Who is she?? Part 1

(Narrator's POV)

Luna falls asleep slowly. She dreams of better things tomorrow. Wishing Taehyung can understand her, and didn't mean to get really mad at him. But she does not know anything about Yoongi or Jimin being suspicious. Well, let's see what happens to Luna and the D&W boys.

(5:30 in the morning)

(Taehyung's POV)

I woke up from a dream...

I was at the orphanage...

I was also with 8 year old Jimin and a girl. I don't really know what was happening, but the girl was wearing a necklace. The necklace has pendant that has words, but I couldn't see it clearly. She was writing on a piece of paper and handed it to Jimin, and he also writes something. She then gets the paper back from Jimin and hides it underneath a loose wood on the floor. I don't remember this moment, but it looks important. The girl looks kinda familiar and new to me at the same time. Maybe she is "L", or perhaps the other girl. The only memories that have with "L" was how got to be her friend. The rest of our play days were forgotten. And the other girl came after. If I only had powers or something to remember everything that happened back then. And maybe find my first love.

I got out of bed and got ready for school. Usually, Namjoon is awake first and wakes all the members up, but last night SeokJin said he went out with girls again. I was at the Park's house yesterday, to get Jimin's picture album and ended up going home late, so I didn't get to chase Namjoon down. I went down to the kitchen to see SeokJin, Yoongi, and Jungkook already awake. SeokJin was making Bulgogi and Kimchi. Yoongi is playing the piano quietly in the corner of the living room. And Jungkook is munching on some cereal.

"Tae-gi!", SeokJin yelled for me and Yoongi's attention.

"Ahh What?!", Yoongi stopped playing the piano and yelled back.

"I made Bulgogi and Kimchi..."

Yoongi walked in the kitchen.

"For us?" I asked.

"NO! For me and Jungkook" SeokJin said.

"I'm Fine. Just give it to Jimin."

Jungkook finished his cereal and quietly left the room.Is he ok? Did something happened yesterday that I missed. Is he just full? Does he have a late assignment? No way, he is smarter than Namjoon. Did he went out last night too?? No way! Why would he go out and drink? He's only 15 and he's about to graduate in 2 months, he needs to get ready for the entrance exam.

"Ugh!", I said annoyned.

"Jimin is not awake so I'll take it." Yoongi said.

"No!! Go make your own Yoongi. You were no help." Jin said while mixing the Kimchi.

I can't get enough of this guessing and it's time to ask what happened.

"SeokJin-ah, What happened to Jungkookie?" I asked.

"I don't know, why don't you ask the group leader, Tae!!? And don't call me SeokJin!!", Jin said leaving the kitchen and took the bulgogi and kimchi up to his room.

Yoongi look at me, then quickly went out. I went in the living room and saw Jungkook staring at the piano. I walked up to him ask him what had happened last night.

(Luna's POV)

Sound of children crying... The wooden floors making creaking noises as people walked by... It's a Orphanage!

Two little boys walked up to me."L!" they say to me. Is this a dream? Or is this a forgotten memory of my childhood?

I woke up, by the sound of my alarm clock. My dear mother comes in my room and opens the curtains. The sunlight touched my eyes and I smile. I think today is going to be a nice day. No D&W, no Taehyung, and no more fainting. Just a day to get to know classmates and find new friends.

"Morning Dear!" My mother said happily.

"Morning Mom!"

"I made you breakfast, but go get ready first and I'll meet you down stairs."

"Alright!", I said smiling.

Mother left me and I got ready for school. I finally have a school uniform and it looks pretty on me.

After getting ready, I went down stairs and went straight to the kitchen. Yummy!! I love my mother's cooking than my father's. Haejangguk soup, Bulgogi, Kimchi, and more! So delious!!

"Ma, these dishes look very tasty!"

"Oh Luna! You say that every time a cook for you. But every time your father cooks for you never give a compilment. Why is that?"

"Well... I guess Dad always puts too much salt, I guess?"

"What do you mean? Too much salt?" I jumped and dad was behind me.

"HAHAHAHA!!!", everyone laughed even the maids.

My parents and I finished our breakfast and went out at the front.

"Luna do you want us to go to school with you?" Mom asked.

"No, I'm fine mom. I should get used to getting to school by myself." I replied.

The car came and stopped.

"Are you sure Luna? What if you faint again?" Dad said.

"I'm sure father. You should get to cooking lessons." I said.

"Haha! Very funny Luna. Well, your mother and I will see you later."

"Please be careful at school!" Mom said.

"Don't worry. I'll be careful."

I went in the car and open the window to wave to my parents.

While the car ride to school, I thought my parents were right. They seem to lack a lot of things in life. Like cooking, playing games, learning an instrument, reading, painting. And MORE! I guess it was a good idea that they stopped working and live their life the fullest. I guess I'm glad we moved back here in Seoul. I finally have friends, I guess if Taehyung and Solar counts as a friend. But today... Today is going to change. I need to teach Jimin and the D&W what it's like to work really hard. I need to teach them not to mess around with me!

The car stop and it looks like I'm here again. The car door opens and I stepped down while looking at the school's beautiful decorations. The look of students going inside the school. Girls and boys talking at the school's steps. Students walking and waiting.

Ahh, ok, let's do this! I walked up the steps while many students stop and made pathway for me. Some bowed down and some greeted me.

"Ohh, you don't have to do this to me." I said.

"Miss Luna, we heard that you went to the hospital and we were worried. We tried visiting you, but a member from the D&W wouldn't let us in. So, we decide to just wait for you", two girls said and gave me a small Japanese Bonsai Tree.

"Awww, this Bonsai Tree is so cute, thank you!", I said really in love with this cute tree.

"As long as Miss Luna is alright!", the two girls said.

"Alright. Oh, what grade are you guys in?"

"I'm Kim Rae-Ah and I am in 2nd year highschool", Rae-ah said.

"And I'm Sung Ha-Yoo and I am in the same class as Rae-Ah", said Ha-Yoo.

"Well, Rae-Ah and Ha-Yoo you two are really cute. How do you guys know me?"

"Hehe. Three years ago, Rae-Ah's brother, Taehyung, got a magazine from one of his band mates. He gave it to Rae-Ah and we both saw you on the magazine. We fell in love with your fashion and so we followed your fashion tips. Since now, we have the best fashion styles."

Wait! I thought Taehyung was the only child?! He never said anything about his sister!?!

"Sorry to ask Rae-ah, but your brother never really metioned you. So, tell me. What does Taehyung do when he is free?"

"Oh. Taehyung. Well... Well... One time he brought me to his music practice. I guess Taehyung never really had relationship. But today, we went here together. Ha.. He was just here. Well... Sorry Miss Luna, we need to practice for our concert next week. Bye!", said Rae-Ah grabbing Ha-Yoo's hands.

"Oh... ok Bye!!"

The pathway of students left and went inside. The two girls ran. How cute! I wish I had a best friend. Anyways, it looks like Taehyung and Rae-Ah doesn't really have a good relationship. I guess Taehyung finally notices his little sister. He should be lucky to have a little sister that has a good taste with picking people. He sticks way too much with Jimin. What is it that he wants with Jimin? UGH! I should stop thinking and guessing. I should be going inside the school.

"Luna!", A familar voice called my name. I turned to see who it was. It was Solar.

"Hi Solar!" I wave back to her.

"Hey, are you feeling okay now?"

"No, I'm feeling so happy!", I said happily. I'm not really pretending to be happy. It's real that I'm happy. I'm happy to meet two cute girls giving me a smol tree!

"ahh! That's good!", she said smiling.

"So, What made you sooo happy?", she said.

"Well-" I stopped when many students came running down. One student pushed me.

Pushing me down the stairs.

"Ahhhhh!", I yelled falling.

"Luna!", Solar said trying to reach my hand.

I tried reaching her hand but I couldn't reach her. I closed my eyes wishing for someone to save me from falling. Then, everything stopped. I felt someone holding me. I finally open my eyes to see my hero.

As I opened my eyes I completely blanked out to see the person I never wanted to see...

(End of POV)



(Luna's POV)

(Day of the accident)

This song sounds really familar to me. I started to struggle and a flashback...


(14 years ago)

"Now! Play it Yoongi! Play it!" An angry Unnie yelling.

"Unnie I didn't practice" Another child sounded really sad

"UGH!! I told you to practice!" The Unnie is getting really angry

"Sorry, I'll try" The kid begging for forgiveness.

The same familar song plays on the piano. Then a violin started playing. After a few minutes an alarm goes on. Every thing blacks out.

(The first night at the hospital after talking to Yoongi)

Ahh. I wonder what flasback was I having. The problem is I forget about my flashbacks when every thing blacks out. But that song sounds really familar.

(End of Extra)


(Author Here!)

I will be posting every Saturday!



Who caught Luna? Might be obvious

What do you think happened to Jungkook,

Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi that night?

What is Yoongi's plan?

Why does Taehyung always sticks with Jimin?

Comment Down Below!!

And I Purple U! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

-MLuna 💜