Chapter 3: Traitors and Friends 1/3

A chapter that wrote itself. I'm super excited. Spelling/Grammer may be meh, as I want to get this chap out NOW. I'll go back through when my heart rate slows.

Two things!

Mancrush list! Vote! In Profile! 5 Votes a user! Send any suggestions! LUL AO.

That seal I mentioned? The clues is here! First to figure it out wins. (Seriously guys, as the chap goes it gets more obvious. The only person who hasn't figured it out (hopefully) is Kenta himself.


We stood at attention in front of Lord Fifth. Cpt Kakashi had just given his report along with Cpt Genma for the parts that Kakashi wasn't there to witness. Naruto and Fú had been excused to go to the hospital and check on Gaara. According to Lady Korinna, they were all related, however distant. A clan on the verge of extinct tends to stick together.

"So you were able to kill Sasori of the Red Sand and critically wound Deidara the Mad Bomber?" Lord Itachi's quiet voice asked.

"Yes, sir. Kenta for sure was able to hit him both in the shoulder and groin with his storm release. I do not know if Naruto's 'Rasengan did much damage before he substituted with his clone." Kakashi replied.

"And how do you know that Kenta's attacks weren't also the clone?" Itachi asked curiously.

"His techniques were neutralized by my storm release. I believe his explosions use Earth Chakra, so the lightning chakra in my Storm technique would have neutralized the exploding clone." I added in.

Lord Itachi nodded. "A good deduction. How did you come by it?"

"My technique tore through one of the wings of his flying creature. It never exploded. I didn't have time to verify my theory though." I admitted bitterly.

Lord Fifth thought for a few more moments. "Regardless, well done. You all did much better than I originally thought. Both groups handled their opponents with ease. Though do not expect all of your battles to go as smoothly. There are some true monsters in the rank of Akatsuki."

I didn't doubt that for a second. Lord Fifth was one, and that was before his illness was cured! Now being healthy once again? Psh. I dared Akatsuki to try and come into Konoha.

"Everyone is dismissed aside from Kakashi and Genma. The three of us need to discuss Sasori's information. Lady Chiyo, I assume you want to go check on Lord Kazekage?"

Lady Chiyo nodded. "I would, Lord Hokage. I will also need to send a report to Suna."

Itachi waved her off. "My raven has been gone for hours now. Unless you want to send your own message, I have informed them that Lord Gaara is alive, received top notch on field medical attention, and was brought here to Konoha so Lady Tsunade herself could finish his treatment. If you wish to include anything else, I will have the guide I will send in a few hours show you to the Hawk Nest."

She bowed her respect. "Thank you, Lord Hokage. I admit, I never was fond of alliances, especially with Konoha. However, I am beginning to see the benefits. Continue to bring honor to your station and I see both our villages celebrating many years of peace and prosperity. Now, forgive this grouchy old woman."

Lord Itachi nodded and signaled for an ANBU to escort Lady Chiyo. The two exited immediately. The rest of us bowed to our leader and made our own exit. We walked in silence until we left the building.

"I'm going to grab food for black hole stomach one and two and take it to the hospital. Anyone else like to come?" I asked our small group.

Choji and Neji both declined, but Ami accepted. We bid our goodbyes to our comrades and made the trek to Ichiraku Ramen. There's literally never a wrong time for Ramen with those two. I rolled my eyes, even Fú seemed to love the stuff above all else!

************************************Boring Boring**************************************

"I'm home!" I called out. I had spent the last three hours at the hospital. Gaara was long out of surgery and was on the road to a fast recovery. Fú's fast thinking prevented nearly all scar tissue from forming. Lord Kazekage would be near 100% once he was all recovered. I chuckled to myself remembering Fú's bright red face as Tsunade herself praised her silken threads and the versatility of such a technique.

"Big Bro! You're back!" Kono said happily. She ran forward and threw her arms around my waist, squeezing me a mini bear hug.

I looked down at my baby sis and grinned. "Of course I am. You think I wanted to stay in a sand filled hell hole like Suna longer than necessary?"

"KENTA YAMANAKA! YOU WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE AROUND YOUR SIBLINGS!" Mom yelled from the kitchen. Kono and I snickered silently at mom's outburst. I pulled myself out of Kono's death grip and took her hand. We marched into the kitchen, a unified front. I'm so glad Kono was still young enough to not rip her hand from mine because it wasn't "cool."

"Mother, Kono will be a full-fledged Genin in two weeks. I don't think saying "hell" around her is going to be the worst she hears in the next year." I told mother primly. She pinned me with a glare that caused me to flinch. Shit. Forgot my tactics have never worked on mom.

"Give me that poo again and I'll string you up by your thumbs and let Ibiki break that nasty potty mouth you developed, hear me?" She said in a no-nonsense voice, waving her spatula in a threatening manner. I bowed my head.

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, mom." I said apologetically. Kono giggled beside me. I stepped on her toe. I might be older, but I'm definitely not the mature one here.

Mom held her glare for a few more seconds before she smiled widely. "How did you mission go? I heard you were in time to save Lord Kazekage. A most marvelous feat, hon. You should be proud."

I frowned. "We saved Gaara, but my team wasn't able to kill one of the members. He got away from us."

"Well, you still killed one of them, right? Saving Lord Gaara was priority. Killing terrorists was the secondary objective. You completed your mission and one of two extra parameters. That is astounding, especially considering who your opponents were." Mom said thoughtfully. I felt a bit better already when mom put it that way.

"Who did you fight, Kenta? I memorized the book you gave me so I probably know!" Kono piped in.

"Naruto, Fú and I fought Deidara of Iwa. We injured him but he was able to escape. Ami, Neji Hyuga, and Choji Akimichi were able to kill Sasori of the Red Sand." I told her.

Kono had stars in here eyes. "Big Sis' team was able to kill Sasori?! Wow! She's so awesome! Why did you kill your enemy, bro?"

I shrugged. "He was able to create these constructs that exploded. He could also use them to maneuver and fly. By the time we realized he had substituted with a clone construct, he was too far away to chase."

Kono nodded in acceptance. "You'll get him next time though, won't you, Kenta?"

I smiled at her. "You bet, kiddo."

"Either way, well done, son. I'm proud, and your father would be too if he were here." Mom said.

"Where is Dad?" I asked.

"He's at work. With Akatsuki starting to make their moves, Lord Fifth wants the barrier team more alert than ever. He should be home soon." Mom explained, back to making dinner.

"Hm. I see. Well, Kono, wanna go practice? Show me all you've learned in the academy so far." I asked her.

She nodded enthusiastically. "I learned a new illusion today! Can I practice on you?"

I laughed at her excitement and made my way out to the back, Kono falling into place beside me yammering a mile a minute.

It was good to be home with family.

************************************Ruh Roh Raggy*************************************

It had been three days since our completed mission to Suna. Lord Kazekage had made a full recovery and a delegation had arrived the previous day to escort him back home. Kankuro and Temari were of course part of said delegation and both were moved to tears with relief seeing their baby brother whole and unharmed.

I had spent the last three days mainly just relaxing. I couldn't remember a time where I just willfully chose to not do much. The days weren't boring though. I spent them teaching Kono and her friends little tips and tricks. I spent every afternoon at the park, watching Iroko playing with the other toddlers. I went to lunch and caught up with my various friends. Overall, a MUCH needed break for me. One I didn't even realize I needed until Cpt Genma showed up on my doorstep, mission scroll in hand.

"Ugh. Do I HAVE to go on this mission? Can't someone else go?" I whined to my senior.

He gave me a flat stare. "When have you ever declined a mission? Are you feeling sick? Do we need to visit Anko?"

I shook my head. "These last few days of just hanging with my family have been heaven. I'm going to go hand in my resignation. Full-time big brother now."

Cpt Genma snorted. "By the end of the week, you'd be begging to be back on the mission payroll. Pay your gear and meet me at the gate in an hour. We're going to meet this spy of Orochimaru's."

I instantly went into mission mode. "So, we get that job? Full Akatsuki team or…?"

Captain shook his head. "Just team 11, like the good 'ole days."

I smiled widely. "Yes! Can I be the one to kill the snake?"

Genma laughed. "Just meet me in an hour. I have to stop at the hospital before we leave."

I smiled at Genma. "Oooooh. Gotta say bye to your woman? When's the wedding? Is she pregnant yet? How many kids do you all plan on having? Your first boy- OW! What the hell, Captain?" I pulled the senbon he spat at me out of my deltoid and rubbed it gingerly.

"Next time, I go for vitals. Get your crap together and move, Yamanaka." He growled, disappearing with a burst of wind.

I snickered to myself. Teasing Genma and Shizune was nearly as fun as making Hinata revert to her stammering academy days by mentioning Naruto. I shut the door and went to grab my gear, scribbling a note for the family not to wonder where I disappeared to.

***********************************Whats Gunna Happeeennnn?!*************************

"Let's move out. The spy is supposed to meet Sasori in a week. At a casual pace we can get there in 5 days, which gives us time to scout the area." Cpt Genma informed the three of us.

We set off, our pace just as light and casual as Genma said it would be. It was reminiscent of our Genin days. The Tenchi Bridge was located in Land of Mushrooms. Kusa was the hidden village of the country. They were a small hidden village, but their troops were well trained, which kept them from being absorbed into one of the larger countries it bordered. It sat to the north of Land of Storms. Ame was another small shinobi village that had been forged in the fires of war. All three shinobi world wars had spilled over into the two smaller countries at some point. It was in Ame that Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru were granted the title of Sannin.

One day, I hoped to hold a similar title. For now though, we had to focus on the mission. We continued our leisurely pace northwest to our eventually destination.

**************************Boring running, Boring running**********************************

Today was the day. Team 11 was camped around in various spots, all eyes on the meeting point. My gut knew who to expect, it wouldn't surprise me either. 'That' guy seemed to have his hands in every cookie jar, though he had not the skill or guile to keep stealing cookies from such dangerous men. One day it was going to bite him in the ass, I was hoping today would be that day.

A felt the presense approach from my right, but I didn't flinch. The Naruto clones were our means of communication. Captain Genma had one with him at all times. He would send messages with the clone, once delivered it would release itself, cueing Naruto into making two more clones. One to relay to Ami or Me the news, and one to send back to Cpt Genma's side.

"Cpt Genma says last message. Be ready. The second this person shows up, we move. No preamble or anything. Move in, subdue the target, get out." It informed me.

I nodded but kept silent.

"You ok, Kenta? You're being awfully quiet." Clone asked.

I shook my head. "Just a feeling this isn't going to be so cut and dry. What if Sasuke and Sakura show up? What if Orochimaru himself shows up? Too much is unknown. I don't like having such little information." I confessed.

Clone nodded. "Boss feels the same. I think everyone does. We're good enough though for whoever shows up. Have some faith in us, Loser."

My lips twitched slightly and I glanced at the clone. "Thanks. I know. I'm thinking too much. Alright go ahead and… dispel?" I noticed movement on the far end of the valley. A robed figure was making their approach towards The Tenchi Bridge. "Hurry and dispel so Naruto can inform Ami. Our target is here." I said quickly. Clone nodded and dispelled.

My eyes trained in on the target and I focused my sensing on the person. I snarled as my senses keyed right in on the man I thought it was going to be.

Kabuto Yakushi.

I wouldn't forget that sickly feeling of his chakra for the rest of my life. I continued to wait, ready to pounce the moment he stepped foot onto the bridge.

What felt like ages passed before his foot met the solid wood of the bridge. I began to count.


I surged forward, feeling three other presences moving simultaneously with my own. We surrounded the young man on each side of the bridge, leaving him no option to escape.

"Kabuto Yakushi. I somehow knew it would be you. First Danzo, then Orochimaru, now Sasori. Any other pieces of shit you can cower behind to add to the list?" I snarled.

He chuckled. "It is good to see you as well, Lord Kenta. Naruto Uzumaki and Genma Shiranui as well? Oh and Miss Ami Kogure! My, what a welcome I must say!" His falsely cheerful voice sounded through the gorge. My eyes narrowed. He was much too calm going against the strength before him. My gut feeling only intensified.

"Kabuto Yakushi, you are under arrest for treason against Konoha. You may either come quietly, or we will forcefully drag you back to Konoha." Genma said in a cold voice, his usual drawl abandoned.

"Kukukuku. My, my, Kabuto. You aren't winning the popularity contest today, are you?" A cold voice sounded behind me. The hair's on the back of my neck stood completely erect. I grabbed Ami and flashed behind Naruto and Genma, just as a sword sliced the air where we had been. "Quick sensing and quick reflexes as always, Young Kenta. You have grown. I still need to study that delicious bloodline." Orochimaru's leering face appearing right where Ami and I had been moments before.

"You can study it when I'm old and retired." I snarked back, throwing my own leer at the Snake.

"Kukukuku. Still as much spunk as ever I see." Orochimaru's crazed gaze turned to Kabuto. "I thought we were killing Sasori today, Kabuto? Why are four leaf shinobi here instead?"

Kabuto looked just as perplexed. "I am sorry, Master. That was what my message was when the sleeper agent seal broke."

"He's dead." Ami said simply. "I killed him myself. Me, another Special Jonin, and a Chunin. The fact that you simpered and obeyed such a weak man shows how pathetic you are, snakelet. I can't wait to dump you to Anko and Ibiki. I want to watch as they break you." Ami's crazed smile fixed in place as she stared deep into Kabuto's eyes. The man had the smarts to shiver. I know I would if Ami were looking at me like that.

"Kukuku. It looks as though Anko's little pet has grown fangs of her own. Maybe I abandoned little Anko too soon? Maybe I'll go collect her at some point." Orochimaru's own crazed gaze locked with Ami's. To her credit, Ami didn't falter. If anything, the smile on her face only grew.

"Where are Sasuke and Sakura, Orochi-Idiot?!" The dam holding Naruto back finally breaking. "They better be fine, or you'll wish you had simply died today."

Orochimaru snarled at the name but quickly composed himself. "Ah. Sasuke and Sakura. MOST promising specimens. Sakura was the most surprising. Her potential is near limitless. As for Sasuke, I wonder how you three match up to his strength now. I have pushed him to elite levels. I would confidently say that he is almost a match for his brother at this point."

I snorted. "Yeah, OK. Toot that horn some more, Orochi-Idiot. The last personally trained soldiers you sent after us are all dead, and that was when we hadn't even been shinobi a full year. You may have an eye for talent, clearly you suck at nurturing it." I popped off.

Orochimaru's anger broke through this time and he hissed. "Watch your mouth, little boy, before you become the snake's prey."

I showed teeth, not in a smile. "You act as if the snake is the top of the animal kingdom. They are prey to all but the smallest creatures. The snake is a predator, but they are far from apex. We may have been mice when you ambushed us four years ago. You will find this owl has taken flight and will devour any snake that comes into its domain."

"Enough of this useless banter. I came here to kill, and that's what I plan on doing." Orochimaru's Chakra spiked and the four of us tensed.

"Kenta, take Kabuto. Naruto, Ami and I will take Orochimaru." Genma ordered the three flashing away with Orochimaru in hot pursuit.

"With pleasure." I smiled vindictively at my newest target.

"I will warn you, Lord Kenta. I am not really a fighter, I am a trained medic. But in battle, I am Kakashi's equal." Kabuto bragged.

I snorted, loudly this time. "Whatever you have to tell yourself, kid. Kakashi would wipe the floor with you while never taking his eyes off that book of his. Maybe Kakashi four years ago. But if that's who you're comparing yourself to, you're dead already. You just don't know it."

Kabuto frowned. "You should not take your opponents lightly, Kenta. That is how you wind up dead."

I shook my head. "I never take my opponents lightly. I was simply stating facts. I have surpassed the Kakashi who rested on his laurels and never trained himself. Long ago, I might add. I was made ANBU Captain just before my 15th birthday. My team had a 100% mission success rate over my two years as Captain. Kakashi nowadays is a Kage level opponent. He spent his time traveling with Naruto and Lord Jiraiya not only training Naruto, who now faces your master, but himself. Tell me, Kabuto, do you still want to use that weak bluff?"

Kabuto's frown deepened. Clearly the spy was off his game. His chakra was mirroring his confusion.

"It does not matter. You may be stronger, but the opponent who has more experience in battle, as well as the better strategy, will be victorious." He stated finally.

"Whatever you say, traitor." I rolled my shoulders. "Taking on a nobody like you will be cake. Hopefully you don't bore me to death, as that is the only way you're winning this fight."

"You are a dead man, Kenta. I was personally trained in Root and then by Lord Orochimaru. They shaped me into the deadly fighter I am to this day. Prepare yourself!" He called and rushed me, discarding the bulky robe, his hands glowing an ominous blue.

I yawned. I waited until he was within 5ft, but then my eyes widened. He disappeared. I felt him approaching from my blind spot, hand extended. His chakra scalpel inches from making contact with the base of my skull, where the brain stem dwelled. Severing that would end my life instantly. His hand met its mark, and passed right through. My smirking after image fading from existence.

"Wow. Well done, Kabuto. You almost had me there." I laughed derisively. "As I said, Orochimaru's ability to nurture talent is a pale imitation of his teammates. No creature that selfish could ever allow someone else to grow as powerful as he is, with the hopes of one day surpassing him. You were a fool to think that The Snake would grant you any meaningful power. He trained you just enough to be useful to him. No more, no less. Fodder to toss to his enemies, just like the rest."

Kabuto gaped at me. His chakra rolled uneasily.

"What? Did you think because you had his favor that you were different? That you were special? Wasn't Kimimaro special? Did you know we did an autopsy of his body? Did you also know that his disease was completely manageable if it had been caught early? Did you know that there were signs of treatment in the beginning stages, but then treatment stopped? Did you know that Lady Tsunade developed a surgery that could have completely cured that boy, or at least put his disorder into remission for several years before another surgery would be needed? Orochimaru chose to let that poor boy suffer and die. All because he found a new play thing." I taunted, back in my element once again. I swear, these Orochimaru Fan Boys were so easy.

"Multiple Myeloma. A normal life was just a little bit of effort away. A pity, he seemed like an honorable man. Powerful. He fell to my poisons, the same way you will. The Snake's apprentice, undone by poison. The irony makes me shiver in anticipation." I finished, smiling dreamily at the boy.

"Lord Orochimaru would never do something similar to me." Kabuto's calm reply came. His chakra told a different story. "Kimimaro was doomed to die from the day Orochimaru discovered he was faulty. No way could His Greatness take the body of someone so defunct. He died because of his sin, the sin of falling to such a disease."

I snorted. "Is that what you tell yourself to make yourself feel better? Or is that just the lie you tell yourself as you thank the gods he lost favor, keeping your spot as his right hand man."

Kabuto licked his lips ever so slightly, his chakra rolled in jealously and fear. My eyes widened to almost comical proportions. I gave Kabuto my most appreciate smile.

"You dirty little snake! YOU were his primary physician. YOU were the one who discovered it was a treatable and potentially curable disease. YOU were the one who let him die!" I tsked and shook my head. "Poor, poor Kabuto. Such lack of faith in his own ability and usefulness to his master, he'll kill his number one soldier just to keep his spot."

"You shut your mouth, Kenta Yamanaka." Kabuto hissed, the first real emotion breaking through. Anger, it was always anger. Didn't these villains have any other emotion besides anger?

"Oh? Why so angry, snakelet? Afraid Orochi-Pedo will find out and air your dirty laundry? Afraid he will be angry you let such potential die? Even if not as his vessel, having someone of Kimimaro's strength would surely help his cause." I said mockingly.

"Shut up! You don't know me! You don't know what my life has been like, what I've had to do to survive!" Kabuto yelled, his face flushed in anger.

I sneered at the young man. "Oh boohoo, woe is you. Are you really trying to throw your sob story in my face? I read your file from Danzo's hideout. You killed the woman who rescued you unknowingly and she didn't recognize your face. Wah wah. My best friend was nearly beaten to death at 5 years old just for existing. He's spent his entire life hated and ostracized by the village he grew up in. My girlfriend suffered the same in her home village. There's always someone who has it worse. YOU chose your own destiny. YOU volunteered to go to Root rather than, I don't know, bringing Danzo's blackmail up to Lord Third, or anyone for that matter. You sealed your fate and now you live with it."

I spat in his direction. "You're pathetic. The world would have been better off had Nono killed you that day. At least she had people who loved her. You? You're a nobody. No memory of your past. No vision for your future. You go where your master's point. You're a dog, that's it. You don't even know who you are. You basically don't even exist. Do the world a favor, and disappear forever. I promise, no one will ever miss what they don't remember losing. This is why you were recruited as a spy. You are so forgettable, even the gods don't remember you."

Kabuto's face had gone from red to translucent white within seconds. He stared at me wide-eyed. His eyes had gone dim, they were the eyes of a dead man. I had won. He had realized every word I uttered was true. He was no one. It was time to seal his fate, permanently. I made the required hand sign. Not one of the common twelve. Not even one used by my clan. A hand seal I developed myself. A handseal used for my own original technique. I made small circles out of my thumb and forefinger. The other three fingers on each hand were erect and splayed out. I covered my eyes with the holes, staring at Kabuto's pathetic form through the holes. I gathered my yin chakra to my eyes, creating the link between souls. The eyes are the window of the soul, Kabuto's soul was mine.

'Yamanaka Clan Technique: Despairing Mind Trap' I thought to myself, and pushed the yin chakra in my eyes directly into Kabuto's. The link was made. Kabuto was no more.

His eyes glazed, and I held his gaze. Never breaking the link. The lightless eyes widened momentarily, and he began to mutter to himself. His muttering became a pathetic keening, which morphed into full blown hysteria.

"No! Nono! Why? How could you do this to me? Who am I? What am I?!" Kabuto's agonizing wails repeated throughout the clearing, over and over again. My concentration wavered. His screams of despair called to my soul. I took a deep, savory breath. Relishing in Kabuto's mental agony. As the desperation in Kabuto's voice reached new heights, my control broke. I closed my eyes, inhaling the emotions rolling off the boy in waves. The euphoric feelings coursed through my body. It had been so long since I fed off the emotions of another like this. I needed more. I had to have more! My eyes flew open, the flood of yin chakra I projected towards the boy would surely leave him in a vegetative state, but I didn't care. He was a traitor. He deserved everything that was happening and more.

The minutes passed by in agony for Kabuto, but for me they flew by. My body shivered with the euphoric ecstasy I was in. Soon, soon his fragile mind would snap, and the feast I was enjoying would end with the most delectable desert in existence. More. MORE!

This was a technique I developed right before I became ANBU Captain. I had started its development as soon as I arrived from the retrieve Sasuke and Sakura mission. It was an idea that my addiction riddled brain came up with one night. It was an idea to further the despair I could pull from a broken victim. Just over a year later, I had mastered it. I presented the idea to Father, Uncle and the Council. Everyone was completely floored by the viciousness and efficiency of the technique I created. Father was most proud of me, for he knew that I could handle such a dangerous technique. The council rated my new technique as a B-Rank technique, and then quickly labeled it a forbidden technique. For its absolutely corruptible euphoria was so high for practitioners of our mind wars, as well as how easy an opponent's mind could break under such a technique.

For it was a technique that trapped an opponent in their most despair inducing thoughts. Over, and over, and over. And unlike an illusion that had a similar effect, the user could not break out of my technique without overwhelming my feelings of ecstasy with a strong enough feeling of their own. The technique replayed their worst memories, it whispered their failures, shortcomings, and insecurities on a loop. It was maddening. It was despair.

At 14 years old, I had developed my first forbidden technique. It was the first, but certainly wasn't or wouldn't be the last. One day, people would tremble at the rumor that I had stepped onto the battle field. I would drown in the flood of fear despair my name induced. I would-

My eyes snapped to Kabuto's, eyes that were no longer wide and agonized, but clear and full of pure, primal hatred. I thought I was going to be sad. I thought I would be angry that the little snake had managed to weasel his way out of my technique. I was wrong. Excitement coursed through my veins. My hairs from head to toe stood erect, my skin was raised in goosepimples.