

The beauty of the life had not faded with the passage of time. Though abandoned, the willingness to persist still goes on. Beholding those memories as lessons, I paved my way towards a new beginning.

Evans's confession about finding out about Rose did trouble me. He informed me that she escaped away from my brother, aborted their baby and went into hiding. Later, in rage my brother grabbed Rose's best friend Ilana, took her for a drive forcefully, and tried to make her confess Rose's whereabouts. This was so arduous. The brother that I idealized, turned out to be a barbarous, brutal and vicious bastard.

It has been eight years since he's been gone. My brother, Hyde was observant, quick witted and very sincere. Though he had efficiency of being severely aggressive at times, he had never hurt anybody before.

While lying on my bed, I pushed my thoughts away. I closed my eyes and brought one of the pillows adjacent to myself. I kept my arm on it as if it was a person, and closed my eyes. Soon, sleep took over me.

In the next morning, I informed my parents about Seth and Hyde. My mother's eyes were brimming with tears. I embraced and comforted her.

Thereafter, I went to the university. I took my classes, arranged things that piled up during my absence. Engaged in the work, I took no notice of the time. Soon after finishing my work, I went towards my car. The moment I inserted my hand inside my purse to grab the keys, my phone began ringing. It was Evans.

"Hey, where have you been? I would like to tell you something. Where are you ?", said Evans.

Being overwhelmed by his excitement, I asked in a dubious voice, "Why? What happened?"

"Just meet me at the same restaurant, it's important", exclaimed Evans.

I agreed to his insistence and went to the place.

I entered the restaurant to find a guy with a gleaming smile. I could certainly see his pearly whites. I went towards the table, sat and addressed his unusual behaviour. He smiled and exclaimed, "I am getting married to my girlfriend this week. Your presence is mandatory".

I gasped, giggled and congratulated him. He informed me about the events that aided him into making the decision. He had a beautiful glow on his face at that moment.

While holding tears in my eyes, I expressed my gratitude over the invitation and assured him of my presence in his marriage. We ate our food, talked and laughed some more. The atmosphere was light-hearted as well and then, he informed me about Seth finding out about Rose. In addition to that, he informed me that they will be adjoining us in the marriage too. While instantly regretting the promise that I made to Evans, my face appeared disconsolated. While confiscating my anxiety and fear aside, I was determined to commit to the words that I bllabered before. After getting done with the food and the conversation, I went towards my home. I reached my home to find an envelope sitting on the table.

I looked at my mother with a cheerful smile and asked her about its contents, she affirmed that Seth came to deliver this himself, and hence I should read it myself. I nodded with an expression of amazement on my face. I took the letter to my room, opened up the seal and looked at the content. It was a divorce agreement that he wanted me to sign. I read all the particulars and signed it off. Though gradually, but I was trying to elevate myself from the existing predicaments. In order to raise my spirits up, I began yoga, excercies, cooking and spent more time with my parents. I painted my room all over again, and changed the furniture.

I threw away all the photographs of my past relationship, and kept only of my parents and my brother. I began to smile again, wrote poetry and made a new friend, Eva Green.

The week went by swiftly, and it was the day of the wedding. I wore a dusty rose coloured dress with a slit upto my right thigh. It had a beautiful silhouette. I let my dark black hairs loose and got my makeup done by my friend Eva. Feeling pleased with myself, I swirled my dress in front of the mirror and my lips curled into a big bright smile.

I got to the wedding just in time. I got a call from Evans and he inquired about my whereabouts and demanded me to join him. I went towards his room and saw him standing with a familiar figure. Seth was standing beside him. He gaped at me with big round eyes, and then removed his gaze. Evans looked really alluring and ravishing. I looked at him and uttered, " You look handsome today".

He smiled and claimed, "You yourself look really beautiful Stella. Thanks for doing this for me".

After getting seated, I gleamed towards my back, Seth was sitting with a woman and smiling. I have never seen her before. Maybe she was Rose. She had dark brown long hairs, pale skin and hazel eyes. While talking to each other, their fingers were intertwined. Seth had a gentle smile on his face. He was laughing so hard that he snorted too. He looked like a cute dork. While trying to smile through the pain, I felt a striking pain in my stomach. I tried to drift my attention towars the wedding, but it didn't help.

When the bride began walking towards the isle with her father, flashes of memory of 'my wedding' appeared in my mind, the first night, the days preceeding that and the present.Tears began to drip, I grabbed a tissue from my bag and tried to hide them. Then, the couple made their vows and had their kiss. Unable to bear through it all, I felt burning sensation in my stomach. When I turned my gaze towards Seth, he was sitting in the comfort of his beloved. I realized I couldn't ask Seth for help. Unable to bear with the pain, I sat there and called my father.

Thereafter, the couple approached me. With arms enterwined, they made their way towards me.

Seth introduced the woman as Rose, and had a bright smile on his face. While smiling through the pain, I gathered all my efforts to fake a smile. Rose was a beautiful lady, she had an air of elegance and a kind demeanor. If met in other circumstances, we could have been friends.

Looking them from the perspective of a third person, their rationship appeared really blissful. She was a talkative person, her voice was very comforting. The pace of her talking was quite brisk, hence, she appeared to me like a bird chirping. One could tell by just looking at her that she was a generous person.

Consequently, my father arrived, So I bidded them goodbye, and went towards the hospital. I was given some sedatives to ease up the pain. I stayed unconscious for two hours. After gaining my consciousness, I saw my parents standing beside me with anguish reflecting in their eyes.

I held my father's hand and inquired about my report. He smiled and exclaimed, "You just had some gastrointestinal issues. Nothing major happened there, but...."

I held a deep breath and inquired," But, what ?"

My mother held my hand and affirmed, " You've been pregnant for more than three weeks".

I touched my stomach out of disbelief, and pondered about the future of my child.

After reaching home, I went upto my room and stood in front of the mirror. I called my friend Eva and informed her about my situation. She asked me to think about it carefully about keeping it or discarding it as it will affect both of our lives.

Looking in the mirror, I stroked my tummy with gentle care. Then, I laid on the bed while talking to my friend and dozed off soon.

In the next morning, I woke up to a ruckus. I walked down the stairs to look for the cause. My parents were arguing. My father seemed to be really furious. I went towards my father and asked," what happened?"

He was fuming with anger. He diverted his gaze away and articulated, " That bastard! I was so delusional. He was never like our son. Forgive me, my daughter that I couldn't see him for his true venomous self which he hid behind his smile".

My father sat and sobbed. I went towards him and comforted him. I looked at my mother in order to gain any information on the subject. After getting my father to rest in his room, my mother told me about the events that enforced my father to aggravate. She told me that my father informed Seth about my pregnancy and told him to take responsibility. He replied that he would love to provide the money for his child but could not live with me as it would affect his relationship with his Rose. Trying to bury my grievance and scars of the remarks he made, I smiled towards my mother and claimed, "All I need is my parents. I don't need him".

She held me tightly in her arms and I felt comforted.

When I got back to my room, I observed the fifteen missed calls that displayed on the screen of my phone. It was Seth. Since I didn't wish to even see him anymore, I turned my phone off.

After reaching the university, I began working, took my classes and completed all the chores.

Thereafter, I began to move towards my car. The moment I stepped out of the exit door, I saw Seth's car parked near mine. I turned back swiftly and called my best friend. Since I didn't wish to confront him, I pleaded Eva to pick me up from the other exit. She arrived soon and I went away with her.

"What is up with you, dear? You seem quite troubled", said Eva in a comforting voice.

I told her about my troubles and she went furious.

"I want to kill that bastard. He got what he wanted, why is he bothering you now?", exclaimed sweet Eva in a burning rage.

I took a glance of her and began chucking.

"You're so dramatic. I love you", I exclaimed.

"I was serious if I'll discover him even approaching you, I swear I'm going to murder him", claimed Eva while pouting.

Admiring her cuteness, I giggled and stroked her hairs.

While returning home, I turned my phone on. It began ringing again. It was Seth again.

This time I decided to confront him, so I picked up the call.

" What do you want", I inquired in a weary voice.

He took a long breath and then uttered, " I need to talk to you".

"Yes?", I asked.

" Not here. let's meet", he asserted.

Taken aback by his overbearing attitude, I responded, "I only picked up your call to inform you that I don't want to have anything to do with you. Stop pestering me".

Then, I disconnected the call.

After observing the persisting circumstances, I decided to abort the baby. I didn't want my child to grow without a father figure, and it was best for all of us.