New Beginning

[NOTE]: Please don't confuse this chapter like it was the first chapter


(Luna's POV)

I kept quiet to focus on Yoongi's wounds. I didn't notice him looking at me. Actually, he was staring at me. He looks so calm and soft. I've never seen this side of Yoongi. The air flows through his what looked like the fluffiest bed of hair, his sun-peachy colored plump lips making me wonder how soft it is, and his eyes full of many expressions that I can't tell. Either a mix of sadness and depression or wariness and uncertain. Whatever it is, it tells me that something bad happened to him, in the past or even today. I don't know if I should ask him, but for now I make sure to process the scene that just happened.

"Ahem! Luna let's go!", Taehyung said, making me and Yoongi break up.

"Ah! Yeah I'll be out", I said as Taehyung examined Yoongi then left.

"Yoongi? Does it still hurt? How bad is it?", I asked getting back closer to him.

"Can I bring you back?", he asked. I was confused, but I guess it's better to be close to Yoongi than being in a car with Jimin. I can feel myself giving Yoongi the trust, however I still get a feeling that something bad is going to happen.

Yoongi and I left the house and told the two that I'll be with Yoongi on the way back. Taehyung was just clam as always and agreed. Jimin kept quiet and just ignored us. On the way back it was quiet for at least 5 minutes, then Yoongi started talking.

"I'm sorry for scaring you earlier. I saw you got pushed.... A-are you a-alright?", he shuttered.

"I'm fine and you?", I replied.

"Don't worry about me", he said, "You're more important", he said to himself. I pretended I didn't hear him, but at the same time I wanted to ask him why I'm so important. I started to connect the events that happened in my head, but have no reasons why I would be part of the problem. It started with Jimin almost slapping me, then my accident, the kiss, the cake, and now the NECKLACE!! I've now become closer to these people, and not knowing how it all happened. Did everything started from Jimin slapping me or Yoongi rescuing me? This is making me crazy!! I wish someone can tell me why I'm this closer to 3 strangers that I've only met for at least a week!

"You seem to have a habit of biting your nails, do you?", Yoongi said as I snap back to reality. I didn't know he was watching me, shouldn't he be focusing on the road?

"Oh s-sorry", I shuttered and released my hand from my mouth.

"It's alright, I have the same bad habit of biting my nails. You look like trying to think of a plan to kill someone."

"Someone like you!", I joked just to end the silent and uncomfortable air in the car. I took a glanced at him and to my surprise he had a little smirk on his face, but he didn't look like a pervert or a bad person. The rest of the way was quiet. All of us made it to school without a problem. Yoongi asked me if he can join me to lunch and I accepted his request. I left Yoongi, and follow Taehyung and Jimin to class. The corridor was still full of people, but not as crowded as I remembered last time. We were not late, just 5 minutes in time until class starts. Solar looked confused and I ask what happened, but I decided to tell her it's a secret since I'm still not sure what went wrong. The teacher came and said that it was finally time for the first test for University entrance tests. He asked if I should either try the test or wait for everyone, but I insisted to try the test.

(Taehyung's POV)

Luna was the first person to be done, and I was surprised. Usually, Jimin is the first person done. But I guess, a girl that lived in America for a few years knows her English really well. After the test, everyone had time to do their homework from other classes or talk. Luna and Solar were talking and Jimin wouldn't stop staring at Luna. He's been really quiet after we all found out Luna has the necklace. Well... Hopefully it's THE necklace. I decided to return the library books I've finished in three days. I asked Jimin if he was done, but it looks like he hasn't started reading. I then asked permission and left to go to the library.

I started to look into more information in the dynasty's here in Korea, but there was no history books. I looked everywhere, but not a single history book is here. There might be a reason why they don't have history books. I need to find out why. I asked one librarian, and she doesn't know the reason either. I kept walking around until I heard a voice that makes me feel happy inside. I walked to find that person, but then I was stopped again.

"Taehyung Oppa!", the high pitch voice she makes made my ear drum bleed.

"Jennie, hello... welcome back I guess. What are you doing here?", I said carefully choosing my words.

"Oh, you know how much I love going in this school's library. Anyways, is Jimin Oppa with you? I haven't seen him around."

"He is... he has depression", I said as an excuse.

"He's at his house right?"

"Oh! No!! He left Korea last year, and now lives with Gwan Crystal. You know how much he loves his sister?", I said shuttering a little bit and put on a fake smile.

"That's sad... Why does he have depression, huh?"

"He misses.... Uh... he misses Luna! That's it! He misses Luna."

"Who the heck is Luna? Is she some kind of model that Jimin looked up or Crystal introduced her?"

"Yeah! Something like that! You missed a lot when you were gone."

"Luna? Luna? I swear I heard that name from someone I've talked to. Ah ha! Are you saying Jimin misses Yoongi's girlfriend?", girlfriend? Hang on! Luna and Yoongi is actually dating? I can't let this slip and turn into a problem. I'll just think of something.

"WHAT!", I yelled as an act. "Are you saying my GIRLFRIEND is dating Yoongi hyung?!"

"Well, that's what he said to me. He thinks I'm trying to ruin their little "date" earlier, but really I wanted a hug from him. Plus he is my Oppa too, and he actually feels like a real brother. So that girlfriend of yours you say is having a one-sided love huh. This girl is a player?"

"I need to find her now! So goodbye Kim Jennie or also known as "Kim Luna", I politely left her, even though I didn't want to. I then resume in following the voice.

I know Luna and Gwan Crystal are best friends, but can't imagine Luna and Jimin dating, nor having Yoongi date her. UGH! That sends shivers down my spine. I finally found that voice and quickly walked up to the person that owns it.


"Oh! Hi Taehyung."

"I'm sorry. It came out of my mouth. I'm sorry", I said as I walk closer to her and bowed a few times. I always wanted to do this after the accident of calling her ugly, really she a beauty.

"Taehyung! You don't need to do that. I forgive you", she said sounding a little embarrassed by my actions.

"Really!?!", I hugged her straight away not knowing how I startled her. She hugged me back and I can feel myself blushing. A few seconds later we broke the hug.

"Taehyung. I'm sorry too. I thought you were like Jimin. But-", I cut her.

"I'm not. Please trust me. Can we spend time together when you're free?", I asked her.

"Yeah... I guess! I'm actually free after school", she said looking kinda confused.

"Oh, alright then. Can we just spend time together after lunch?"

"Yeah sure! Oh! We need to go. Class is going to end in a few minutes, come on!", she said and grabbed my wrist pulling me out of the library. I look at her hand gripping on my wrist. I can feel myself blushing again, but I try to hide it before she sees.

(Jimin's POV)

Seeing that girl's face makes me feel weak. Now, I'm getting more weaker as she is about to start going up on the ranking charts. Knocking people out of the ranks and about to make battle rankings. I will see her everyday and if possible, we will end up being together more often making everything more uncomfortable. Even worst I kissed her apple colored lips, that felt surprisingly good. I should've kissed her with passion, making me fall deeper into her touch. But right now I'm holding on to those feelings and get ready to throw it away when the time comes. I want to spend more time with her, love her, and make her happy. When my time ends I will give her my last kiss and my last goodbye, leaving her alone and I breakdown and cry it all out. I will eventually say the I regretted the whole thing, but deep down I loved her and lost her and still love her. If everything ended up like this, I'll fight and give all my life to stay and make her happy everyday before the time ends. I'll argue and make plans just to have her. I will make sure she stays safe and not get bored of me. I will give my best shot this time. I will not let my emotions take over again. If I want her, I have to fight. Weather it's Yoongi or even Taehyung, I will jump up the rankings. I'm letting go of the past and let go of my first beginning, and start my new beginning and my end. I'm not letting anyone stop me this time!

(Luna's POV)

I made it to class on time before the passing period starts. I went straight to get my things, somehow someone pulled me back. I forgot I was holding Taehyung's wrist, I looked back at him and our eyes locked. My heart started to beat fast, but not as fast as the others. I started to feel my ears getting warm, and feel my checks getting warm also. The bell rang and I snapped back to reality and released Taehyung's wrist. I immediately grabbed my things and I left him dumbfounded, I pretended nothing happened as I walked pass him. I went through a huge crowd again and went down stairs. There was away too much people so I took a shortcut that led outside to the other buildings. As I entered the hallway, there wasn't much students coming from it.

"I should just enter this long hallway when I need to go to music class", I thought to myself. I looked to around to no coming through this hallway, and just kept walking. There was empty classrooms. I stop to see what class there were and it was just extra classrooms. I then accidentally dropped my phone, so I leaned down to pick it up. As I was going up again, something or someone push me in one of the empty classroom. The figure closed the door making the classroom darker. It started walking towards me and so I stepped back until I hit the wall. The figure was so close that our lips are inches away from touching. I didn't know what to do cause I was already too late to get out. The figure punched both of his hands on the wall, blocking me from getting away. I'm so scared at this moment, so I closed my eyes hoping for someone to save me. I felt the figure's face very close to my ear. It started whispering something in my ear.


(Author Here!)

Uh Oh! Someone's in trouble...

Anyway... Someone finally in the comments said something. Thank You! I'm not telling you if Luna and Namjoon are long lost siblings or not, but we are getting closer to the truth.

Reminder: to be healthy and stay safe and Stay Gold if you are still in lockdown or not.

I PURPLE U! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

-MLuna 💜