Spending The Evening Teasing The Little Sister.

As soon as Xiao Ling had closed the door of the restaurant behind him, He barely managed to keep himself standing and had to lean back on the door of the restaurant to stop his body from dropping to the ground while taking one deep breath after another.

As he stood leaning against the door, Xiao Ling closed his mouth along with his eyes and barely managed to prevent himself from throwing up a mouthful of blood.

Bending a Law of the world, while an easy thing to do for someone like him, it truly wasn't a wise choice. The damage it inflicted on his body wasn't something to be scoffed at and would kill any other mortal Especially with the backlash he ended up receiving from the universe trying to fight back against him and revert its laws to its previous state.

With his eyes closed, Xiao Ling began channeling all the healing powers of his soul into his body and started to close all the injuries that had been inflicted on his internal organs and started to stitch together his torn muscles.

Shaking his head while opening his eyes Having healed the largest portion of his injuries, Xiao Ling couldn't help but laugh slightly.

'Looks like my habit of Using the laws of the world whenever things start to get even slightly inconvenient is still following me even here in my new life. Still, I'm going to have to be careful to not do so again, at the very least not until my body is strong enough to handle the backlash of using this technique and will have to depend on weaker techniques.'

Having recovered his breath and done with healing his body, Xiao Ling pulled back his body from the door of the restaurant and began walking heading in the direction of his house.

He had enough fun for the day and wanted to spend what remained of the day with his mother and little sister.

While he was walking, Xiao Ling couldn't help but find himself deep in his thoughts. And the thing he was thinking about, it was what had forced him to do something like bend The Law of The World.

The thug leader had been a cultivator. No matter how weak he was, He was still at the very least able to harness his aura and was able to channel it into his knife. That wasn't something a complete beginner would be capable of accomplishing.

And there lied the problem for Xiao Ling. Because he was certain that the gangs of his city in his past life never had any cultivators in their ranks, or at the very least, only their higher up had some form of cultivation base.

And now some random thug had trained to be even able to use martial arts and channel his aura? Someone like that, according to what he remembered would have been someone with a very high position in any gang he was part of.

Xiao Ling doubted that the thug leader was someone who would hide his abilities and wouldn't use them to get a higher position. And so, what had stooped him from doing so?

Shaking his head, Xiao Ling pulled himself back from his deep thoughts. What he knew without a doubt was that the group of four thugs will definitely come looking for him sometime later and he would be able to satisfy his curiosity then.

And so, raising his head, Xiao Ling found out that he already reached his neighborhood which was unusually quiet today as the construction work had stooped for the weekend.

Navigating around the quiet neighborhood that had nearly been left deserted by its former resident, Xiao Ling finally arrived home.

Extending his hand, he proceeded to knock on the door as he had forgotten this morning to grab his keys when he went out.

After waiting for a couple of seconds, Xiao Ling heard the sound of the steps of someone moving in the house and the sound of those steps grew stronger as they reached the door.

"Who is it?"

Raising his eyebrow, Xiao Ling tilted his head to the side slightly after hearing the words of his little sister asking who it was knocking at the door.

Smiling while wondering why she would ask such a thing, Xiao Ling answered simply.

"It's me."

"Ah, Big brother. Are you alone?"

Xiao Ling was truly starting to become curious about why his little sister was asking all these questions.

"Yes, I'm alone."

"All right then."

After having said that, the door finally opened slightly in front of Xiao Ling and his little sister reached out with her head to look at him while the rest of her body was hidden behind the door.

After seeing that it was indeed her big brother and that he was alone, she finally opened the door completely to allow him to get inside and as soon as he had entered she closed the door quickly.

After getting inside the house and turning around to look at his little sister that had been hiding behind the door, Xiao Ling finally understood why she was acting like that.

For she was still wearing the same clothing she had worn earlier in the morning when she had woken him up which caused him to smile. Clothes that showed her curvy and seductive body.

"You still wearing those clothes? That's why you were asking if I was alone?"

Hearing his words, Xiao Che blushed and buffed her cheeks pouting slightly.

"Of course. Didn't you tell me to keep wearing them yourself this morning? *Hmph*, and now you act surprised seeing me wearing them."

Xiao Ling Smiled slightly before he reached with his hand and pulled her body to his by her hips.


Ignoring the cute scream of his little sister, he tilted back her head slightly to stare into her eyes while smiling. "And what would you have done if I wasn't alone, or what if it was someone else who was knocking?"

Feeling the hand of her big brother on her hips and with her body pressed against his muscular and warm body, Xiao Che couldn't stop her blush from increasing in size but she didn't lower her eyes this time while answering his question with an unusual certainty to her voice.

"Then I wouldn't have answered the door. I may be fine with you seeing me wearing these clothes and I may be able to tolerate mother seeing me in them if that was what you wanted, but I would never allow another man to see me like this."

Hearing her words, Xiao Ling couldn't help but smile and bend his head slightly to kiss her forehead while sighing in his heart.

'I had been a real fool in my past life. Ignoring a girl as beautiful and devoted as this one. Definitely one of my biggest mistakes that I would never repeat in my current life.'

Pullin his little sister along with him by her hips, Xiao Ling began heading toward the living room.

Sensing that they were the only ones present in the house, Xiao Ling turned to his little sister.

"Where is Mother?"

"Ah, She had just gone out to get some groceries for preparing dinner. I think she will be back soon."

"I see."

With his little sister following him, the sibling entered into the living room and headed toward the couch facing the already turned on television.

It looks like Litle Che Che had been watching some show on it before Xiao Ling had returned.

Reaching the couch, Xiao Che had expected her big brother to let her go so that they both may sit down, but unexpectedly, he didn't let her go, but instead he sat down and pulled her down along with him forcing her to sit down on his lap and put his one of hand on her thin waist while his other hand went to one of her thighs that showed because of the shorts she was wearing.

Feeling his hands on her body, Che Che couldn't help but shiver slightly with pleasure while her big blush from the morning returned in all its glory.

Blushing, Xiao Che started to breathe deeply before gathering her courage and turning her head slightly to look back at her brother with a playful smile on her blushing and embarrassed face.

"After I had spent the entire day trying to calm down, you just come back and starts touching me however he pleases. *Hmph.* Truly shameless. My brother had become truly shameless."

Despite her words, Little Che Che didn't try and get away from her brother and in fact, did the exact opposite and leaned her head back down on his chest while closing her eyes slightly like a contented cat.

For some unknown reason, She felt truly safe and at ease in the embrace of her big brother.

As for Xiao Ling, He simply smiled and leaned back as well into the couch as his hands started to move slightly over the body of his little sister while enjoying the feeling of her bountiful behind on his lap.

In his past life, he had never been able to spend time like this with little sister. From his distancing of himself from her at first because of his inability to accept his feeling for her, to being on the run and having to escape the city leaving her behind for years on end, to finally being so consumed by some petty revenge, that he didn't realize that she was already gone.

And so now, he was trying to make up for what he had lost and to enjoy every moment he had with her and with his mother as well.

Leaning back even further into the chest of her big brother as he leaned back into the couch, the sibling spent a couple of minutes in blissful silence simply enjoying the feeling and company of being close to each other.

Slowly, Litle Che opened her eyes and turned to look at her big brother.

"Hey, Are you hungry? While I'm not as good as Mother, I can make something simple for you to eat until mother comes back to make dinner."

While his left hand was running over his little sister's firm stomach and his right hand was massaging the yielding and sensitive flesh of her thigh, Xiao Ling shook his head.

"There is no need for that. I had already finished eating before coming back home, so, I can just wait till mother come back home."

Nodding her head, Xiao Che went back to leaning her head comfortably on the chest of her big brother which she was sure hadn't been this muscular. But, she didn't care about that and she didn't care about how he could have gained all these muscles so suddenly. All she cared about right now was enjoying the feeling of his hands touching her body.

Though she couldn't help but feel slightly frustrated as he was ignoring once more all of her truly sensitive places like he did this morning which caused her to pout and bite her full lips slightly.

As she was enjoying her brother's touch, Xiao Che suddenly remembered one thing she had been thinking about all day since this morning, and so without turning to look at her brother and while trying to keep her voice neutral, she asked him.

"Hey, big brother. Are you interested in mother?"

The movement of his hands stooped slightly in surprise before he raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean by your question, Che Che?"

"*Hmph*, You know very well what I mean. I'm asking if you are interested in Mother as a woman. Do you intend to make her one of your women?"

Smiling, Xiao Ling began moving his hands once more while he asked playfully. "And what made you ask that? What made you think that I may be interested in making mother one of my women?"

Turning in his lap, Xiao Che turned to face her brother. While she was still blushing being embarrassed and not being used to her brother touching her, She was much calmer now and she was looking at him with an expression of fake anger.

"What made me think you might be interested in our mother? Well, there is the fact that you are a male, the fact that she is so stunningly beautiful and her body is so obviously curvy even though she tries to hide it that it makes even me slightly jealous sometimes."

With his sister turned around completely facing him now while still sitting on his lap, Xiao Ling smiled teasingly and moved his hands quickly.


Xiao Che couldn't hold her scream of surprise and her fake anger disappeared completely from her face as she felt the hands of her brother both grasped each a cheek of her ass as he started kneading them forcefully.

She was still wearing the pair of extremely short-shorts that she wore in the morning and they had left nearly the entirety of her ass exposed, add in the fact that she was still slightly sore and sensitive from the spanking she had received from her brother, and she couldn't hold back her moans.

Xiao Ling smiled enjoying hearing the moans of his little sister and enjoying, even more, the feeling of his hand kneading her bountiful and surprisingly firm for its size ass. With his hands, he mauled her asscheeks pulling them in this direction and in that direction while sinking his fingers into their supple and yielding flesh.

Looking into the face of his little sister that appeared so seductive right now with the red blush covering her cheeks and her moist pink lips that were open slightly as she panted and moaned and her eyes that seemed to be glazed and unfocused, Xiao Ling, smiled with love in his eyes.

"So, You are saying that just because Mother is beautiful and has a nice body and because I'm a man, then I must be interested in her? Do you think of your brother as some perverted beast that only thinks with his lower half that would be interested in any good looking women?"

Hearing his words, Though they took a while to reach her brain that was muddled by pleasure and embarrassment, Xiao Che would have laughed if she hadn't been struggling to hold her voice back and stop herself from moaning.

And so she simply chuckled while biting her lips trying as best as she could to ignore the hands of her brother that were treating her ass as their plaything before looking at him and trying with all her might to appear as serious as was possible in her current state.

"Well, Dear big brother, considering what you are doing to my body right now, I would say that yes you are indeed a perverted beast. and regarding Mother, I saw how you were looking at her this morning."

Xiao Ling stooped the movement of his hands genuinely confused and curious about what his little sister meant with her words.

"How I was looking at her?"

Taking a deep breath after feeling her behind get spared for a couple of seconds, Xiao Che nodded her head before she raised her hand punched her brother playfully and lightly in the chest.

"*Hmph*, You think I won't notice, just because I'm a teenager and not that old? I too am a woman, and brother, women are the most perceptive creatures in the earth. I noticed it this morning. The way you were looking at mother this morning was the same way you are looking at me right now. Your eyes were full of love and you appear as if you are looking at a dear and cherished possession of yours. They were also full of lust as they are right now. And so I was wondering if you intend to make her your woman."

Xiao Ling couldn't help but laugh slightly while nodding his head. Apparently, he had underestimated his little sister. As even though this morning she was embarrassed beyond measure, She was still able to notice the way he had looked at their mother and notice how he felt about her as well.

"Well, Looks like you have figured it out, little Che Che. Indeed I look at mother as woman, and I do indeed have intentions of having her joining my harem and becoming one of my women."

Hearing him admit it, Xiao Che simply smiled and nodded her head without saying anything after which she returned to resting her head against his chest and allowing him to continue rubbing and doing as he pleased with her ass.

Seeing the calm reaction of his little sister, Xiao Ling was once more slightly surprised. He hadn't expected this calm and accepting reaction from her, especially after how she had behaved yesterday when she saw him talking to miss policewoman. But now she simply reacted with acceptance to hearing him admit that he had intentions for their mother and wanted her as his woman.

Smiling, and leaning back into the couch with her body resting on him, Xiao Ling began once more gently rubbing his little sister pert ass causing her to once more start trying to hold back her moans of pleasure.

As he did so, he turned his head slightly to the television that was still turned on and muted.

On it appeared one beautiful and mature looking lady dressed in an office lady suit that showcased her enormous and perky looking breasts with her hair tied back in a professedly styled bun.

The woman was standing in front of one podium which hid the rest of her body and was talking into the microphones put in front of her while a confident and domineering expression was on her face and an aura of unmatched maturity and beauty surrounding her.

As he couldn't hear what she was saying, Xiao Ling began wondering who was this beautiful looking woman that was on the television and as if answering his question, a card bearing the name and position of the woman soon appeared under her on the television.

[Zhang Xinyu, The Mayor of The city of Shanwei.]

Reading these words, Xiao Ling was shocked once more. The number of shocks he was receiving today was astonishing.

That was the mayor of their city? Xiao Ling was nearly certain that the mayor in his past life used to be some old fart with gray hair and falling teeth. Or at the very least, the mayor he had met once he had come back to the city was an old fart. Could this beautiful woman have been the mayor before him? Xiao Ling seriously doubted that a woman as beautiful as that one would lose any kind of election to some old and decrepit man.

And even if hell had frozen and pigs began to fly and that beautiful woman lost elections, Xiao Ling was certain that he would have at the very least heard of her in his past life. There was no way that he wouldn't have heard of his city having a beautiful mayor like that at some point in time.

For in this life, it only took him two days to learn of her existence.

Miss policewoman who was an ESPer and had a power that wasn't supposed to start appearing on earth not until 15 years from now, The thug leader who was a cultivator, and now, a Different mayor than the one he remembered.

Xiao Ling began to think that while he might have come back, this wasn't the exact past that he had lived in and that it had changed somehow.

With him deep in thoughts, Xiao Ling was only pulled back from his musing by the movement of his little sister as she started to grind her lower body against his own.

Seeing this, Xiao Ling couldn't help but smile, for it appeared while he had been thinking deeply, his hands didn't have any trouble in continuing to tease and play with the sensitive ass of his little sister to the point that she began grinding on him without noticing it.

"*Tsk, Tsk.* What do you think you are doing, Naughty Che Che?"

Raising both his hands slightly, Xiao Ling delivered a gentle spank to both her asscheeks at the same time while clicking his tongue slightly.


She had been feeling so comfortable and so safe while laying in his lap, and with the added pleasure she received from him playing with her ass. From his pulling on her cheeks and massaging them masterfully, it hadn't taken her long to fall into a daze of pleasure and laziness and to start grinding her groin against him instinctively and she was only brought back by the sudden spanks she received on her ass.

Raising her head from his chest, Xiao Che realized what she had been doing, that she had been grinding on him, a realization that made her immediately lower her head from embracement and to try and get up from his lap.

But, Xiao Ling didn't allow her to do so and grasped her hips by one hand while delivering another spank to her left cheek, this time, the spank was stronger than the one before it.

"Did I tell you to stop what you were doing? And, I don't remember allowing you to get up. Are you trying to disobey me, you bad girl? Maybe you need another punishment today. So, If you don't want to get punished, get back to what you were doing."

Saying so, Xiao Ling raised both hands once more and brought them down gently on her asscheeks causing his little sister to gasp once more in a mixture of slight pain and overwhelming pleasure.

Raising her eyes, Xiao Che looked at the face of her big brother while biting her lower lip nervously.

Looking into his face and seeing his calm and confident expression caused her heartbeat to increase while looking at his eyes to see the naked love, care and lust he was looking with at her caused her heart to flutter in happiness as she began to scream slightly on the inside.

'AAAAAAh. This is so embarrassing. I really do like this new confident side of him and how he would touch me however and whenever he please, but what he is asking of me right now is so embarrassing. AAAAh, but I can't disobey him, not when he looks at me like that.'

Biting her lip even more strongly to gather her courage, Che Che took a couple of deep breathes before lowering her eyes and after using her hands to hug the head of her brother she started resuming the grinding of her lower body against her brother and she did so, he smiled and moved his hands back to her tender and big ass to continue teasing it.

Smiling while his hands returned to their mission of molding and changing the shape of the ass of Che Che as he pleased, Xiao Ling relaxed in enjoyment as he felt her body grinding against his own. He felt her lower body grind against his groin while her developed and big perky breasts rubbed against his chest and her hard nipples scratched against his muscular chest while they swung in a mesmerizing way with every movement being unrestrained by anything save for the thin camisole type top she wore.

As she continued to move her body, Xiao Che continued trying to hold her moans back, or at least try to reduce their volume as much as she could, but it was a mission doomed to fail from the start. What with her sensitive nipples grinding against his chest every time she moved, her precious lower place that had already became drenched with her flowing nectar and was rubbing against his own groin, and the masterful way he was teasing her soft ass. Che Che was helpless in the face of all the mind-numbing pleasure he was giving her body and could do nothing but moan and continue her movement.

As she continued doing so, Xiao Che began to feel something slightly harden and begin to poke at her precious place through where their clothing met at the groin, and as soon as she felt this, her embracement went up along with her arousal.

For she knew what was rubbing and poking at her wet place, but, as she continued to grind against that half-hard thing, she started to become shocked and had to swallow her spit.

'It's big...It's way too big.....I must be mistaken...It cant be that big..can it? And it's still not fully hard.....Just how big will it get...'

And so with Xiao Che grinding against him rubbing all her sensitive places against him and with him continuing to claim her ass and train it to never forget his touch, the sibling lost track of time and were fully immersed in the body of each other.

*Click, Clack.*

"Litle Che Che, I'm back. Where are you?"

Suddenly, the sound of a key being turned and the sound of a door getting opened and closed along with the voice of their mother calling for Che Che pulled the siblings back from their daze.

Hearing the voice of her mother, Xiao Che stopped her movement immediately before she barely managed to push her weak legs to get up from the lap of her brother to move and to sit by his side on the couch.

As soon as she had done so, Their mother entered into the living room carrying two light and small bags of groceries.

"Ah, Xiao Ling, You are already back? When did you come back?"

Taking a look at the siblings that were sitting together, Xiao Tan who was still dressed in the same conservative clothing she had worn in the morning, smiled upon seeing that Xiao Ling had returned from his trip outside.

"A little while back. I think as soon as you had gone out, I came back."

Nodding her head, Xiao Tan turned her eyes from her son that was smiling confidently and sitting relaxed to her daughter, and as soon as her eyes had focused on Xiao Che, she couldn't help but start wondering in her heart.

Xiao Che's face was covered completely by a big red blush, the edge of her eyes was moist slightly and she was panting while sweat covered all of exposed her skin, Looking as if she had been running all day long.

"Litle Che Che, Are you alright?"

Xiao Che didn't dare open her mouth to try and answer the question of her mother, for pleasure was still coursing through her body and even sitting down on the couch caused tingles of pleasure to shoot through her body starting from her incredibly sensitive ass. She was sure that if she opened her mouth, Then she will end moaning out, and so she simply nodded her head as an answer to her mother's question.

Humming slightly, Xiao Tan moved her eyes from Xiao Che to her big brother and back to her.

A little bit of doubt began to creep inside her heart and a random thought appeared in her mind about what her children could have been doing that would cause her daughter to be in this state, one similar to the absurd one she had this morning, of her son spanking her daughter, and once this thought appeared in her mind, Xiao Tan started to blush before turning around and hurrying toward the kitchen while trying with all her might to rid her mind of such a ridiculous and laughable idea.

"I will go and prepare dinner. It should be finished in an hour at most. Get ready to eat."

Hearing the words of his mother and seeing her reaction and the was she started blushing before running off, Xiao Ling smiled slightly while shaking his head as he started to smile.

'It looks like Mother is starting to realize what sort of relationship I and Litle Che have with each other and that it is not simple sibling love. Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later as I don't intend to hide it. Besides, She is simply is starting to get suspicious and it will take her a while before she is finally able to truly believe what is going on.'

Getting up from the couch and before he started to head to his room to start refining the pill of immortality, he turned toward little Che that was still laying down on the couch.

"Hey, Litle Che, I'm going to my room to prepare something for you and mother. Once dinner is ready, Call for me."

Raising her head slightly to look at him, Xiao Che meet his eyes as she blushed once more and nodded her head.

"All right. I will rest for a little bit then go help mother prepare. I don't think I can stand right now as my legs are way too weak from the pleasure."

Running his eyes over her seductive body, Xiao Ling smiled playfully before he started laughing slightly after noticing one thing as he started walking away and heading toward his room.

"Litle Che Che, Go change your clothing. Or at the very least, the short-shorts you are wearing, or else you might have to explain somethings to mother."

Confused by his words, Xiao Che who had finally regained enough strength and was starting to get up as well to go help her mother, moved her eyes to look at her short-shorts to see what her brother had meant with his words.

And as soon as her eyes had landed on her pair of shorts, specifically on the place where her shorts covered her most precious place and seeing how that spot had become darkened and wet by her flowing nectar that flowed even through her panties to reach her shorts, Xiao Che felt like she was going to faint.

Grateful to whatever god of luck helped her and made it so that her mother hadn't noticed it, She changed directions and headed directly toward her room.

Change clothing first then go help her mother prepare dinner.