Chapter 23

Bai Rong Rong screamed and pretended to be pushed by Han Bing. Everyone was caught by surprise and looked in Bai Rong Rong's direction. Due to Han Bing's back blocking the way, they thought Han Bing pushed Bai Rong Rong into the pond.

"Help! Urgh. Help!" Bai Rong Rong struggled against the water while not forgetting to call for help.

The students who never experienced this situation panicked and directly called the teacher. But before anyone could react, Qin Shi Ran jumped into the water.

"Shi Ran" Bai Rong Rong tearfully gazed at Qin Shi Ran. Qin Shi Ran didn't notice her expression and was instead staring at Han Bing.

Why did Han Bing try to harm Rong Rong? Why is her eyes so emotionless despite him rescuing Rong Rong?

Qin Shi Ran carefully placed Bai Rong Rong down on the floor. He walked up to Han Bing and quickly grabbed onto her neck. Everyone didn't expect this turn of events.

"Qin Shi Ran, let go of Han Bing. We still don't know what exactly happened and your action is unjustifiable in any circumstance. Not only that, you will only create a bigger mess out of this. I'm going to repeat myself one more time. Let go of Han Bing."

Qin Shi Ran, who is still grabbing onto Han Bing's neck, ignored the words of Instructor Gao. He wants to know whether this woman has a heart. The more he sees her calm eyes the more angry he becomes. His hand tightens around her neck.

Han Bing never expected Qin Shi Ran to be this irrational. Just as she thought Qin Shi Ran gained some maturity, Qin Shi Ran's action told her that he hasn't grown at all. Han Bing continued to not move. Her eyes are becoming misty from having her neck grasped for a long duration.

Qin Shi Ran saw her eyes slowly turning cold, but he couldn't move. Her misty eyes and blushed face gave off an alluring expression. Isn't this what he wanted? No matter if it's love or hate, he just wants her eyes on him. Having emotions only for him.

Seeing Qin Shi Ran not moving, the homeroom teacher pulled Qin Shi Ran's hand off Han Bing's neck. "Are you really trying to kill a fellow classmate? This incident will be looked into by the teachers. There is no need for you to bring your personal feelings into this matter."

The homeroom teacher then turned around to give Han Bing a stern frown. "Han Bing, come to the principal's office tomorrow. Go back for the day."

On the next day, the school is extremely noisy after the vacation. Students discussed their gain from Paris or the newest idol. But the latest hot topic was Han Bing.

"Did you hear? Han Bing tried to kill Bai Rong Rong because she was jealous that Qin Shi Ran liked her."

"I thought it was because Han Bing was trying to get revenge on Bai Rong Rong for making her fall from the bus."

"I don't really believe Han Bing actually hurt Bai Rong Rong. I was there at that time and I saw Bai Rong Rong. She made a really evil face right before she told Han Bing to talk with her."

"I agree. Plus who is stupid enough to harm another student with so many eye witness. I know I won't."

The three girls chatted in the cafeteria. Surrounding them are hundreds of more students having the same conversation.

In the principal's office, the principal knotted his eyebrow while watching the video on Han Bing's phone.

"Principal, I would like to present this in front of the whole school."

The principal hesitated. "Han Bing ah, based on Bai Rong Rong's morals, she deserves to be expelled, but by presenting this to everyone, she will be rejected by the upper society."

"Principal, I understand where you are coming from. However, if I do not do this, the students will assume that I used connections to force Bai Rong Rong from attending school. People's hearts are biased. They will always side with the weak. Your inaction will only cause me to receive scorn and hate by others. Please consider this plan."

Hearing Han Bing's reasoning, the principal agreed to her proposal. Although he feels pity for Bai Rong Rong for not being able to reach any higher, he understands that her actions to harm other students have already highly broken the school rules. Her confession of causing other female students to drop out is more than enough to send her to jail.

Han Bing exits from the principal's office. She wants to give the principal some time to process. Everyone must be responsible for their own actions. This was a lesson she learned from years in the field. Bai Rong Rong will also learn that soon. When calculating others, she must expect to be hurt back.

Han Bing opened the door to her classroom. The room became silent from her arrival. Han Bing went into the room and unpack like usual. She ignored the staring and whispering from other people. Ning Ning came up to Han Bing's desk. "Han Bing, don't listen to the rumors. I know you didn't push her."

Ning Ning gave Bai Rong Rong a glare. Bai Rong Rong who was paying attention to their conversation saw Ning Ning and made a face as if she was threatened by Ning Ning.

"Shi Ran, Han Bing must have said something to Ning Ning or else she wouldn't be looking so hostile at me. Can you protect me from her? I'm too scared of what she might do next." Bai Rong Rong made a slight shiver and covered her face.

Qin Shi Ran stood up from his seat. "Han Bing, don't go overboard. How much more do you want to hurt Rong Rong? She didn't do anything wrong. If it was about the fall on the bus, Ning Ning didn't do it on purpose. Stop maliciously spread your evil intentions to other people"

Han Bing's face darkened. On which eye did he see her spreading her evil intention?

Han Bing ignored Qin Shi Ran and continued to talk to Ning Ning. "If you ever need any more help on this topic, send me a text. This is my phone number." Han Bing wrote down her phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Ning Ning.

Qin Shi Ran stares intensely at that piece of paper. He really wants to snatch that paper from Ning Ning right now. Only he can have Han Bing's phone number. No one else should be on her phone list except for him.

"Aren't you happy that you snatched Rong Rong's best friend. How about this? Why don't you give your phone number to some of my best friends? They will be happy to know how available you are." Qin Shi Ran made a cold smirk.

"Qin Shi Ran!" Instructor Xia shouted. "That's it! Get back to your seat. If I hear any more derogatory words, I will have you suspended."

Qin Shi Ran irritatedly sat down. He tried to observe Han Bing to find any anger on her face, but he disappointedly looked away.

Bai Rong Rong was pleased by Qin Shi Ran's reaction. She thought Qin Shi Ran was fooled by that witch the whole time. Good thing he finally came to his senses and discovered Han Bing's true evil nature.