You’re in DANGER

(Luna's POV)

I smashed the cake on Jimin. He fell on the floor. I felt better. Everyone started laughing and some took their phones out. Jimin's face was covered with strawberries and vanilla icing. The cake was everywhere on Jimin's clothes, and I noticed the suite was part of my Spring Montgomery Clothing Line. That suit Jimin is wearing costs around 3.2 million won. Is this how rich Jimin is?

Anyways, Taehyung and 3 other boys came in the crowded room. The 3 boys were also handsome, but not as handsome as Taehyung. The crowd made room for them to get to Jimin who was wiping off the cake and icing. Then Yoongi showed up out of nowhere with a pack of wipes, and he threw it on Jimin. Yoongi slowly walked up to me and whispered in my ear.

"Pink tie, Jin. Blue suit, Namjoon. And bunny teeth, Jungkook."

I got confused a little bit, but I then realized it was Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon, and Jeon Jungkook.

"Ok? You know you don't have to tell me. I know the "POPULAR" people here. The cooker, the player, and the strange quiet dude."

I said sarcastically.

"Haha! Very funny! You joker girl!"

Jin said.

I looked around and Jin, Namjoon, and everyone else started laughing.

"Ya!! What happened here?!"

Jungkook said and quickly helped Jimin up.

Taehyung watched Jungkook help Jimin with a calm face.

"Will all of you leave, please?"

Taehyung said with his deep soft voice. The group of students left quickly.

Yoongi and two other boys smirked at me. Then, Jimin stood up with anger expression on his face.

"I apologized to you and asked for forgiveness. But you don't want to forgive me. I understand. Like why would you forgive someone who is not on the same level as you? I understand you're rich, but don't forget these words."

Jimin said as he moved closer to me.

"What do you mean?"

I asked worriedly.

"You don't know me, but I'm telling you, you're in DANGER!"

What is he talking about? Is he jealous because I'm more famous and rich. I'm Confused.


Jin and Namjoon who was just standing, surprised.

Jimin glared at me and walked out. The 3 boys fallowed, but Taehyung and Yoongi stayed remained.

(Yoongi's POV)

Wow. Seeing what she did to Jimin was funny. I don't respect Jimin anymore. He's now bossy and gets what he wants. But I know that's not his true side. He was much wiser and soft to people until Seulgi. Seulgi changed Jimin by her words. Jimin said dating Seolgi was the biggest mistake he has ever made.

So now, Jimin met another girl who keeps her pride up. I can tell Jimin has stopped walking because he is stopped by another girl who is different than Seulgi. EVERYONE CHANGED. But there's two things that didn't change. Me and Taehyung. We were stuck with the old Jimin words and promise to stay wise while everyone changed.

Now, this girl. And if she knew the whole story I bet she would change Jimin back to his old self or even better. I've been quiet after the Seulgi situation. The story of change. I don't know a way to tell her. She seems to be a spoiled child or something, but hopefully this will work.

I walked up to Taehyung and whispered to him.

"Bring her to the D&W house tomorrow night, please."

Taehyung looked at me confused.


"I'll tell you the plan tomorrow morning."

I said looking at Luna. I left the room. And hoping she will fall into the trap.

(Taehyung's POV)

Tomorrow, Luna is getting discharged, and Yoongi is up to something.

What is happening? I should be graduating, get a job, date, get married, and have kids. I have no time for this. Ahhh! I need to study for the university entrances. I should leave Luna to rest.

"Wait! Taehyung... I was wondering why are you dressed so formal?"

"Oh, it was my hyungs idea. I need to study for the university entrance, so I have to leave."

I said about to open the door.

"Oh,:( Well, hopefully you get to enter a university."

Luna said sadly.

I kinda feel bad leaving her here. I mean like after the warning that Jimin gave her, it's going to be terrible in the next 4 to 5 days. I should stay. I should be the one to protect her from any of the members.

I closed the door and turned around.

"Never mind Luna. I'll stay by your side."

I said with a smile.


She was so happy. She jumped out of the bed and ran to me for hug. I hugged her back. It's been long time I've felt this kind of hug. It was warm, cozy, and lovely. We let go and we met our eyes. Her eyes were sparkling like the stars above the sky. She shines really bright and was the most beautiful thing I've seen in a while. I thought I would never find love again, but Luna....she's like my FIRST LOVE.

(End of POV)


(Author here!)

Hey guys! Sorry🙏🏻for the long wait. This story was put together from my dreams 😴at night. I'm hoping the next chapters will be a BIGHIT. 🥳🤩Thank you for 4,000 or more views 👏🏻😆for this story!! I'm really improving things. I will move a little faster on this story because it is taking too long! (Too exhausting to write a lot!) I also have two other stories, These Days and Filter, please check it out too!🤗 (And Sorry for the promo)

I PURPLE U 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Here are some questions to think about:

Who is Seulgi?

What was the main problem with the Seulgi situation?

What is the story of Change?

Who was Taehyung's First Love?

What do you think Yoongi is up too?

-MLuna 💜