Chapter 19

Han Bing was awake the whole time, but she needs to act like an injured person. Of course, she heard the conversation from the other students. Pretending to just wake up, Han Bing saw Instructor Xia's tendering her wound. His face brightened up when he saw Han Bing awake. "Child, you woke up!"

Han Bing nodded her head, but pain striked through her neck. Han Bing's eyebrow twisted in a knot, but she held onto her pain, not saying anything.

"Han Bing. It's okay to express yourself. There's no need to hide your pain." The instructor said worriedly.

"No, it's fine." Han Bing encountered injuries worse than this before. A small injury like this can heal in no time.

This stubborn child. Haaaa, Instructor Xia never saw a child as smart and worrisome as her. He has seen students being injured before, but they're either screaming from pain or shouting for revenge. Han Bing is the first kid that ever stays silent and bears her pain. He really needs to visit what type of parent can make a child like this.

"Instructor Xia, I'm fine now. You go do your stuff. I really don't feel any pain now."

Seeing her insisting, instructor Xia put down the swab and sprayed her head with an alcohol disinfectant on her head.

"En." Han Bing tried to hold back her shout.

"Next time, you get injured again. I'm going to spray a ton of this alcohol on your injury." Instructor glared at her and used the alcohol to threaten her.

"Okay. I won't get injured again." Han Bing laughed and apologetically looked at him.

Instructor Xia pointed to a black tent in the corner of a line of tents. The black tent is slightly bigger than the rest of the tent. While most of the tents are blue, only a few are black.

"Atleast, that Shi Ran knows to help you set up your tent."

Han Bing rolled her chair to the tent.

Someone suddenly hugged her from the back. "Sorry. Sorry. I won't let you get injured next time."

Han Bing patted Qin Shi Ran's head on her shoulder. "Don't worry. It's all fine."

Moments passed and they stayed in this position. "Grhhh" Han Bing's stomach made a growling sound. She used too much energy. Realizing that he has been holding onto her for too long, Qin Shi Ran let go of her.

"The students are barbequing over there. Do you want anything?"

Han Bing took out a sling shot from her bag and she made a silent gesture. "Follow me."

Qin Shi Ran didn't know what she wanted, but he still continued to push her wheelchair.

When they were slightly deeper into the forest, Han Bing put her hand up to signal Qin Shi Ran to stop.

She took out her slingshot. Using a random rock on the floor, she centered the rock and positioned it to the west. Shhh. "Screeee." A wild pig fell out behind the bush.

Qin Shi Ran's eyes widened from shock. How did she know that there is a wild pig behind that bush?

Knowing what he was thinking, Han Bing explained. "I have a pretty good hearing, so I know where this pig was."

Han Bing grabbed the pig by its hind leg. "Hmmm, not bad. Let's go back. I'm going to cook this."

When they arrived at the camping site, the homeroom teacher frantically appeared in front of them. "Where did you guys go? We were looking for you."

Han Bing showed the pig in her hand. "We caught this."

The homeroom teacher rubbed his head "Haaa. You still have injuries. Next time report to us where you want to go."

Han Bing obediently agreed. After the teacher finished lecturing them, Han Bing turned to Qin Shi Ran "Shi Ran, you know how to set up fire?"

Qin Shi Ran nodded. He has been on camping trips before. He has the basic skills to live in the woods.

"Help me set the fire. I'm going to prepare the meat. It's been awhile since I had such wild taste. I will share some with you after it's done." This pig reminded Han Bing of the special training she attended when she was in the slum. The cooking skill was also taught by her second in command of a local mafia gang.

Han Bing took out a knife from her pocket and started skinning the pig. Her knife cut beautifully and skillfully into the stomach of the pig. Her skills were like a professional. Qin Shi Ran wanted to help her at first but he became stunned from the performance.

Han Bing took out some spice jars and poured it over the wild pig. She massaged the flavor into the meat and stacked it on top of the fire. Every few seconds, the pig would be turned over.

Few minutes passed and some students followed the smell into their direction. The students watched the oil from the meat drip into the fire. After twenty minutes, the aroma spread through the camp. Tang Xiang skipped to Han Bing. "Han Bing, can I have some of your meat?"

"Yeah, sure." There is a lot of meat on the wild pig. Han Bing didn't feel a need to be petty.

Seeing that Han Bing agreed to Tang Xiang's request, a bunch of students flooded Han Bing. "Han Bing, can I have some too?"

"Han Bing, you're my best bro. Leave some for me."

Han Bing chuckled. "Wait. I will cut it up for everyone." Han Bing looked around for a cutting board.

"Boss, here's a cutting board." A student, who has been eyeing the meat for a long time, ran to get a cutting board.

"Thank you." Han Bing placed the meat on the board and cut the meat up smoothly. She placed the first slice on a plate for the student that got her the cutting board.

Han Bing continued to slice up the meat and handed it to the next student in line. Qin Shi Ran, who was watching from behind, had fury in his eyes. These brats!!! How can they eat the meat before him and Han Bing? Qin Shi Ran pitifully looked at the leftover meat.

Han Bing cutted the leftover and handed it over to the teachers watching on the side. "Thank you for taking care of me."

Instructor Xia directed his chopsticks at her. "Good thing you little brat didn't forget your hard working teachers."

Han Bing laughed. "Of course, I will never forget my hard working teachers."

Han Bing rolled her chair back to Qin Shi Ran and took out two plates of meat under the counter. "Shi Ran, taste my cooking."

The meat on Qin Shi Ran's meat was slightly bigger than the meat given to other people. "You better leave me some. I almost thought you forgot about me."

He smiled. His meat is bigger than other people's meat. Qin Shi Ran made a satisfactory sound. "Han Bing, you should cook more. It's comparable to a five star barbeque restaurant."

Han Bing slowly chewed on her food. "Sure. I can cook for you in the future."

Qin Shi Ran paused and his ears turned red. "You promise to cook for only me?"

"Yeah?" Han Bing was confused about his word choice.

Qin Shi Ran hurriedly ate the meat up and ran to his tent. "I'm going to sleep now." Qin Shi Ran tried to cover his face to hide his smile.

Han Bing looked at her watch. "En. Me too."