It’s Her?!

The bell rang, so I quickly grabbed my things and head out the door. There were a lot of people and some stopped to talk to their friends. It was hard to get through the crowd, but I made it over. I had to go to a different building to get to music class. Why was the music room apart from the main building of the school? When I got out from the back exit, there were three buildings. I saw the sign that said music room, and I followed it to a building that is bigger than the other two buildings. When I went in I was in a auditorium. Not only a boring auditorium it was like the one in France. I was so mesmerized by it's beautifully painted ceilings. While I was staring at the ceiling music started playing. I then stopped staring at the ceilings and caught someone playing the piano. I walked closer to the stage and watched. I noticed it was a boy playing the piano. He was so calm and everything was perfect. I closed my eyes and picture myself at the opera house as he hits each rhythm. The song sounds really familiar to me. I started to struggle and started to have a flashback...

(??????: Point of view)

I was at backstage, I decided to go to the main stage to play the piano. I walked to the main stage and saw a girl staring at the ceiling. She looks lost and she doesn't have a uniform on, she must be new?

I quietly walked to the piano and peacefully play. I played a song that was written thousands of years ago from my dynasty.

I've been playing the piano since I was 3. My cousin, Ji-yun was the one who inspired me to play the piano. I didn't want to play the piano because I was just kid, but Ji-yun would force me to play. She plays two instruments the piano and the violin. She needed someone to play the piano while she was playing the violin, eventually she picked me. Unfortunately, she died in an accident when I was 5 years old. I kept playing it to honor her death and also to thank her for forcing me to play the piano.

I looked back at the girl again and I saw her watching me play. She was holding a paper and her phone. She slowly closes her eyes. I just noticed her beauty and I couldn't pay attention to the piano, so I was missing some notes. I then stopped myself from looking at her and finished the song. I was about finish when I heard something fall. I looked back at the girl, but she wasn't there.

So I stopped playing and I went down the stairs, in the corner of my eye I saw her lying down on the floor. I ran over to her with a scared expression. I first check if she was still breathing. She wasn't. I didn't know what to do, so I picked her up and ran to the main building. I started to get even more scared as I was making my way to the nurse's office hoping she could make it. Everyone was making a path for me to the office. Then the bell rang, I made it to the office, but the problem was that the nurse was gone. I told the office ladies, but they don't know what to do. I remember there was a hospital a few blocks from school.

I didn't want to lose another person, so ran out from the front and ran to the parking lot. I quickly find my car and lay the girl at the back seats. I went in and drove to the hospital really fast. We made it to the emergency room and I couldn't stop panicking, for the girl looked like she was dead. They brought her to the room and they told me to wait outside. Few minutes later, a nurse came out and I quickly walked out to her.

"How is she?", I asked.

"She's doing ok, for now", the nurse said.

"You must be the patient's boyfriend? What's her name?",she asked me.

"I honestly don't know", I replied

"Where was she at?."

"She was at the auditorium with me in school. I don't know her, but she must be new in school."

"Can you call someone who knows her?"

"Yeah", I said.

I grabbed my phone and opened my phone app. I didn't who to call so I decided to call Jimin.

(On the phone:)

"Yah! Yoongi, why do you have to call me during class?!", Jimin said.

"It's an emergency. Come to Asan Medical Center right now!", I yelled.


"Just come"

(Phone call ended:)

The reason why i called Jimin it's because he's always the first person to meet and torture a new student. I waited for Jimin, and a few minutes later I saw Jimin and Taehyung together looking around. I walked up to them and told them what happened.

"Wait what! Yoongi-ah has a girlfriend",Taehyung said.

"No, it's this random girl from school",I said.

We then walked to her "room" and opened the door. I walked in and sat by the girl. I looked at Taehyung and Jimin standing in front of the hospital bed, they had a shock expression on their face. It looks like they know her.

"Jiminie. Do you know her?", I asked.

"Yes he does", Taehyung speaks.

They were just standing and staring at her. I didn't know what was going on, but I needed to ask for her name.

"Do you guys know her name?"

Jimin finally speaks, "It..It's..her....M..Montgomery..Luna!"

I look at her and I was shock too...

(End of POV)