
"Lord Third briefed all Chunin and Jonin a few weeks ago after finding documents in one of Danzo's bases. He collaborated with Orochimaru and Rasa to allow an invasion of Konoha. Lord Third has known about it for months though. 'The Professor' is always steps ahead of his enemies. And there he goes." Hayate said, nodding with his head to whatever was behind me.

I turned and stared in shock. Lord Kazekage had Lord Third in a chockhold and was pulling him away from the ruined viewing box. 6 figures were just a step behind. I recognized two of them as Lord Jiraiya and Kakashi. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that whatever was happening Lord Third had the two strongest shinobi in the village with him. I turned back to Hayate.

"Sand is invading us? Why? We're allies. Plus everyone knows sand is barely holding onto its status as one of the 5 big nations. Grass almost has the equivalent military strength." I asked Hayate, eyes watching the invasion unravel around me.

Hayate snorted. "That's true. Basically Rasa and The Wind Feudal Lord had a fight, Feudal Lord gets mad and punishes Rasa by exporting mission requests to us and others. Rasa's solution? Form an alliance and attack us. I know, it makes no sense. That's what intelligence says. It doesn't matter, they're invading now and we're going to send a message to Sand and all our enemies. We'll destroy any who threaten us."

Ami and I nodded in agreement, adrenaline starting to pump. Naruto landed next to me, grumbling. "Finally figured out why that pervert abused my shadow clones and turned them into a seal making sweat shop."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Naruto pointed to a random area of the crowd. "Those. He had me create thousands and thousands of chakra masking seals and 'Transformation Technique' anchoring seals." I watched as hundreds of Suna and what I recognized as Oto shinobi poured into the arena, eyes wild with bloodlust at what they assumed would be a one sided slaughter. Instead, 75% of the audience began ripping hidden seals of their bodies. Chakra signatures, large ones at that, began lighting up rapidly within my sensing range. Transformation techniques faded to mist, revealing the hidden Chunin and Jonin planted in the audience. The looks of excitement turned to looks of panic as Suna and Oto shinobi alike were now outnumbered 4 to 1.

"What are 'Transformation Technique' anchoring seals?" Ami asked, eyes flashing as she watched the slaughter commence in the stadium.

"Eh. Sounds fancier than what it actually does. Basically, it takes the thought process out of using the transformation. You use 'Transformation' slap the seal on and activate it. Ta-da. Your disguise will hold unless interrupted until you take the seal off. It siphons miniscule chakra to keep your 'Transformation' anchored in place. Hence the name. Pervert came up with it, I just mass produced it." Naruto finished with a shrug. "Now give me a minute. Perv-Sage needs me to do one last thing."

Naruto plopped right down on the ground and began to meditate. I turned to Hayate. "What should we do?" I asked.

He thought for a minute, looking around. "Honestly? Just stay out of the way. We have a plan in place, the less variables the more likely to succeed." That made me pout, hard. But, as a genin I had to obey the orders of those appointed over me. I then felt a familiar, vile chakra. I turned to Naruto.

Volatile chakra was surging over Naruto's body. Being this close I couldn't help noticing that the chakra wasn't AS vile or malicious feeling, nor as blood-red as last time. It looked more like burnt orange now. I'll file that away for later. Three phantom tails burst from behind the boy and he opened his eyes.

"That god damn pervert better make it up to me. Kyubi is bitching up a storm in my seal about the chakra he gave me." Naruto grouched. He pulled out a small scroll and studied it for a moment. He nodded to himself and stowed it away. "Right. Time to do this."

"I have no idea what you plan on doing, but I won't let it happen." A deep voice suddenly called out. Team Suna's Captain was down in the arena, 30ft away from us. "I dislike killing children, but I must follow my Kage's orders." And he was in Naruto's face just like that. Hand raised vertically, razor sharp wind raged around his index and middle finger as he brought it down in a slashing moment. Inches from bisecting Naruto, the Suna Jonin was sent flying backwards by a strong kick to the face. Unrestrained bloodlust and rage crashed down on my senses, I shivered violently. Cpt Genma landed in a crouch before us. Enraged eyes narrowed at the man he'd just punted like a ball.

Cpt Genma turned to us. "Are you three OK?" We all nodded, smiling at Cpt Mother Hen. "Naruto, finish Lord Jiraiya's mission. Kenta, Ami protect him. Once finished, join the others in the contestant box and then help sweep the arena. Am I clear?" We all sharply saluted, mission faces on. He nodded before facing his opponent who was getting back to his feet.

"Fucking sand licking monkey, trying to come after MY kids? I'm going to break you, then toss you to Anko Mitarashi and Tori Yamanaka in the T&I department. You just went after Anko's apprentice and Lady Tori's sons. They're going to leave you a drooling mess." Cpt Genma growled savagely. With grudging respect, this Suna Jonin simply stared impassively at Cpt Genma, no outward reaction. Cpt Genma charged.

"Alright, this should only take a few moments. Let's do this!" Naruto Cheered. He began going through a long set of hand seals. He finished and slammed his palms to the ground. A sealing matrix covering a good 20ft in diameter lit up in a sky blue color.

"Uzumaki Sealing Style: Protection of the Raging Storm!" Naruto yelled, his chakra spiked to unreal levels before depleting rapidly. He fueled the technique more and more, it finally flashed in a brilliant blue light. A single beam of light shot hundreds of feet into the air. It reached its peak, and hundreds of lights burst from the single point. The lights began to fall in graceful arcs back towards earth. As the umbrella above our village formed, a semi-transparent barrier began to form. Within seconds, the lights had faded, and a dome covered the whole of Konoha. It shimmered once before fading away. Naruto ended the technique, panting heavily. I reached my senses out to him and almost cried out in alarm. His chakra levels were the lowest I've ever felt from him. He was near empty. Despite it all, he shakily rose to his feet, his megawatt smile on his face in full force.

Ami was staring up where the dome had faded and frowned. "Naruto, did your technique fail?"

He shook his head. "No, it worked. Look close at the trees above the wall."

We did. I squinted. I thought I saw… something. Some of the leaves warped slightly before returning to normal.

"What the heck is it?" I asked in wonder.

"It's a barrier of microscopic wind blades." Naruto said in pride. "Anyone who touches it will be shredded into ground beef." I did a double take, once again awed at Naruto's ability with seals. Suddenly, towering plumes of smoke erupted right outside the walls. The wind quickly carried the smoke away revealing a dozen larger than life serpents. The largest plume cleared, revealing a monstrosity in its own league. The pure white, three headed serpent stood at least 100ft taller than the 2nd largest snake. The snakes looked around and then began to charge the walls, their goal clear. Break the wall.

"OH! Watch, you'll get to see it in action!" Naruto said with childish glee. Ami and I did as instructed. I focused on a particularly large brown serpent. It quickly approached the wall. When it was within striking distance it coiled in on itself. The muscles in the powerful summon tensed, and then it struck out faster than a creature of its size had any right to move. The second it made contact with the wall, cascades of blood erupted from its snout. Hundreds of gallons of bright red liquid was sprayed in all directions. With a horrible shriek, it vanished as quickly as it came, back to its realm. The same happened over and over again until all that remained was the unnatural creature that towered over the others. It was persistent. It struck again and again, blood staining the white scales red. With a last mighty heavy, it broke through the barrier. However, the barrier was still holding. The snake attempted to push forward and fulfil its master's goal. It charged toward the white walls of Konoha, victory in its sights.

Dozens of elemental techniques began bombarding the goliath serpent. Dozens of ANBU swarmed the creature. Their onslaught relentless and unforgiving of the abomination that was attempting to breach their home. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning. All 5 elements crashing into the snake's body and faces. It attempted to crush the small ants but the ANBU were too quick. The snake attempted to retreat, but Naruto's barrier had been continuously grinding into the body of the serpent. After another continuous minute of the elemental onslaught and Naruto's barrier, the snake gave a shuddering roar and collapsed to the ground. It erupted in smoke, the veritable river of blood the only sign it was ever there.

"HOLY SHIT!" I shouted, seeing the power of Naruto's barrier. He wasn't lying. Ground beef.

"A remarkable display of sealing, Uzumaki." Hayate said from beside me, causing me to jump. I turned and looked at the sickly man.

"Shouldn't you be helping Cpt Genma take that guy down?" I asked the man suspiciously.

He snorted. "Did you see his face? When he gets like that, it's best to stay out of his way. He becomes a liability to everyone when the mother hen demon takes over."

"Cpt Hayate, do you know who Cpt Genma's opponent is?" Ami asked.

He nodded. "His name is Baki. He's on the Suna Council and is in charge of military operations. A-Rank threat in the bingo book." His casual tone doing nothing to soothe the rising panic I felt. I turned and looked at Naruto and Ami, both wearing expressions of concern for our Captain.

"A-Rank! Then get in there and help him! He could kill Cpt Genma!" Naruto cried out. Ami and I agreeing.

Hayate laughed at that. "Are you kidding me? I'd only get in his way. Genma can handle himself, kids. He's an A-Rank himself."

I was dumbfounded. Our Captain was an A-Rank threat? I turned towards Hayate and opened my mouth. "But… Cpt Genma is only a Special-Jonin. If he were that strong, wouldn't he be a full jonin?"

Hayate laughed harder. "Do you know the requirements for each of those ranks, kid? Before you answer, know that Lord Third is VERY strict with his shinobi and those requirements. The only people I know that he's made exceptions for is Guy and field medics that show great skill."

My mind clung to Hayate's question. Information. Something I knew. I clung to the question, wracking my brain for the information I needed. Anything to push the panic down for the safety of our apathetic captain.

"There are 9 areas that a shinobi is graded on either by evaluation or during the Jonin exams. Hand-to-hand, village/hidden ninja techniques, elemental techniques, thrown weapon handling, medical and poisons, melee weapon handing, illusions, sealing. The final category only applies to those from clans with their own unique techniques. To qualify and promote to Special Jonin, you must display proficieny befitting the skill of a Jonin in at least two of those categories, with an added clause of being Jonin level proficient in 1 element. For Jonin, you must be Jonin proficient in at LEAST 4 of those categories, as well as having 2 elements under your belt at Jonin level." I stated in a robotic scholastic voice.

Hayate nodded. "Exactly. That guy" he pointed at Genma who was locked in battle with Baki "Is Jonin Proficient in 5 of the 9. He's second generation shinobi from parents who were civilian born. So he's 5 for 8. He was hand selected at the ripe age of 16 to be one of the elite bodyguards to Lord Fourth. Genin at 8, Chunin at 11, special Jonin at 14. The reason Konoha is the strongest of the 5 isn't the quantity of ninja, it's the quality of our brothers and sisters. The title of Genius we throw around is worthless. Hard work, consistent training, and good leadership can see anyone flourish in our village." Hayate finished with a smirk for us all.

"HOLY SHIT! CPT GENMA IS THAT STRONG!" Naruto shouted in surprise. Hayate nodded.

"Then why hasn't he been made Jonin? You said 4 out of 9, Genma has met that benchmark." Ami asked in confusion.

Hayate eyed her a moment before answering with a smirk. "The same reason your other teacher isn't a full Jonin. Lazy bastard doesn't want the responsibility so he keeps his 2nd element just below the threshold." He laughed loudly at that. I couldn't contain the snort that escape me. That sounded just like Cpt Genma. Lazy bastard.

Hayate then nodded towards the fight I had been doing my best to not watch, fear for my captain making a coward out of me. "Watch and see for yourselves. If you doubt me, feel free to lend a hand if you can do so without getting in his way."

I finally turned and gave my full attention to the ferocious battle that had been waging. After the invasion ended, I would never forgive myself for not paying attention since their first exchange.

******************************Finally Genma Fight Scene**********************************

Genma was a blur of motion. His preferred weapon, a machete of all things, was a whistling apparition with the speed, skill and fluidity Genma wielded it with. Baki was on the defensive, not a single opening to be exploited. All his attention was on the barely visible blade he was dodging with every ounce of skill he possessed. It wasn't enough. Cuts littered his clothes and skin. Tiny ones, non-fatal, but as the fight progressed 100 small cuts were just as deadly as a single large one.

Genma unexpectedly jumped back faster than most eyes could even follow. He brought his sword shrieking upwards towards the sky. An absolute inferno erupted from his blade in a crescent shape. At least 10ft tall and half as wide, it raced towards the Suna elite at impossible speeds. The heat so intense, the four spectators were forced to shield their faces as it closed on Baki in the blink of an eye. Baki dodged for all that he was worth, he was one of the strongest and fastest shinobi of his village, but he wasn't fast enough. The attack clipped him on his right side, his sleeve igniting instantly under the intense flames. The temperature hot enough to sear his exposed skin on his face. 1st degree burn on his face, and the now doused flame on his arm made him wince. 2nd borderline 3rd degree burn made his right arm ache. The boy was dangerous. He had to-

Baki was caught off guard, the boy now right in his face, sword whistling its song of death aimed directly for his neck. He hastily brought a kunai up to block, making it with no time to spare. The boy's strength was surprising and it broke through Baki's guard. The kunai spinning wildly away from his hand. Without warning or even an indication, two senbon erupted from within the boy's mouth. The unexpected move from point blank range pierced Baki directly in the throat. He gasped in surprise and pain, his mind strayed for a single second. That was all Genma needed.

Genma brought his machete crashing to the ground, Baki yelled out in agony as his arm was taken clean off at the elbow. Genma swore he'd deliver a broken man to two of the most terrifying women in the village, and he never broke his promise. He appeared behind Baki and hamstrung the man. He collapsed to the ground, no longer able to support himself. Genma glared once more at the man before stowing away his trusted machete.

**************************Don't Fuck with a Momma Bear's Cubs, BAKI!**********************

I stared in awe at my captain. I knew he was strong, dad had nothing but praise for the man since the moment I told him who'd been assigned as my leader. I had no idea the kind of monster the man turned into when he got serious. He stood over his barely alive opponent. Covered in arterial spray from the taking of his arm, I shivered. Captain Genma was so strong. He was an A-Rank threat capable of going toe-to-toe with nearly any single opponent in the entire world, and I was aiming for the elusive rank above that.

I swallowed, for the first time in my life, I doubted myself. If this was what an A-rank threat was like… What does an S-Rank look like? With that type of power, would they even be human anymore? Doubts continued to run through my mind. My breathing started to come out in short pants, I was hyperventilating. A hard jab to my ribs brought me back to reality.

Naruto was scowling at me. "That look looks gross on you, Kenta. Were you thinking that S-Rank was impossible now? I didn't know you were a quitter before you even began to try." Naruto scathingly lectured.

He was right. S-Rank has been my dream since I was 5 year old. I couldn't give up, I wouldn't give up. I'd reach S-Rank, or spend my entire life improving myself until I achieved it or died trying. I relaxed finally and smiled at my brother in every way besides blood. His megawatt smile replaced the sneer instantly.

"Thanks, Naruto. I needed that, bad. You're the only person that can guess what I'm thinking. Is Dad secretly teaching you clan techniques?" I laughed.

Naruto nodded. "Sure thing. I think even that guy hanging over the edge bleeding out could tell what you were thinking. Your face was very expressive."

Hayate spoke up. "Your goal is S-Rank?" he asked with mild curiosity. I nodded. "Kid, you've got the potential, that's for damn sure. Train your ass off, you'll get there." the serious tone conflicting with the uplifting words of encouragement.

Genma made his way over. He had been cauterizing and bandaging the downed enemy. He checked us all over quickly, satisfied we were all OK.

"You all didn't follow my orders, why?" Cpt Genma frowned. Hayate's nervous laughter saved us as Genma turned eyes on him. "Did you usurp my authority over MY minions, Hayate?" His glare was ruined by the slight smirk he was failing to contain.

"I've never had genin. When they found out your opponent they looked like they'd all just been told the world was ending. They were worried about you. I told them to watch and see that their worry was for nothing." Hayate explained.

Genma turned to us. "You were worried about me?" He asked, genuinely curious and looking like the news completely shocked him.

"Of course we were worried about you, Cpt Genma. You're important to us all." Ami said eagerly. Cpt Genma's eyebrows climbed, as if that was news to him.

"Yeah, yeah! Cpt Genma, you're like the grumpy uncle that we still love cuz you can be cool when you aren't being a jerk. Plus, you've paid for my ramen. If someone does that, they're stuck with me for life, ya know!" Naruto's energy had apparently recovered enough for him to be vibrating with excited energy.

I don't think telling Cpt Genma that he was the new Hokage would shock him as much as hearing that his three students cared about him.

"Did you not think we cared for you, captain?" I asked with concern. "Naruto's right. You're part of the family. The grumpy uncle or the older brother who hides his love by beating us up." I laughed.

Cpt Genma turned a dumbfounded look on his friend who just shrugged. "All of us have told you, multiple times I might add, that your fears were all in your head."

"What fears?" Ami asked, eyes wide with anxiety. "Did you think we didn't like you? Or that we'd… I don't know forget about you when we promote?"

He didn't reply, just nodded.

All three of us burst out laughing at that. Hayate joined us a moment later.

"You three don't know this, but your captain is actually a really sensitive man who constantly frets. He always just assumes the worst until the truth smacks him in the face hard enough." Hayate chuckled, then gave his friend an evil smirk. I knew why, seeing the looks that Naruto and Ami were exchanging.

Genma opened his mouth to finally say something but was interrupted as the air from his lungs was expelled by two of his three students crashing into him. Naruto and Ami were bear hugging the older man, laughing. I just sighed at their antics.

"Hey, emotional 1 and 2, I don't think Cpt Hayate actually meant that. It was a figure of speak." I said in exasperation at my two teammates. The responded by giving me the stink eye before continuing to attempt to murder our captain by popping his head off. He looked at me and I just shrugged. "Sorry Captain. They're like mold. You can scrape them off but they'll be back."

I looked away from the scene and scanned the stadium. I couldn't see any Suna or Oto ninja still standing. Everything seemed to be dying down. Everything except…

Naruto and Ami had finally been peeled off Cpt Genma. They all turned to me and followed my gaze to the dark purple barrier still erect. I sent a silent prayer to anyone to listen to.

'Please, keep Lord Third, Lord Jiraiya, and Cpt Kakashi safe. We need them'

******************************Kage Beat down, look forward to it***************************

Hiruzen POV – Minutes after invasion started. Barrier has just gone up.

I stared across at my old student, his Rasa disguise still firmly in place. The ghost of an image, a small frightened child staring at me. Eyes wide and tears threatening to spill, pleading with me to make it all better. I closed my eyes momentarily and then opened them, the ghostly image faded. I searched my feelings, finding those fatherly feelings for the boy I once cared so deeply for. I grabbed hold of them, and pushed them far to the back of mind. Too many mistakes due to my inability to see the present. I would atone for one of them today.

"You can take off that horrible disguise now, Orochimaru." I stated dryly.

He tossed the robe aside, his unnatural transformation falling apart. "Kukukukuku. Mind still not completely gone I see. When did you realize it was me?"

"3 months ago." No emotion in my voice.

Orochimaru's eyes widened momentarily before he replaced it with a sneer. "I spoke too soon, clearly your mind isn't quite what it was?"

"Believe what you will, my old student. I cannot force you to believe what I say. However, you may believe when you see with your own eyes." I stated.

"What do you mean, monkey?" Orochimaru hissed. Eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Surely you noticed? Or were you so full of yourself that you were blinded by your ignorance?" I asked, mildly shocked myself. "Look around you! Your invasion was over before it started!"

He tore his gaze from mine and did as I said. His look of utter disbelief slowly morphing into a mask of unhinged rage. I followed his gaze, the pride of a father and grandfather sitting warmly in my chest.

In the stadium, his Oto shinobi were being ruthlessly cut down. Suna shinobi being captured and detained by the dozen. I knew that Orochimaru and Rasa had made an alliance. I also know that Orochimaru cut the man down when he tried to back out a few weeks before the exams started. I knew he took his place and had been fooling their population with his imitations. I would not cut down men and women in cold blood for following a betrayer.

Orochimaru's gaze looked skyward, the barrier technique discovered in Naruto's families scroll settling into place. I watched his eyes burn with fury as his summons attempted to break through and were cut down without mercy.

Watching the visions and dreams of young Kenta had aroused my suspicions. We put a tentative plan into place. Orochimaru's threat not to cancel the exams gave me the date those visions would come to pass. Danzo's arrogance was what gave us the details. For such a paranoid man, he kept very detailed records. His assurance in his control over me was Orochimaru's downfall. I will thank him for that the day I take his head.

Orochimaru's furious gaze snapped back and locked eyes with mine. "How?" Was all he could manage.

"Your co-conspirator on the inside left all the details behind for me. From the largest, most vague plans, down to the tiniest detail. Your arrogance and his greed are what led you straight to your death. You will not leave here alive, Orochimaru." I stated firmly.

His eyes flashed dangerously. The madness taking hold. He had become much more dangerous since his escape into the night all those years ago. He had also become more unhinged, a weakness to exploit if done correctly.

"That fool. I will do you the favor of killing him myself once I flush him out. Konoha will be left standing at the end of the day, but I will not be leaving until your corpse has started to cool." He menacingly replied.

I sighed, some things never change. I discarded my own robe. The ancient battle armor that had seen me through countless victories still fitting like a glove.

"I lost countless nights of sleep, wondering where I went wrong with you. Not a day goes by that I do not regret my failure in seeing your greed for what it truly was. I will atone for one of my many sins today, you die today, snake." I hardened my voice, steeling my nerves.

"You're a fool, Sarutobi! Even if you someone did manage to kill me, I will return! I am immortal! I am undying!" Orcochimaru laughed maniacally, madness igniting in his eyes.

I snorted. "Immortal? You call that abominable excuse for a technique immortality? You clearly have fallen too far into your madness to think that body snatching and barely clinging to life is the same as being immortal. Your fear of death-"

"I AM NOT AFRAID OF DEATH!" Orochimaru roared, face reddening in fury. He continued; voice barely being contained from screaming once more. "I have a goal that I must meet. To do that will take longer than a normal lifespan. I must research, understand, and master every single technique in existence. You may have been satisfied learning all the village techniques, but I will master ALL OF THEM!"

I laughed loudly at my former student. "Is that the excuse you tell yourself? That is pathetic, Orochimaru. I would have even a shred of respect for you if you were honest with yourself. Or have you told yourself the same excuse so many times you actually believe it a truth? It does not matter. You won't leave here alive. If you can come back, I will hunt you down. Again and again. I will train personal students to finish when I'm gone from this world. Your pathetic mockery of human life will lead you to a life of constant fear."

Orochimaru's eyes flashed, he seemed to be done with conversation. I tensed, out of the corner of my eyes, Kakashi and Jiraiya had come to the same conclusion. Orochimaru slammed both palms on the roof.

"Leaf Forbidden Technique: Impure World Resurrection!" He screamed. Three coffins rose from the ground. In the blink of an eye, Jiraiya was in front of the coffins, slapping tags onto each of them.

"Leaf Sealing Arts: Impure World Cancellation Seal!" Jiraiya said, voice confident in his victory. The three tags glowed red before script raced over the coffins, sealing them shut. They returned to the ground slowly.

Orochimaru looked like he'd seen a ghost. I smiled sadly at my old student. "Once again, your arrogance will be your undoing. Danzo gave your little rat the information you requested. How to perform that horrid technique. He didn't think to give you all of Lord Seconds notes. The notes on the weaknesses and how to combat such a powerful technique. Or the counter seal that could be applied before the technique finishes. I say again, Orochimaru, your invasion was over the minute you gave the signal to start. Now, Jiraiya, Kakashi, stand back and keep an eye for any nasty surprises that may be hiding. I will finish this myself."

The seals I made were over faster than the eyes could follow, I slammed my blood covered palm to the roof. "Summoning Technique: Monkey King Enma!" In a poof of smoke, my oldest friend and comrade appeared once more.

"Hiruzen, I see we're finally going to finish this little upstart. It's about time." Enma's deep voice sounded inside the quickly dissipating smoke.

"Yes, old friend. I will do what I was too weak to do all those years ago. Today, we kill the snake." I replied. "Transform once again. He comes!"

Enma did as requested and became my personal weapon of choice. The Adamantine Staff. One of the strongest weapons in the world. Strong enough to push back even the Nine Tailed Demon Fox.

Metal on metal sounded as Orochimaru's enraged face engaged me with his own legendary weapon. Kusanagi – The Leaf Cutting Blade.

"Even I cannot stand up to too many strikes from that weapon, Hiruzen." Enma's voice sounded. I nodded at my friend. I made a single hand seal and a shrieking ball of flame erupted from my mouth, causing the snake to disengage. I didn't let up, the warning from Lady Korinna had spurned me to train over the last month, the changes noticeable.

I brought my staff crashing down, Orochimaru barely getting his weapon up in time. His knees buckled at the force from my attack. His snarl turning into a look of worry. I let go of the staff as we both fell to earth, the sudden loss of an opposite force causing Orochimaru to stumble. He recovered quickly, but I was quicker. I grabbed hold of Enma once more and brought it whipping around, the sound of bone snapping as I crushed my students wrist without mercy. He hissed in pain, but my plan was only getting started. The Kusanagi was spinning through the air. I raced to it and like a bat, hit the sword, sending it flying off into the gloom. I turned back to my opponent and sighed.

Orochimaru was pulling himself out of the mouth of his former body. His wrist once again whole. I hated that particular technique of his. The only upside being that it took a chunk of chakra to pull off. He stared at me, eyes full of hate. A lesser man might have quailed under such a glare, but I felt a painful stab to my chest instead. Eyes that had looked on me once with admiration now glared at me and wished death on me. I had too much to atone for to let that happen though. I tensed as Orochimaru's hands shot forward.

"Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!" He cried out as an absolute torrent of snakes burst from the shadows of his sleeves. Thousands of them rushed me at lightning fast speeds. I slammed my foot on the ground.

"Earth Release: Earthen Barricade" A thick, wide and tall wall erupted directly in front of me. The stronger version of the mud wall technique effectively blocking the tidal wave of snakes. I coiled my body, and swung Enma with all my might. The wall exploded into hundreds of shrapnel, aimed right at my student. I slammed my hands to the ground. "Earth Release: Earth Flow River" and Orochimaru was now attempting to find his footing to escape as the hundreds of rocks rocketed towards him. Orochimaru was able to escape with a well timed 'Replacement,' but his snakes were easily carried away in the flowing mud that I had created. I stood tall, waiting for my student to make his appearance. I didn't have to wait long.

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!" He yelled out, directly above me. Hundreds of Shuriken barreled down on me. I snorted. The audacity to use a technique of my own invention against me? How naïve. I withdrew a single Shuriken and flicked it lazily and made a single hand sign, showing the child how the technique was really done.

My single Shuriken became thousands, overwhelming the snake's technique and continuing on to shred through Orochimaru. He collapsed to mud, and I turned, easily intercepting his attempted sneak attack from my blindside. I knocked him away and fired my technique at the dazed traitor.

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet!" I called and disappeared at the same moment, landing behind him. The two clones I made previously landing to either side.

"Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet!"

"Wind Release: Vacuum Bullet

"Water Release: Severing Wave!"

The four attacks blitzed my student and exploded on impact, the destruction they left in their wake causing the building to shudder slightly. When the smoke cleared, Orochimaru was quickly pulling himself out of the remains of his mangled corpse. He saw me preparing my next attack and fled. Along the ground the snake tried to make his escape, finally realizing how outclassed he still was. Kakashi appeared before him, lighting coated hand shrieking towards the snake. Orochimaru slithered out of the way, knocking Kakashi aside. Jiraiya made his presence known and shredded Orochimaru's back with a well timed 'Rasengan.' Orochimaru screamed before collapsing into mud. That's when I felt his presence quickly approaching me. Not a retreat, a distraction. I flew through a set of handseals for a technique that I had found in the forbidden scroll but had never used, until now. The technique that would ensure Orochimaru would no longer plague this world.

I turned and felt the blade pierce my stomach and inject its poison into me. I clamped down on Orochimaru's arms, holding him into place. My chakra forcefully injecting itself into my traitorous students' pathway.

"Leaf Forbidden Cursed Sealing Style: Intertwining Fates." I smiled in victory as I felt the chill of the Shinigami claim my soul as his, knowing my fate was sealed.

Orochimaru screamed as he ripped his arms from my grip. The cursed seal lighting up before settling into his skin and disappearing. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME YOU STUPID OLD FOOL!"

I chuckled weakly, the poison of Kusanagi quickly doing its job. "I've intertwined our fates. The Shinigami will claim my soul when I die, and when he claims my soul I've promised he can take yours along for the ride."

Orochimaru's eyes widened in fear, looking down at the fatal wound in my stomach. Faster than I could follow a snake had dug its fangs into my neck, injecting another venom.

"I want you dead, Sarutobi. But that will have to wait until I can figure out how to remove this seal. Consider yourself lucky, you old monkey." And with that, he sunk into the ground as the barrier around us fell. I felt myself collapse to the ground, the last thing I heard was Jiraiya's cry for a medic.

And with that, the invasion is over! Let me know what y'all thought!

Vote for Ami's BAE! Timeskip is almost upon us, and Ami will need some lovin to get through the shitstorm they're about to go through!