Taehyung Extra 2

(Taehyung's POV)

I can see Yoongi pulling Luna while he was pushing people. I was already at the stairs, but it was still full of people.

I quickly kept going and going until I catch up to Yoongi and Luna. I was at the bottom, but now I can't see where I'm going. The crowd suddenly turned from yelling to silence. No one was moving too. I knew what was happening. Kim Jennie is making a scene like she is filming a movie.

"Yoongi! I miss you!"

Yep that's Jennie. I kept moving and carefully get through the crowd. I made it to the front, but stop to hear this.

"Uh! Let go of me, Jennie!"

"Oh... I see what's going on here. Is she your girlfriend or another girl to bully?"

I looked at Yoongi and Luna standing with their hands interwind together. Luna look so nervous and scared. She let go of Yoongi's hand. She must be uncomfortable. I took one step, but stopped again. Yoongi grabbed her hand before it hangs down. What is he doing?

"So! What if she is my girlfriend! Now! Will you give me and Luna some privacy?"

Did he really meant that? Are they really dating? Questions in my head keep popping up. I don't know what to do. Should I just leave them or follow them. I'm I to late?

Yoongi squeezed Luna's hand many times. Meaning that he is really angry. He left again with Luna. I think I am too late. I turned around and walked away before Jennie sees me. I kept walking slowly through the crowd until in the corner of my eye I see Jimin running pushing people. It looks like he is going to where Yoongi and Luna was going too. Should I follow him? UGH! He made too much trouble! I ran and push people. I followed Jimin to the parking lot. Yoongi left the school property with Luna.

"Jimin-ah!", yelled at him.

He looked back and then ran to his car.

"Taehyungie come with me!"

I ran as fast as I could and went straight inside the car. Jimin started at a normal to two times faster than he was going. He looked so focus. We realized Yoongi is going at the D&W house. He slowed down his speed. Making sure Yoongi doesn't know we were following him. We made it to the house. Yoongi and Luna must be inside. I hope Yoongi isn't doing anything wrong with Luna.

Jimin and I went inside quietly, not to get caught. Yoongi was leaning to Luna closer and closer.

"I'm sorry... But what was your dream?"

What dream?? I looked at Jimin and he also looked confused.

"I can't remember, but I was in a pool."

"Luna are you wearing a necklace by a chance?"

Wait! Could it be her?!

(End of POV + Extra Story)

(Author Here!)

You must be surprised to see me posting another chapter early. Well... I thought of making another Taehyung POV chapters. I'm probably going to have other members too.

For now... we see 6 members when there's 7.

I have a question for you readers.

Where do you think the last member went or is he even alive?

Thanks for supporting this story!!

I also posted a new chapter in These Days and Fliter.

Tbh, I didn't like the story These Days, it's because I haven't made a time line. And I'm in the progress on the time line.

That's why I don't update These Days.

Filter is like a mystery - romance. Something like that. I haven't made a first draft for Filter in a long time, but once I do... I will be posting it all. PLEASE HELP ME WITH FILTER!!

Reminder: to stay healthy and be safe in protesting.

Black Lives Matters + All Lives Matters


- MLuna 💜