Taehyung Extra

(Taehyung's POV)

(06:02 same day)

"Jungkookie-ah. What happened yesterday?", I asked Jungkook who was still and quiet.

"Hyung!", he said, then started crying.

"What is it?", I asked as wipe his tears carefully. I don't know what happened yesterday, but it's hurting Jungkook.

"When you left. Jimin wanted to get drunk. The last time I saw him drunk was when Seolgi was the problem. Jin and I told him not to cause today is the first day of taking the University Entrance Test."

What the- Why does Jimin have to be so childish. He should study like us. I wonder how he is going to become in the future?

"We all ended up arguing. Jimin then became a psychopath, and started punching Jin hyung. I punched him back to protect hyung, then he punched me many times. Yoongi hyung came and tried stopping him, but instead Jimin punched him and Yoongi almost couldn't walk."

Alright, I'm ready to face Jimin. I can't believe he would hurt Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung, but especially Jungkook. Why does he have to do this?

"Jin hyung got mad at Yoongi hyung cause he couldn't beat Jimin. Yoongi used to be good at fighting."

Jungkook is right. Yoongi hyung was really good at fighting. Jimin, me, Jungkook, or any of the members were not able to beat him.

"Jungkook, Are you hurt anywhere?", I asked.

"I'm fine hyung. Let's just go to school."

"Jungkook.... Listen, if Jimin hurts you or any of the hyungs... Please call me or tell me", I said to him in seriousness. He nodded his head.

I went upstairs to get my Gucci bag and my phone. I decided to check on Jin hyung.

"Knock! Knock! Hyung Jungkook and I are leaving. Please calm yourself down and rest", I said politely.

I went downstairs, but then my phone rang.

I check to see who was calling me. It was my mother. I never got a call from her since Jimin and I started high school.

(On the phone)

"Hello mother", I said in my soft deep voice.

"Taehyung, Rae-ah is in Seoul. Did you know?", my mother said in her same strict voice.

Rae-ah is here!?! I thought she's back in Daegu?

"Rae-ah? Rae-ah is in Seoul?! Here?!", I repeated.

"YES! KIM TAEHYUNG! Rae-ah is in Seoul. She's been in Seoul for TWO YEARS!"

"Three Years!?! Where is she here in Seoul?"

"She lives with your father. And she wants to go to school with you."

"Mother... Why are you telling me this now?"

"Well, if you didn't pay to Jimin or that horrible girl, Seolgi. YOU! Would have gotten a letter that Rae-ah wrote 2 years ago!"


"Ms. Park handed you a letter, right?"

"Yeah, but that was all free permission tickets to leave."

"Did you care to read it, though?"


"This is why I shouldn't have sticked you and Jimin together. She goes in the same school as you, and she is in 2nd year high school. Now Goodbye!"

(End of call)

Rae-ah has been here for two years!?! I can't believe it! All those letters were written by my little sister. And she didn't know that her STUPID older brother would just throw it away. The last time I contact with her was three years ago back in December Jimin and I were 14, and we were packing to go here in Seoul.


We skipped one grade so we are going in 2nd year high school. It was in a Christmas day in Busan and I didn't get any presents for my siblings. Jimin and I actually talked to the members before we met each other for the first time. Jungkook who was the same age as my sister got a magazine from Crystal. We didn't know or ever talk to Crystal back then, but we heard stories about her from Jungkook. I needed a gift, so I thought I can get Jungkook's magazine cause he didn't really needed it. Since Jungkook lives in Busan and we were in Busan, I decided to text my address to him. He mailed instead of coming over. I got the magazine, and look through it. It was a fashion magazine. While I was looking through it, I stopped in a specific page. It was a girl modeling, but she was only 14 years old. I didn't know who it was, but she was beautiful. I didn't care to look at her information, and just gave to Rae-ah.

(End of Flashback)

I found it was Luna. But the cool part is that I actually go to school with her. Good thing I'm in the Advanced high school years. I was supposed to graduate last year, but since I'm in advance I get one more year. That's how it goes around here. If you skipped grades you are automatically in advance years.

I walked up to Jungkook to tell him that we can't go together. He understood, and said that he'll just take the bus to school.

I left quickly and drove to my fathers house. I parked at the driveway. I looked to up to see the same old, but beautiful chandelier hanging. The house looked the same ever since I came here in Seoul. The security open the doors. I walked in, and to see the beautiful double staircases again. The house was inspired by the Changgyeonggung Palace and the Titanic. The interior was mixed with gold and primary colors. The walls were covered with traditional Korean patterns. The doors except for the front door, are Traditional Korean doors in Hanoks (Traditional Korean Houses). I stopped looking around and looked for anyone inside. I kinda got lost, but I remember a way to get out. I went through a hallway that led me to my bedroom. I decided to go in and check it out. There wasn't a lot of things in there, but I did find a old piece of paper in my closet. I read it, and suddenly I sensed someone behind me. I look back to see my sister, Rae-ah standing and leaning to read the paper. The letters are written in Mandarin (Traditional Chinese). Too bad I can't read Mandarin, but I think Jin hyung can read it.

"Taehyungie-ah", my sister started talking.

"Yes?", I replied. I finally get to see her again after 3 years. I wonder if her face has changed. I turned around, and saw my beautiful sister. She grew up and looked like me! I'm so proud!

"I miss you O R A B O N I (Oppa in honorific way)."

Was she in the Joseon Dynasty and was reincarnated into my sister??

Anyways, I just realized that she misses me this much that she called me Oraboni.

"Oraboni? Are you stuck in the Joseon Dynasty?", I said as smiling. We laugh together and we finally have our sibling relationship.

"Kim Taehyung! Kim Rae-ah! How dare laugh in a deafening way!?!", we both stood up and heard our father yell at us both. Father came in my room and shocked to see the both of us still here.

"Why are you still here!?! You should be in school!!", father yelled.

"Sorry Appa", Rae-ah bowed and apologized.

"Sorry father", I too bowed down to apologize.

"It's a Joke! You guys fell for it haha!!"

My sister and I stood up and just stared at each other awkwardly while father is laughing.

"Why don't we go to your school all together, ha?"

"Ah... No, thanks Appa. It's just me and my Oraboni."

"Yah! When are you going to stop calling me Oraboni?!!", I said to her.

"Cause I can!"

"Whatever... let's go Rae-ah!"

I went out and back in my car. Then, Rae-ah came along. Father was at the front to say goodbye. I miss my family. I wish mother was here, but she is also busy. I started driving to school. While we're on the way. I told Rae-ah the things that I've accomplished. She also had accomplished a lot. She also skipped one grade which made me feel so proud. She said that it was hard without me for two years. She said she also tried talking to me, but I ignored her. I feel bad for her. I think I made a Mistake. But she said was fine. We finally made to school and I got to meet her best friend.

I also saw Jungkook. But I haven't seen other the members...

(End of Extra)

(Author Here!)

Please comment for any recommendations

And for ideas

Remember to stay healthy and keep smiling

I PURPLE U 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
