
I went straight in the room where I'll be staying for the rest of the year. Room 07B. I find myself a random seat. Everyone started glaring at me once I sat down. I wondered why all these people are staring at me? Why are they giving me death glares? Did I do something wrong? Are they not a fan of the company?



Then this is the part where I first saw him.



Dark black hair, uniform all wrinkled, and a pace fast but smooth. The boy came in the classroom glaring at me like everyone else. He walked toward me and stopped looking at me straight in the eye without moving an inch. I faced him, but he was not only a boy he was quite handsome. His skin was white as snow, his lips were attractive, his eyes as dark as the night giving off a death that was so brutal when you stare into the orbs you feel death chasing you. I felt the cold deathly eyes, but it wasn't scary. We stared at each other for a while until he started.



"Hey you idiot, get off of my seat", he said to me.



"Why would I? I was here first", I replied.



"Get off of my seat or el-", I cut him off.



"Kill me?", I didn't mean to say it, but it did look like he was about to murder the innocent light.



I decided to ignore him by facing away from him. He attempted to slap me across my face. But he failed thanks to another stranger.




"Jiminie stop, you don't need to do this to a girl!", the other guy said.



"Yah! Taehyung. She stole my spot!", the guy who attempted to slap me whose name is Jiminie spoke.



The other guy whose name is Taehyung made his way to the mess and looked at me. He takes his right hand out.



"Hello, I'm Kim Taehyung. I'm sorry about him, he's just always in a bad mood. His name is Jimin. What's your name?", Taehyung said.



I took my hand out and shook his as I was fascinated by his unique beauty. He also had skin as white as snow, he has mono-lid eyes, dark brown eyes, he has a smile that was shaped like a box, and his eyes is giving me a sunny vibe. I stopped staring at him.



"It was my fault, so I also am sorry for not knowing it was your spot"



I looked at Jimin.



"This is my first time being in a school since I was homeschooled all my life. I'm Luna, Montgomery Luna", I said.



As soon as I said my full name, everyone was shock and looked guilty. Jimin was also shock and so as Taehyung.



"Well, look it's one of the famous Montgomery. Everyone was very convinced that you were just another normal student. This is an unexpected appearance, so we must give you a warm welcome", Taehyung said happily.



"Thank you", I said.



"You can take a seat over here, Miss Montgomery", some random girl said. I got up and moved to the seat. The bell rang and the teacher came in.



"Good morning room 07B! Today we all have a new student. Shall we all welcome her", said the teacher. Everyone looked at me like earlier, but less of the death glares. I guess I'm supposed to stand up and introduced myself. I stood up and forced a small smile trying to avoid the awkwardness.



"Uhm... Hello! I'm Montgomery Luna. I'm 17 years old. And I just came all the way from New York a few weeks ago. I hope I can adopt quickly in the class since I was homeschooled"



"I'm Mr. Lee your Home, English, and Korean teacher. Alright any questions for Miss Luna?"



About ten people rose their hand.






"If you came from New York, how is your Korean good?"



"Like I said I was homeschooled, so at home I had a various number of subjects I learned. And those were the main 4 subjects everyone knows and international languages, business, music, art, and fashion"






"How rich are you?"



"It is depending on our family's net worth and our wages. I can't really specify how rich I am, so the answer to your question is... yes"






"Have you designed anything from the Montgomery company?"



"Yes I did, I started from scratch creating the 5 outfits for my mother's summer collection 3 years ago. 7 outfits for my father's winter collection 2 years ago. And the recent, 25 on my own spring collection"



"Wow, that's quite a lot of work to do. I wonder if you could design me an outfit. Haha. You may take a seat, Luna. We can save our questions later, okay?"



"OK!", everyone said out loud.



"Since we're all done with testing last week, everyone can have their free time"



"Yayyy!! Thank you, Mr. Lee!!"



Everyone was talking and some are on their phones. Taehyung and Jimin went to the library and I have nothing to do. Until someone poked me from behind.










(Author Here!)



Uh oh someone's in trouble!










-MLuna 💜