years later the love affair had resulted in the birth of a beautiful baby boy. Born with both dark angel and angel blood in his veins. He has black hair and bright blue eyes like glow like his fathers.

They named the baby, Azazel. Once Cosmo and god found out about the child, it was over. Fearing for their sons life they fled to earth and placed him inside a pregnant werewolf. Their love had been forbidden from the start but they didn't have to let their son die. Both Cosmo and God vowed a truss until the boy was found and killed. It scared Azazels parents both, which is why they needed to protect him at all cost. They believe Azazel would one day unite the angels and dark angels. Bringing an end to the blood shed. Azazels blood brand is a wolf, which is why he was placed into a wolf pack. He will be raised as one of there own and transform into a wolf not only on the full moon but at will. His parents bonded his powers to the pull of the moon and suppressed his wings from ever coming out until the time came when he needed his full power the most. This kept his powers from being detected but one day they'll come back and God and Cosmo will be on him relentlessly.

The screams of child birth could be heard from throughout the mansion. The alphas queen was giving birth to her children. In the other room. It was custom for the alpha to wait outside for the birth of his first born. The one that would inherit his pack after he stepped down from power. His heart stopped when he heard the cry of his first born stop. His pack held him back from running in. "It's to late Zack," Justin said. Grabbing his arm. Zack is six foot solid muscle. Bright crimson eyes and long dirty blonde hair. "There's one more push sweetheart push," the nurse said. As another baby's head started to push through. His screams echoed through the halls. Zack burst through the door. His wife was holding two boys in her arms. One lifeless body. The other full of life. He cried for his brother next to him. She looked up at Zack. "What are we going to do?" She asked. looking back down at the lifeless baby boy. Her son stopped crying and reached for his brothers body. He touched him and the color came back to his body. He breathed and started to cry once more. His fathers eyes widened. "Do you know what you want to name them?" She asked. Starring at them both. "Jason, and Collin. I have a feeling Collin is going to be a hand full," Zack said. Brushing Collins check. "Jason is going to need to be watched," She said. Kissing his forehead.

Years later the twins are turning eighteen. Their first transformation is tonight at the hight of the full moon. It's when the pack will determine which one of them gets to be alpha. This night will be a big deal. For the both of them. Who ever turns first will be alpha. The one with the smoothest transformation will be considered the strongest. This is designed so that the two brothers don't have to fight the other. Jason is the baby that died. He's been babied his whole life so that they could monitor him. Collin was never babied instead he was driven to be the best. Jason was the first born but had a rough life. He did however grow out of it and grew stronger like his brother Collin. Zack walked over to Collin who was sitting alone. With his head down. "Why aren't you getting ready for the ceremony Collin?" Zack asked his son. His blue eyes glistened in the moon light. "I can feel the moon calling for me dad. I don't know what's going to happen," Collin said. Starring up at the moon. "Can I tell you a secret? When you and your brother were born he died. You cried out for him and wanted to touch him. When you finally did grab him. His body's color came back and he started to cry again. You set in your mother's arms completely silent just starring at him. You're the reason he is alive. I can't explain it but I know your destined for great things son. Now come on the pack is waiting. So is Mia," Zack said. Nudging him along. "You know that no mater what happens by werewolf law she belongs to Jason. No matter if I love her or not," Collin said. Stopping his father. Zack turned around. "Son I didn't know. But the werewolf law is final. You know that. There's nothing I can do," Zack said. His face going blank. "Let's just get this over with," Collin said. Walking over to meet his brother in the field next to the ban fire. The whole pack circled them. "for what's worth I'm Sorry," Jason said. As he pulled off his shirt and dropped his pants, then his boxers. "Just do right by her," Collin said. As the moon burst through the clouds. Jason fell to the ground. His eyes started to glow bright yellow and his bones began to crack. Everyone stared at Collin with anticipation. "Why isn't he shifting?" some members asked. Jason began to growl and finished his transformation. He stood at five feet tall with a jet black coat of fur.

Collin slowly pulled off his jack. Cracking his neck he then pulled off his long sleeve shirt. Revealing a burn scar on his right arm and chest. It stretches from his shoulder to his wrist. His eyes started to glow a light blue and his fangs started to come out. Unbuckling his belt, he dropped his pants and boxers. Looked his father in the eyes. With a node of approval he dropped and transformed in seconds. In wolf form he stands five feet six inches tall. He has a snow white coat with light blue eyes that almost appears white. They stood side by side looking at the pack waiting for the final word but they were all speechless.

The smoothness of his transformation on his first time amazed them. The Ora that he was giving off was powerful. Unlike they have ever seen. Jason transformed back into his human form, and put his clothes back on. Collin looked up at the moon and howled. Deep and powerful. It sent shivers down their necks. "You can transform back now Collin," His father said. Walking over. Collin went to shift back but paused as a flash of a man and woman appeared in his mind. It almost felt as if he knew them. He shook his head and transformed back. He clothed himself while looking at the rest of the pack. He glanced through the circle till he stopped at Mia. Locking eyes with her. Mia is from another clan of werewolves there to bring the packs together. The laws state that she has to marry the first born son of the leading packs alpha. Which it difficult to look at her. By law she was Jason's. We walked passed his father and through the crowd. Passing her he walked over to his motorcycle. "COLLIN wait, where are you going?" Mia said. running up to him. "I'm not going to sit here and watch you get promised to my brother. I can't watch as they give you away to someone you don't love. I'm sorry," He said. Cranking the motor and speeding off.

She walked back to the ban fire where she met up with her father and Zack. Jason watched as she walked up. He had been in love with her since they were kids. But it didn't feel right. She didn't feel the same way about him. She has always been in love with Collin. He knew it, he wasn't blind. "Tonight we will bring the packs together. Bound in blood forever. We will rewrite are history as enemies, to family. I'm pleased to bring these two together to forge the pact we have honored for centuries," Zack said. Toasting everyone. "Together we'll be stronger as a whole," Her dad said. Putting his hand on Jason's shoulder.

She stood next to him awkwardly. Think about Collin the whole time. Hoping he wasn't getting into trouble. Hoping he was safe. Everyone could since the awkwardness in the air. "You ok baby girl?" Her father whispered to her. "I'm fine lets just get the ceremony over with dad," she said. Taking the knife from Zack. She walked over to the fire. Placing her hand around the blade and cut it. Jason walked over. Now standing next to her he took the knife into his hand and cut it. The final step to complete the promise was as simple as holding hands and letting their blood mix and fall into the flames. This would bind them together for ever.

As their blood feel into the flame. It sparked turning them green to mark the completion of the binding packs uniting. Every wolf bowed for the new alpha and alpha queen. This Relinquished the former alphas powers. The two family's couldn't be more proud of their children because one day they would have children of there own. Mia stood next to Jason as his equal but her heart belonged to someone else. His younger brother Collin had stollen it a long time ago. "Has anyone seen Collin. He just disappeared," His mother jasmine asked. Walking over to Zack. "You know how much this hurts to him. It's best to give him his space. I didn't want to drive him away. We both know who's the real strongest out of the two are. If he ever challenged his brother for the pack he'd win without a doubt. It kills him to see Mia with him. We weren't exactly fallen in love when we were promised to each other. He'll be fine but I'll watch him," Zack said. Kissing his wife. "Yes but Collin isn't like the rest and you know it," she said. Walking away.

Collin road into town hoping to clear his head. He couldn't stand there while his brother was given the rights to the love of his life. Every bone in his body hurt from the pain of loosing her. "Keep your head up. Your life is about to change Drastically," he heard a voice say in his head. Out of nowhere a eighteen wheeler rounded the corner. Smacking into his bike. Collin flew fifteen feet away from the truck. The bike was totaled. His arms and, legs were broken. He laid in the street bleeding. "Son of a bitch," Collin said. As the truck driver drove off leaving him there.

Jason grabbed his chest and collapsed. Everyone ran to him. "What's going on?" Mia's father asked Zack. "Somethings wrong with Collin. Something very wrong," Zack said. Looking to where his bike was. "You four get him to are doctor. I want everyone else here looking for Collin. Let's find my son," Zack said. Shifting into wolf form and took off in Collins direction. Followed by the rest of the pack. They followed the trial till they found him, or where he was. He was moved or more less dragged away. Everyone froze as his scent faded. They could no longer track him.

The amount of blood on the ground scared Zack. Collins bike was totaled and pieces of an eighteen wheeler were laid out all over the road. The ass hole kept driving.

"Ahh fuck," Collin said. As he touched his other arm. "Relax, you were hit pretty hard. It's going to take a while to heal. Even for you." A man said walking up to him. His eyes are as blue as the sea. His black hair is cut in a medium fade. He gave off a lot of power. Collin could feel it radiating off him. His choice of fashion was as simple as it was stylish. He is wearing dress shoes, jeans, a black t-shirt, and an open button up shirt. His accent sounded old as well but it didn't sound like any he's heard before.

Collin just stared at him for a moment and tried to stand up. His legs were only partially healed. "Don't move. You'll pull your stitches," The man said. easing him back down. "You need to rest," he said. Walking back into the kitchen. "I'll heal faster if I shift," Collin said. Sitting back up. His eyes started to glow and his bones began to crack. "Stay back," Collin said. As his fangs grew and he took his wolf form. He growled as he stalked forward. Getting closer to the man. "Collin you need to calm down. I'm only here to help you. Your life is about to change. This change that's coming will scare you without my help," He said. Collin remembered the face he saw when he shifted. It was him. The voice he heard was his. He transformed back. "It was you. The voices, the image I saw when I shifted. Who are you?" He asked. Putting his pants back on. He was silent for a moment. And then the unexpected. "My name is Maxium. I'm your father. Your real father," He said. As his eyes glowed bright blue. "You're lying," Collin said. Clenching his fist. "It's true, and when you need me the most I'll be there. You're not a werewolf. It's just one of your powers. Your real name is Azazel. You're half dark angel and angel. On the next full moon instead of transforming into a wolf your wings will come out. If you don't leave your family they'll die," Maxium said. Going silent. "This is bull shit I'm out of here. He said. leaving. "I'll be there son. Weather you need me or not," He said. Teleporting away.