Chapter 20

Feeling an intense eyesight on her, Han Bing woke up from her sleep. The surroundings were full of white leathered seats. Her attention went to the person staring at her.

"Where are we?" Han Bing pretended to be confused by her new environment.

Qin Shi Ran took out a water bottle and handed it to her. He didn't try to cover up the fact that he was staring at her when she was sleeping. "The principal said we're going to France. We're currently on the airplane. They tried to surprise us by abducting us in the middle of the night."

It seems the school was planning a surprise trip for the students. The camping was a cover up for the real trip. Han Bing was already alerted last night when she felt someone approaching her, but she didn't feel any evil intention so she waited to see what would happen.

Han Bing took the bottle of water and drank it. Some of the water leaked out of her mouth and flowed in a trail down to her neck. Qin Shi Ran's eyes followed the water droplet until it disappeared beneath the cloth. His breathing became erratic and unstable. Clear mind. Qin Shi Ran told himself.

Han Bing looked out the window. This is her first time on the airplane. She excitedly observed the passing clouds.

"Huh?" Some students started waking up and were startled by their new environment. The flight started to become chatty.

"I know you all are confused by where you are right now. We're currently on our way to France." Instructor Gao stood up from his seat to explain.

"Yahoooo!" Some students jumped and shouted.

Instructor Gao chuckled at their excitement. "Hold your horse until we get there. We're landing in two hours. All your stuff is in the back. Try not to leave your seat unless it's for an emergency."

Bai Rong Rong kept peering to the back of the airplane where Qin Shi Ran was seated. Ning Ning worriedly looked at her. She heard from some other girls that Rong Rong purposely pushed Qin Shi Ran on the bus. She's afraid that Rong Rong would hear this rumor.

Bai Rong Rong got up from her seat and walked to Han Bing's seat. "Han Bing, are you okay? I didn't mean to kick Shi Ran's leg. I didn't expect that he would fall. Hic"

Tears start forming around her eyes. Those who don't understand the situation would probably think that Han Bing was bullying her.

Han Bing gave her a look and shortly replied. "It's okay."

Bai Rong Rong stood in front of her in silence for a long moment. Seeing that Han Bing doesn't have any aftermath, she was a bit displeased, but she held her temper and forced a smile. "Han Bing, thank you for not being mad at me. Can I ask you something?"

Bai Rong Rong gave a shy look to Qin Shi Ran. "Can we switch seats? I want to sit next to Shi Ran. Don't you want to sit next to me too, Shi Ran?"

Qin Shi Ran felt like his tongue was tied. No voice came out. One side was a girl he previously liked. The other side was Han Bing. He's still not too sure of his feelings for Han Bing... or Han Bing's feelings for him.

"Shi Ran!" Bai Rong Rong became impatient as Qin Shi Ran was in a mental battle.

Instructor Xia noticed the commotion in the back. "Bai Rong Rong, please go back to your seat. We're currently on an airplane, not your house."

Some students snickered after hearing this. They were paying attention to the conversation in the back. Never have they ever thought Bai Rong Rong was this shameless. Ever since the incident, Bai Rong Rong's intention became more obvious for people to see.

Bai Rong Rong clenched her hand. Her nails dug into her skin. She gave Han Bing a teary eye glance as if it was Han Bing who rejected her.

"We're almost there. Check your seat for anything missing before. Me and Instructor Xia will be passing out your room card for the Royal France Hotel. All of you will be sharing a room except for Han Bing. She will be taking a VIP room as a reward for her first place for the midterm"

Instructor Gao took out a batch of cards and handed half to Instructor Xia. The crowd of students envily sighed at Han Bing's special treatment.

Instructor Xia gave Han Bing a smile and pat on her shoulder before passing her card.

Han Bing observed the room card in her hand. The color of gold hinted at the room's status. Elegant words of Royal France Hotel were imprinted on the top. Han Bing's name was imprinted on the back of the card.

A server came into the plane and brought Han Bing off her seat. Qin Shi Ran clenched his jaws and stared at the server like a dangerous predator. The male server felt a hostile glare at his back, but he was too afraid to turn around. Sweats were coming off his forehead and his legs felt that it might buckle soon.

"One more thing before we get off the plane. Act in a behavior befitting of the Zhong Hua student" Instructor Gao announced. He spoke while looking at Bai Rong Rong. Bai Rong Rong dropped her head down pretending not to understand the meaning behind the instructor's eyes.

"Alright! I will not hold back all you wild horses here. Run wild. Go! Go!" Instructor Gao swung his arm as the students went out of the airplane door in excitement.

The server continued to hold Han Bing as the students flushed out.

"Mister, I'm pretty sure you are tired by now. I can hold Han Bing." Qin Shi Ran snatched Han Bing out of the man's hand.

Seeing the situation over here, Instructor Gao came over. "What are you guys waiting for? Hurry and go have fun. Just leave Han Bing to the servers. They are trustworthy."

"Instructor Gao, I promised to take care of Han Bing. I will have to uphold my words."

Instructor Gao nodded his head. "Shi Ran, you have grown up. I'm very proud of your growth. Since you insist, I expect her to not lose a single hair before the trip ends."

Qin Shi Ran made a little dance in his heart while facing the instructor seriously. He quickly walked down the stairs afraid that the instructor might go back on his words.