Chapter 1

Rain dropped onto the busy city of District A. But no matter how hard it rained, it could not dissipate the smoke coming out of a narrow street.

The sound of police sirens filled the air as people gathered around a car crash.

An unconscious young lady was crushed between a red Ferrari and a pole. The car owner had a frantic look in his eyes, but he immediately calmed after assessing the situation. The girl on top of his car was still breathing, fogging up his windshield. Qin Shi Ren reversed the car and drove back onto the road at full speed. He bit his lip as guilt filled his consciousness. This is wrong, but there's nothing he can do to help right now and there are more important matters that he must attend to. Qin Shi Ren kept condolencing himself trying to escape the image of the girl lying in blood.

"Hey! Stop!"

A cop was trying to chase after the car, but after seeing the driver, the hand that was reaching towards his gun paused. He recognizes the driver. A couple of months ago, a group of teens were caught for vandalism and drunk driving, but they were released immediately after an hour. No penalty or fine was given and the arresting officer was moved to desk duty in another province. Out of curiosity, the cop tracked down the arresting officer and inquired about the case. The officer had a solemn look on his face, and he handed him a picture of the arrested teens with one person circled in particular.

The boy in the picture stood out even without being circled. His untamed aura and handsome features would make people assume that he is in a fashion show if he was not put behind bars.

The cop gave a questioning look to the officer.

"Qin family"

Realization flashed across the cop's eyes.

The Qin family is an old powerful family since the Qin dynasty. They have been controlling politics in each dynasty and now, many of their family members are in a high government position as well as business. That young master was the direct descendant of the main Qin family. If they offended this young master, it's not as simple as losing their job.

The cop looked at the passed out female in pity. The Qin family has the ultimate power in China. The young lady won't be able to get the justice she deserves.

Han Bing felt pain all over her body. She tried to clear her mind when she suddenly remembered that she was hit by a car on her way home. Han Bing shot up from the bed and saw that she was in an unfamiliar white room.

A nurse came into the room.

"Where am I?" Han Bing's voice was hoarse from the long period of sleeping. She pretended to be unaware of the situation. The nurse smiled professionally.

"This is the Qin Hospital" The nurse had a petite body with fat growing only in all the right places. Her perfect body doesn't make her seductive, but rather mature. The nurse gently holds Han Bing's head from the back and pushes her shoulder onto the bed.

"I am Yan Mei. You can call me by nurse Yan." the nurse introduced herself.

"It's better to lay down. You have severe injuries on most parts of your body, especially your leg bones."

Han Bing couldn't feel anything from her leg. After a few minutes, she slowly asked "can I still walk?"

The nurse sighed " the technology here is not advanced enough to connect your bones. Even if you did accept surgery, there's only less than 30% chance that it will be successful."

The nurse couldn't bear for this fragile young lady to be sullen so she added. "There's a higher chance for recovery if you can go to America"

Han Bing remained silent. She did think about reconnecting her bones, but calmly thinking about the possibilities, Han Bing can tell that her bones are smashed into pieces on the inside and with the medical device within this facility, it seems unrealistic for this pair of legs to recover. Han Bing thinks that she still has a 80 percent chance of recovery if she personally learns medical knowledge.

Thud. The door opened with a slam.

A young man with an extremely stunning face came into the room. At first glance, the clothing on the man looks normal and fashionable. But anyone with sharp eyes and knowledge of various brands will know that his clothing is worth thousands.

His figure was comparable to the top korean idols. Phoenix eyes paired with a straight nose rested on his perfect face structure. He has a healthy white skin tone and a moderately muscular body which shows that he constantly works out. Any person who looked at him once will probably never forget him. However, his handsome face is currently filled with contempt ruining Han Bing's image of him.

Qin Shi Ran was also examining the woman on the bed. She had a pale complex and scarrings on places not covered by the bandage. Qin Shi Ran assumed that with her skinny stature, she could have been blown down by the wind even if he didn't hit her.

Although Qin Shi Ran was slightly guilty for dragging this woman into the mess, he didn't show it on his face. He knows, through years of experience, that people will take advantage of him if he shows any weakness.

"During your stay here, all your hospital fees will be taken care of and you will receive VIP treatment. Since I was the one at fault here, I prepared you some compensation"

Qin Shi Ran waved his hand and his bodyguard handed a check to Han Bing. The check hasn't been filled out yet.

Qin Shi Ran laughed internally at his heart. This peasant probably has never seen an empty check before. He checked the background of Han Bing before he came here. At first, Qin Shi Ran was surprised that Han Bing was in the same school as him because this school is only for the highly noble or rich families, but when he saw that she got in through scholarship, he abandoned his fear. Poor people are easier to handle.

Even if she makes a big deal out of this, he can still squash her easily. "You can either take the check or leave it, but don't expect anything else out of me" Qin Shi Ran saw Han Bing continue to hold onto the check. He snorted in contempt and turned around to leave.

The speed of when Qin Shi Ran arrived here was the exact same as when he had left.

"Who is he?" Han Bing asks the nurse.

"He is the young master of the Qin family. His name is Qin Shi Ran. He was the one that caused this incident." The nurse felt bad for this young lady. Although she received compensation to take care of this girl, the treatment of the main perpetrator to Han Bing is unbearable.

Han Bing did not realize that the nurse pitied her, but even if she did, she would just ignore it. She was confident that she would get this Qin Shi Ran what he deserves.