Chapter 17

"Hua aunt, let me help you." Qin Shi Ran took the grocery bag.

"Ai ya, you're so sweet." Hua Yi Xian handed him the bag. Lately, Qin Shi Ran has been coming to their house more often. By the look of his eyes, Hua Yi Xian can already tell what this boy is up to. "Han Bing is upstairs. She's probably preparing for the trip right now. Just go in."

Qin Shi Ran excitedly put down the bag in the kitchen and went into Han Bing's room.

Han Bing is currently folding her clothes and putting them into the suitcase. Qin Shi Ran barged into her room. Han Bing, who's already used to this, gave him a smile. "You're done with your packing already."

"The nanny is doing it for me." Qin Shi Ran sat onto the floor. He took out one of the clothes from her suitcase. His eyes twisted in a knot. He threw this cloth out of the suitcase and continued to inspect all of the other clothes. By the end of his inspection, all of Han Bing's clothes are thrown out of the suitcase.

Han Bing stared at him throughout the process. This brat.

"All of your clothes are so ugly. What are you doing with the money that I gave you? You know you sucked my bank account dry."

Han Bing picked up one of the t-shirts on the floor. It has the image of a teddy bear with a huge muscle arm. "I think they're pretty cute."

Qin Shi Ran's mouth twitched from her sense of fashion. He took the handle of her wheelchair. "Hua aunt, we're going to shop in the mall." Qin Shi Ran took her out of the house.

"Okay. Come back early!" Hua Yi Xian shouted. She chuckled while washing the dish. Youngsters these days.

Qin Shi Ran brought Han Bing to a mall known for their exclusiveness to wealthy families or celebrities. The bodyguard bowed when they saw it was Qin Shi Ran who came. "Qin young master."

Qin Shi Ran directly pushed Han Bing in.

The bodyguard whispered to each other. "Who is that girl?"

"Didn't he came with another girl before called...called Bai Rong Rong I think"

"Shush your mouth. Rich people's taste is complicated. Last time was a Bai Rong Rong. This time it is a girl in a wheelchair. Who knows who he will bring next time." The head bodyguard gave them a stern look.

Bai Rong Rong, who was hiding the bush, bit her nail. She wanted to get into this mall and see if she could make any accidental encounters with a young master from a wealthy family, but the bodyguards didn't let her in. Just before she saw Han Bing and Qin Shi Ran going in. Her jealousy flared. Han Bing, that whore, must have known Qin Shi Ran did not cheat on the test. Bai Rong Rong regretted not believing Qin Shi Ran and using this opportunity to make him fall in love with her. When she gets a hold of Shi Ran's heart, she will make these bodyguards and Han Bing pay.

The inside of the mall is extremely bright. Walls with gold aligning and chandelier candle light made the whole mall give off a royal aura. Most of the people coming in or out wore brand clothes, even the servers had a high quality suit.

Han Bing looked around the shops. There is nothing particular that she liked. Her interest dwindled.

Qin Shi Ran pushed her into a store located in the middle of the mall. The server bowed. "Find some nice clothes to pair with her."

"Yes." The servers took Han Bing into the fitting room. Although Han Bing was undressed by a bunch of strangers, she got used to this when her mother was dressing her. For the first time, Han Bing learned that going to the mall means getting undressed and putting on clothes.

Han Bing came out with a cute silked shirt paired with a low cut jean. When Qin Shi Ran saw her, he shaked his head. "It's not compatible. Next."

The servers pushed Han Bing back in. When she came out again, Qin Shi Ran made a sigh. "Barely passed." Han Bing looked down at her clothes. White blouse with a black jeans. She thinks it's pretty cute.

The dressing and criticism passed for around two hours. The servers are starting to sweat. This young master is too hard to satisfy. "Don't you guys have something that is more for the summer." Qin Shi Ran said annoyedly. These servers are so stupid. They don't even know how to pair up a cloth.

Suddenly, a server had a realization of what Qin Shi Ran wanted. She gave Qin Shi Ran a shocked look.

This time the preparation was rather short. Han Bing came out with a white bikini that has a thin lining. Although the bikini covered the private parts, her plentiful breast was out for exposure. Han Bing has a nicely ratioed body. Her white smooth skin can make any man harden on sight.

Han Bing uncomfortably adjusted the lining. "Qin Shi Ran, this is a common cloth for the summer?" Han Bing asked confusedly.

Qin Shi Ran almost had another nose bleed. "What are you guys doing?! I said summer clothes, not bikinis!"

The servers immediately rolled Han Bing into the fitting room. Their hearts are full of tears.

For the rest of the time, Qin Shi Ran pickedly chose the 2nd set and 19th set of clothes.

Han Bing stared at the window thinking about her comrades. She wonders how they are doing. This mall was the exact opposite of the dark alley she used to live in.

Seeing that Han Bing was not paying attention over here, Qin Shi Ran whispered to the cashier. "Also, wrap up the white bikini."

Qin Shi Ran took all the bags and went up to Han Bing. "Let's go."

Han Bing nodded. She closed her eyes pretending to sleep. Right now, she doesn't want to see Qin Shi Ran, the clothes, or anything.

Qin Shi Ran detected something wrong with Han Bing, but he couldn't grasp it. Sometimes, he felt that she was an outsider, observing the surroundings, but never participating in them. He laughed at himself. What a stupid idea.

He slowly rolled her out of the mall, afraid that she would get disturbed. A girl with her friend looked back at them.

"He's so hot."

"I know right. That girl must be his sister."

"He's so nice too. Kuuuu."

Qin Shi Ran got annoyed at these two bugs. "She's not my sister." He shouted

The two girls hurriedly turned away embarrassed that he heard their conversation.

Han Bing opened her eyes from the commotions.

"Sorry! I woke you up." Qin Shi Ran guitily looked at her.

Han Bing shakes her head. She looked up into the sky and saw a circle in the mid-air.

"What is that?"

Qin Shi Ran looked at the ferris wheel from her linesight. "You mean ferris wheel?"

"What is a ferris wheel?" Han Bing asked.

Qin Shi Ran shockingly stared at Han Bing, but he still explained. "It's a ride that allows people to go up into the sky. You want to go on it?"

Han Bing nodded. Her eyes look like two blackholes. Pulling people in. Qin Shi Ran unnaturally agreed.

Qin Shi Ran pushed her to the ticket booth. "Mister, how much does two tickets cost?"

"70 yuan."

Qin Shi Ran handed over the money and carefully pushed Han Bing into the ride. The ticket collector has a face of being stuffed with dog food. These high school students get together so early these days. Maybe he should find a girlfriend soon too.

The ferris wheel started to rise. Han Bing looked out of the window. She has never been in the sky. Han Bing closed her eyes trying to hold onto this feeling.

Qin Shi Ran wanted to touch Han Bing and feel whether she was real. "Han…" The ferris wheel stopped. "En"

Soft lips touched her lip. Han Bing's eyes widened. A warm tongue tried to crack open her teeth. Han Bing opened her mouth and bit on the invading outsider.

"Ow. Wat was tha for?" Qin Shi Ran exclaimed while his tongue burned from the pain.

Han Bing wiped her mouth with her face flushed. "I wanted to ask you that." She gave Qin Shi Ran a glare.

Qin Shi Ran scratched his face while blushing. "What the hell man? You seem really out today. I was just making sure you're still there."

Han Bing was stunned for a second. She was surprised by his answer. "Ahahaha. Oh god. Ahaha."

"Yo what are you laughing at? Stop laughing." Qin Shi Ran angrily shouted. Han Bing laughed even harder.

"Noth-nothing." Han Bing tried to hide her smile.

Qin Shi Ran helplessly looked at her and smiled. "Alright. Let's go home."

Once they got out, Qin Shi Ran stared at Han Bing's leg. Is she thinking about her legs?