

He had a grin on his face. He articulated, "If I want you, I will have you 'Mon Coeur' ". He got out of the bed and made his way towards me. He affixed my body towards the wall. I faced the wall with my hands clenched tightly in his hands. He brought his face closer to my ear and gasped, "I never loved you. I am grateful to the gods for your naivety that you approached me. I didn't even have to plan anything. You were moronic enough to entrust any man that whispered sweet nothings". His words cut deeper than daggers. Tears flooded my cheeks and anguish inhabited my heart. Unable to sense the strength to hold myself up anymore, I felt effeted. I fell down on my knees and started sobbing like a child. My hands slipped though his. I clenched my chest hard with my hands. It was unbearable for me to go through it. I didn't know love which was as sweet as honey dew could hurt like poison too.

"If you hate me so much. Why don't you let me leave? Let me go!! I hate you!! I don't want to have anything to do with you", I asserted with closed eyes. I couldn't bear to watch his face. As usual, there were no words but an empty room. He left without uttering a single thing. Everything was too much to take. That night stretched and my insomnia and depression bridled me. I just couldn't sleep. My thoughts were clouded with deep rooted memmories of us. The ones that seemed like a dream. I adored him so much. My love for him kept upsurging for him in the following years. It was apprehensible that getting over him shall take time too. I always considered him 'The One'. I was blind to the functioning of the real world and its ruthless people. That night served as the night of reminiscing everything that was absolutely needed to be forgotten. How do you get over the agony and hurt? How do you propagate the fortitude? Most importantly, How do you get over your first love ?

Upon waking up in the next morning, I got ready for the work. As I began to leave, I saw Seth making his way towards the bedroom. He had been gone for the whole night. Avoiding him, I made my way towards the exit. I couldn't even bare to look at his atrocious eyes. Then, I heard Seth calling me, "Where are you going, hun? ". He had a filthy smirk on his face.

"None of your business. Being a CEO must be hard as there is just too much time to loiter around and bother people", I exclaimed by keeping my eyes away from his gaze. He came towards me and held my hand.

"I can bother my wife. Don't you think that's justifiable?", asserted the cruel man.

"That's just harrassment to me", I proclaimed and jerked his hand off with force. He looked at me as if I was nothing but a frivolous matter that needed to be tended by him. He neared me and asserted, " Looks like someone needs a lesson on being a virtuous women who always caters for her husband's necessities".

" Looks like you fail to recall the status of this sham marriage", I asserted and walked away fervently with anger and disgust.