A visit to An Old Freind.

Coming out of the corridor having left the policewoman back in her room, Xiao Ling came out to find the overweight man at the counter nearly sleeping once more.

It looks like he had managed to fall back asleep in merely a couple of minutes.

Without taking another look at the sleeping man, Xiao Ling proceeded to move to the entrance of the station before going out of the door.

Getting back out onto the street he saw that the expensive-looking porch car was no longer parked at the front of the building.

It seems like he was correct in his guess and that car had Belonged to Zeong Jiang.

After he had left the police station and was back on the outside and on the street, Xiao Ling raised his head slightly to look at the sun to see that it had yet to reach the middle of the sky.

Deciding Against going back home as it was still early, Xiao Ling began walking while thinking in his mind of where to head next.

As he began thinking of the matter, Xiao Ling suddenly remembered something, Or rather someone who should be close by based on his memories of his past life.

'I can deal with two birds using one stone. Visit an old friend and help him slightly and pay a little bit of debt back to him while at the same time get some ingredient to refine a couple of pills of immortality. They will be of help to Mother and Litle Che Che and I will be able to sell a couple of the lower grade ones once I get in contact with the hidden martial art sects of the world.'

With a new Goal in his mind, Xiao Ling began heading south crossing one street after another. This time Xiao Ling didn't need anyone to give him directions on how to reach his destination, his destination this time was one he could reach even in his sleep based on the number of times he spent visiting it in his past life.

After a couple of minutes spent walking, Xiao Ling found himself standing at the door of a familiar place. He found himself standing at the door of one very familiar herb shop.

Taking a look at this familiar door, countless memories started to return to Xiao Ling's mind causing him to sigh slightly but refusing to spend too long brooding over what had happened he shook his head and extended his hand and pushed the door open.

*Riiiiiing, Riiiiiiiing.*

As he pushed the door open the bell at the top of the door moved as well as it started to ring signaling to the owner of the shop that a customer had entered.

Having entered fully into the shop and after closing the door behind him, Xiao Ling turned into the shoop and started walking deeper into it while taking a deep breath.

The smell of countless medical herbs assaulted his nose while at the same time countless memories of the hours he had spent here learning alchemy assaulted his mind. It was all coming back.

"Who is it at this time of day? It's still so goddamn early even the whores are still sleeping with their clients."

As he was starting to get lost in thoughts of the past once more, suddenly an old scratching voice pulled him back into the present.

Raising his head slightly, Xiao Ling followed the voice too that it had come from an old man who had been laying down on a couch placed at the far end of the left wall of the room.

The old man had long white hair that stretched down to his shoulder and a moderately sized beard that was likewise completely white.

But in contrast to his body hair, all the clothes he wore were of black color, from his slightly disheveled shirt that showed his skinny body, to his slightly torn pants and even his footwear, all were black.

The old man raised himself from where he had been laying down on the couch and proceeded to move unto the counter located in the middle of the shop and while doing so he was constantly rubbing his eyes and cursing under his breath. He looked like he hadn't slept for days on end.

Finally having taken a seat on the chair behind the counter the man raised his eyes to take a look at who was this customer of his that had decided to bother him this early in the morning.

Upon finally landing his eyes on Xiao Ling the expression of the face of the old man froze before changing into one of slight anger and exhaustion. Sighing slightly the old man leaned deeper into his chair while shaking his head.

"What is a kid like you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school or something at this hour? Did you get separated from your mother and end getting lost? This is no place for a small kid like you to be at so just hurry up and leave and let me get back to my sleep."

Hearing the words of the old man, Xiao Ling nearly burst out laughing while looking at his face. The face of the man who had first taught him the basics of alchemy when he was struggling with his cultivation, The man who had guided him when he didn't have anyone to teach him, and the man who had, once Xiao Ling had incurred the wrath of The Fen Clan after killing one of their elders and crippling their heir, Stood against the entire clan in protection of him And even when the main branch came looking for Xiao Ling, He chose to sacrifice his own life without hesitation to allow him to escape from the city.

It had been a long long time since he last saw this arrogant prideful old man who was hist first official master.

'Looks like old man Mo is still the same. Still the same old arrogant hot-headed eccentric old man.'

Smiling while looking at the face of this old man, Xiao Ling chuckled slightly before raising one of his eyebrows before he started responding to the words of old man Mo in a joking tone.

"Is that really how you should be talking to customers? No wonder your shop is completely empty. Who would want to come to a shop owned by such a person like you?"

Old man Mo raised his eyebrow upon hearing the words of Xiao Ling. He hadn't expected this reaction from the young man standing in the middle of his shop. He had either expected him to leave after getting insulted or get angry and start insulting him after which he will proceed to throw him out of his shop.

He truly hadn't expected for this kid in front of him to simply take his words in stride and respond in that joking tone of his while remaining completely calm. With slight curiosity in his heart, he decided to humor this kid for a little bit of time.

"Oho? You say I shouldn't speak to customers like that? Then that must mean that you are a customer. So, What do you plan on buying?"

"Nothing. I have no money so I won't be buying anything today. I'm just here to see if you have what I need"

"So you say you're a customer yet you don't even have the money to buy anything? What a shameless kid."

Old man Mo snorted after hearing the words of Xiao Ling before shaking his head.

"Well, you can look at whatever it is that you want, just don't bother me."

Without responding to his words, Xiao Ling simply nodded his head before he started to walk around the shop taking a look at all the medical herbs available.

As he started to browse through the shelf looking if old Mo had at this point in time what he needed, Xiao Ling felt the old man keep his eyes on him slightly even though he pretended that he wasn't interested in what he was doing.

Smiling as he had expected this, Xiao Ling continued looking through the shelves.

After a couple of minutes and having found that everything he would need was available here, Xiao Ling turned around and started heading towards the counter where old Mo was sitting.

As soon as he was standing completely in front of the counter, the old man raised his head before taking a look at him and snorting slightly.

"So you finished taking a look? Then hurry up and leave. What does a kid like you who doesn't even know how to mix two herbs together even want in this shop of mine? Anyway, if you are finished, then you know where the door is."

Even after hearing the words of the old man, Xiao Ling simply smiled as he scratched behind his ear slightly before he started talking.

"You know, old man, if you had been slightly more pleasant I might Have considered helping and healing you."

The old man snorted after hearing the words of Xiao Ling before squinting his eyes at him.

"You? Heal me? And what will you heal me of? I'm as healthy as a horse."

Running his eyes over the body of the old man, Xiao Ling simply smiled before started talking while raising his fingers one after another every time he finished a sentence.

"Unable to remain asleep after three in the morning. Your left leg becomes completely paralyzed once every week. Every two days, your back starts to itch slightly and that itch only continues to increase until you are unable to do anything but lay down because of the pain. Even right now, your right hand is starting to become paralyzed as we speak. And I would say that your hand getting paralyzed is something that had only started happening a couple of days ago."

After Xiao Ling had raised only four fingers of his, the expression on the face of the old man had already become covered completely by shock.

For everything this kid in front of him had said was the truth. But how could he know? Old man Mo was certain that this was the first time he had seen this guy, and so how could he know all the pains he suffered from nearly every day?

With his voice shaking slightly from shock, the old man opened his mouth to voice his thoughts.

"H...how could you know all that?"

Xiao Ling simply smiled before raising the last finger of his hand and using it to point at the old man.

"The answer is pretty simple. Just by looking at you."

The shock that filled the old man's heart increased even more as he couldn't believe what he heard.

He was able to guess his pains just by looking at him?

The heart of old man Mo vibrated with shock.

His mind told him that he shouldn't believe what the young before him was saying, but, in his heart, hope started to begin forming, hope that no matter how ridiculous it may be, this young man before him would be able to help him and heal him of whatever was destroying his body.

With a shaking voice, the old man pointed to himself before speaking.

"What you had described indeed is what is happening to me. And you are even correct in your words that my hand has started getting paralyzed a couple of days ago. It is the reason that I had spent the last couple of days awake trying to find something to heal my body to no avail."

Pausing slightly to catch his breath and to try and calm his heart that was starting to get excited with every word he said, The old man continued talking.

"You said that if I had been pleasant then you would have healed me. Do you truly know how to do so? Do you truly know what ails me and you can cure it?"

Xiao Ling simply nodded his head while smiling slightly in his heart.

"Indeed I know what ails you. It's not anything that complicated. You had simply been too careless in your youth when brewing potions and medical pills that you inhaled too many fumes and toxin gas and they are now completely stuck inside your body sticking to your organs."

Hearing the words of Xiao Ling, Old man Mo slumped down in his chair while sighing. He had thought before of this theory but he didn't dare believe in it. For if it truly was the reason behind his body degrading and continuing to break down despite his best effort, then he would be able to do nothing against it. For once toxin gas had managed to fuse completely with any part of the body then it becomes impossible to remove it let alone if it managed to fuse with something as delicate as the inner organs of the body. There would be no hope of removing them no matter what may do.

As the old man slumped in his chair, Xiao Ling looked at him while smiling knowing what he may be thinking and so without allowing him to get lost in his thoughts too much, Xiao Ling coughed to pull the attention of the old man back to him.

"Old man, Did you forget that I said that it just a simple thing that ails you, And that I can cure it? Or are you no longer wishing to be healed and want to spend the rest of your life in pain?"

As soon as the words of Xiao Ling had managed to reach deep into the mind of Old man Mo he raised his head immediately while looking with questioning eyes filled with doubt and hope in equal measurer at Xiao Ling.

"A...Are you sure about that...That you would be able to heal me? But.....It's impossible.....There is nothing that can manage to separate toxin gas that had already fused with the body...Still...Are you sure that this is not some sort of prank, Because if it is I shall make sure to turn your life into a living hell."

Laughing at the words of the old man, Xiao Ling shook his head while sighing in his heart.

Even though he wished he could simply just offer the pill to old Man Mo to heal him, He knew him enough that he was certain that he won't accept it unless he slowly played up his hopes and unless he did things this way he won't even give him the time of day, And so he decided to continue with his plan.

"This is no prank. I have said my words. I can heal you. Now if you wish to believe that or not, Then its completely up to you."

Swallowing his saliva while using his tongue to wet his lips, Old Man Mo started nodding his head. Even though his mind and experience told him that this kid must be just lying, But his heart believed in him, Or at least, it tried to believe in his words.

"Very well then, I believe in you. I believe that you can heal. So, How will you do it? How will you heal me?"

Xiao Ling laughed shaking his head before raising one of his eyebrows in a questioning gesture at the Old Man.

"Looks like you truly are forgetful today. Do you remember what I said, How I would have helped you had you been more pleasant? Well, You haven't been exactly all that pleasant old man. So, Don't expect me to heal you for free and simply out of the goodness of my heart."

"If you can heal me, I will give you anything you may want. Be it money or anything else, I shall give you whatever you wish."

"Very well then. I won't ask for much, Simply to get a couple of herbs from you for free after I heal you."

Old man Mo started nodding his head with so much force that Xiao Ling started to worry slightly that his head will get separated from his shoulders.

"I accept. A couple of herbs is a cheap price for being able to get healed. If you manage to do what you say, Then you may take the entirety of the shop if you want."

"Then I shall gather the ingredients that I will need."

Having said so, Xiao Ling turned around and started once more heading to the shelves of the shop but this time he started picking multiple medical herbs.

After gathering nearly a dozen different herbs, Xiao Ling returned to the counter where old man Mo was still sitting watching him closely.

"Old man, Take me to the room of refinement. I know that you have one. I will need to use your cauldron."

Old man Mo nodded his head quickly once more before rising from his chair using speed not suited at all for his age as he started to take Xiao Ling to The back of the Shop, Where he proceeded to open one door after another Before finally arriving at the last room in the building.

This new room that they had entered was completely white and was nearly empty save for one middle-sized cauldron that was suited right in the middle of the room and a light fire that burned slowly beneath the cauldron.

"The cauldron is already heated. You can do whatever you wish to do so long as you heal me."

"Alright then."

Nodding at the words of Old man Mo, Xiao Ling headed towards the cauldron to start his work.

Old Man Mo watched with focused eyes on Xiao Ling. He wanted to see how would this Young man who claimed he could heal him use his cauldron. For it is an easy thing to see and focus on, On How would one use the cauldron, to see the level of the alchemist.

As he watched him, Xiao Ling suddenly did something that nearly caused Old Man Mo to start cursing loudly, For Xiao Ling simply just took all the herbs he had gathered and threw them into the cauldron. Without measuring how much he will use, Without taking his time to add one after another with extra care as would any other alchemist do. He simply just throw them in without any hesitation.

Old Man Mo barely managed to stop himself from starting to question Xiao Ling and decided to just continue watching him. Only for Xiao Ling once more to suddenly increase the fire beneath the cauldron to its limit causing the temperature of the room to increase and put a lid on the mouth of the black cauldron.

Despite managing to calm himself and restraining himself, Old Man Mo was screaming in the inside.

'Aaaaaaah, What is that kid doing? I could tolerate throwing all the herbs randomly in, But to just close the lid on the cauldron and increase the fire to the limit? Just where did this kid learn alchemy to be this bad? Or maybe he didn't learn any alchemy at all and he is just pretending.'

While Old Man Mo was struggling in his thoughts and criticizing every little movement of Xiao Ling, But Xiao Ling simply watched the cauldron and the fire beneath it heat it without moving a muscle of his body. For a simple pill such as the one he intended to make, for someone at his level, Xiao Ling didn't even need to concentrate on anything he did and could even do it in his sleep.

After a couple of minutes of simply watching the cauldron and the fire while channeling a little bit of his soul power into it, Xiao Ling turned off the fire and removed the lid and using his hand he took out one perfectly rounded white pill from the cauldron.

With the pill in his hand, Xiao Ling turned around and moved toward Old Man Mo to hand it to him.

Old Man Mo simply stared stupefied at Xiao Ling and the pill in his hand, Unable to comprehend how he had managed to refine a perfect looking pill with his carless alchemy method.

Managing to regain some control over his body, Old man Mo took the pill from the outstretched hand of Xiao Ling and held it up to look at it before moving it to near his nose to smell it.

"Kid, This pill, There is no smell coming from it. How could that be the case when you had used a couple of herbs that have a clearly defined and strong smell."

Xiao Ling smiled slightly but didn't open his mouth to respond to the question of Old Man Mo.

Noticing that Xiao Ling ad no intention of answering this question of his, Old Man Mo sighed, Took another look at the pill before throwing it into his mouth having gotten over his hesitation.

As soon as the pill had entered his mouth and he had swallowed it, Old Man Mo felt the pill begin to dissolve releasing incomparable heat inside his body, a Heat that was relaxing, But, As soon as the heat that the pill had released started to become uncomfortable it disappeared leaving him feeling cool and relaxed.

Suddenly and before he could say anything, Old Man Mo opened up his mouth and let out a deep breath and releasing a cloud of black smoke.

Old Man Mo stared in shock at the cloud of smoke that was right in front of him before taking a couple of steps back for he realized what this cloud of smoke was. It was the toxic fumes and gases that he had inhaled while refining a couple of pills before in his youth. The gases that he thought will always stay inside his body glued to his organs.

After managing to calm himself slightly, Old Man Mo managed to turn his attention back to his body and focus on it. As soon as he did so Shock once more returned to his heart and covered his face.

'Its a miracle, A miracle. I feel completely healthy. I can move my right hand. My back No longer is itching. I can feel the blood flowing in my left leg. I feel healthy. No, More than that, This is more than just being healthy. I feel like I have gone back to when I was in my teenage years. I feel full of energy. Just what was that pill.'

With his heart still beating furiously inside his chest, Old Man Mo raised his eyes to look at Xiao Ling who was still standing in front of him smiling.

"Young mang, Just what was that pill? I feel so healthy as if I have gone back in time to my teenage years. I feel full of so much energy and all the pains of my body are gone. Who are? And where did you learn alchemy?"

"My Name is Xiao Ling, As for what was that pill you just consumed, It is simply a purifying pill. It removes any toxins from the body of whoever consumes it. As for where I had learned alchemy, That is something I can't answer for you won't believe me."

'He must be the disciple of some legendary master alchemist and that is why he doesn't wish to reveal his origins, but that doesn't matter. He had proved with that pill of his that his abilities far surpasses mine.'

Shaking his head and having made his mind, Old Man Mo suddenly had a serious look on his face before he started speaking once more, But this time his tone was extremely respectful.

"Oh, alright then Master Xiao Ling. If you don't wish to answer then I won't press you too much on the matter but I do have a proposal for you."

Xiao Ling raised one of his eyebrows while tilting his head waiting to hear the proposal of old man Mo when suddenly the old man dropped to the ground and bowed his head deeply.

"I, Daai Mo, Wishes to become a student and a disciple of you, Master Xiao Ling. If you would accept me, It would be a great honor to me."

Seeing Old Man Mo bowing to him caused discomfort to appear in the heart of Xiao Ling. He hadn't expected things would turn like this and he hadn't expected that Old Man Mo would ask to become his disciple. He had only come here to help and heal him and pay him back however slightly for sacrificing himself in his past life to allow him to escape.

Getting a couple of herbs was simply a secondary thought that he knew he would get for if he wanted to convince Old Man Mo then he would have to at least ask for something in return for healing him and so he was shocked slightly seeing him lower his head to him.

Without allowing for his shock to show on his face nor allowing it to delay his action, Xiao Ling extended his hand and grabbed the shoulder of Old Man Mo before raising him up.

"Don't, There is no need for you to bow your head. I simply did what was agreed on in our agreement. Healing you in exchange for a couple of herbs from your shop. And I'm sorry to say this but I can't accept you as a disciple of mine. so, No more calling me Master Xiao Ling or anything like that. Simply call me Xiao Ling."

Hearing the words of Xiao Ling and seeing the slight discomfort in his eyes, Old Man Mo was dejected slightly but he had expected this and so he sighed before nodding with his head.

"Very well then. I knew that someone of your skills won't be willing to take such an incompetent person like me. So, You may take whatever you wish for from my shop. And if you ever need anything, You may come back here to get it anytime you wish for. Healing me and relieving me of pain, That is something that won't be repaid with just a couple of herbs."

Xiao Ling began scratching his cheek while sighing after hearing the words of Old Man Mo. He simply couldn't take one of his former mentors as his disciple and so he sighed and shook his head slightly.

"I'm unable to take you as my disciple but I shall return some time later and I shall give you a couple of advice if you wish."

The expressions of Old Man Mo became overjoyed before he started nodding his head with even more vigor than ever before.

"Of course. I would be absolutely grateful if you would help me advance in my alchemy and I would take any advice of yours."

With this matter settled somehow a little bit, Xiao Ling breathed a sigh of relief before he started walking out of the refining room as they started heading back to the herb store.

With them Back in the store, Xiao Ling grabbed a small plastic bag and began putting a couple of herbs in it that he took from the shelf of the store.

After filling half of the plastic bag, Xiao Ling nodded his head and turned to Old Man Mo.

"I shall be taking these herbs as payment for your healing."

Having had a couple of minutes of time to think, Old Man Mo had finally managed to calm slightly and returned to his former state of behavior.

Seeing the small number of herbs that he took, Old Man Mo squinted his eyes while looking at the face of Xiao Ling.

"Is that truly all you want? You can take however much you want. I don't think that just a couple of herbs will be enough to repay what you did for me and my body."

Xiao Ling simply shook his head while sighing in his heart.

"It is enough. I don't need much besides these herbs."

"As you wish. But remember, You can come back anytime you wish to get anything you want from me here."

Nodding his head, Xiao Ling started preparing to leave the herb shop having accomplished his goal, Though he truly hadn't expected for things to go this way.

*Riiiiiing, Riiiiiiiing.*

But, Before Xiao Ling could leave the shop the door suddenly opened with the ringing of the bell and one lone woman entered into the shop.

She was a woman of cold beauty with high cheekbones and dark cold eyes that were covered by a pair of sunglasses and hair that was so black it started to border on becoming blue and was wearing an expensive-looking long overcoat that covered nearly all of her body save for her blue trousers and her high black high heels and the bag she was carrying in her white as snow hand.

With a cold uncaring expression on her face, the woman didn't even bother looking at Xiao Ling as she entered into the shop and proceded to the counter where she looked at Old Man Mo.

"Ah, Young Miss Nuan. What brings you today?"

Looking at the cold woman who apparently was named Nuan, Old Man Mo tilted his head slightly. He hadn't expected the girl to show up today but he could already start guessing the reason behind her surprise visit.

Nuan didn't respond to Old Man Mo and simply put her hand into her bag and pulled a tied stack of money and put it on the counter. Having done so She opened her mouth to start talking.

"Mother's condition had worsened. I need another batch of the herbs. Here is your payment. Prepare them for me immediately."

Nuan's voice was befitting of her beautiful face. A silky voice that anyone would wish to hear more of. But as was her face completely devoid of any emotion, Her voice was also similarly cold to the extreme.

Old Man Mo simply sighed while shaking his head slightly while an apologetic expression appeared on his face before he reached with his right hand to below the counter and pulled one bag that was tightly closed.

"I'm sorry to hear about the condition of your mother. Sadly, My Abilities can't do much for her beside help to stabilize her no matter how temporarily. Anyhow, I had already prepared the next batch of herbs yesterday just in case."

Grabbing the bag with one of her immaculate and snowy hand, Nuan nodded her head without responding and started heading out of the store.

As she was about to leave the store, Old Man Mo looked at Xiao Ling who was still standing at the far right wall of the shop. Seeming to realize something, Old Man Mo's eyes became bright before he shouted.

"Miss Nuan, Wait one second."

Hearing the old man call for her, Miss Nuan stooped in her track before turning to look at him without any changes to her cold expression.

Seeing that he had her attention, Old Man Mo pointed to Xiao Ling using his hand.

"How About you ask for help from Xiao Ling over there. For while my medical abilities may be of no use in helping your mother, He s a much better alchemist than me and I think he might be able to help her or at least determine what ails her."

Following the hand of Old Man Mo, Nuan turned her cold eyes to finally look at Xiao Ling who was looking at her with slight curiosity in his eyes.

After looking at the young face of Xiao Ling for a couple of seconds, Nuan simply turned around without saying anything and resumed her walking getting out of the shop and leaving without saying anything closing the door behind her.

Old Man Mo shook his head upon seeing this while sighing slightly in his heart. It seemed that miss Nuan hadn't believed in what he said. He himself wouldn't have believed what he said hadn't he witnessed the abilities of Xiao Ling merely a couple of minutes ago.

"Oi, Old Man mo, Who was that girl?"

The voice Of Xiao Ling pulled Old Man Mo back from his thoughts.

"She is a Rich young girl who is trying to heal and wake her mother who had been unconscious for the last three years at the very least. She came to mee once and took me to see her mother, but unfortunately, I couldn't determine out what was wrong with her and all I could offer her were a couple of herbs and alchemy pills that will stabilize her."

"I see."

Xiao Ling responded simply while he rubbed his chin after hearing the words of Old Man Mo while deep in thoughts.

In his past life, He had never seen that girl visit the store while he was training here and Old Man Mo hadn't even mentioned anything about helping some the mother of some rich girl. This caused Xiao Ling to feel that something wasn't quite right.

'I may be overthinking stuff, But somehow this doesn't add up. Still, nothing will come out of me overthinking things.'

Shaking his head and pulling himself back from his thoughts, Xiao Ling bid farewell to Old Man Mo and headed once more to the door.

"Xiao Ling, Wait a second."

And once more he was stopped from leaving, This time by the voice of Old Man Mo.

Turning around, Xiao Ling suddenly raised his hand to catch what The old man had thrown at him. Looking at what he caught in his hand, Xiao Ling saw that it was the tied stack of money that The cold lady had left on the counter for Old Man Mu.

Raising his eyebrow in question, Xiao Ling looked at old Man Mo who had started to move toward his couch.

"What is this money for?"

"It is for You. Consider it me trying to pay back slightly of what you did for me today."

Shaking his head, Xiao Ling responded.

"We had already agreed that if I healed you I would be getting some herbs. I did heal you and I got my herbs, so you owe me nothing. Take your money back."

"Well, Then consider it my apology gift for trying to involve you in the matter of healing the mother of miss Nuan without asking you first. Didn't you say that you didn't have any money? Well, Take that stack with you. And no, I won't be taking it back. I already have enough money to live 15 lifetimes. I will be going to sleep. Sleep free of pains for the first time in years thanks to you."

After finishing his words, Old Man Mo laid down on his couch and pulled the covers over his old body.

Seeing this, Xiao Ling laughed slightly before putting the stack of money in his pocket while shaking his head. He knew from experience that once Old Man Mo had decided on something then it was nearly impossible to change his mind.

And so with his Goal of helping his friend accomplished, Xiao Ling turned around and opened the door leaving the shop without anyone stooping him this time and he closed the door behind him.