Chapter 25

"The report shows that she had a heart attack. It's more common when people age. Just try not to excite her anymore." The doctor flipped through the pages while jotting something down.

"Doctor, there was nothing that happened. I was at school before, and usually, no one visits my house. When I came back from home, she was already on the floor. Are you sure that this is just a heart attack? Can you do more scans? I have the money." Han Bing pleaded. Hua Yi Xian is the only warmth she experienced in her life. She won't let her die. Han Bing took out her checkbook and wrote one million yuan on the column.

"Is this enough?! Take this and start doing the scan!" Han Bing screamed. She's at the edge of her mentality. Throughout her life, Han Bing unconsciously relied on her mother for all her mental support.

Slap! Han Bing's eyes widened as her head was hit to the side. "I understand that you are emotional because your mother was hospitalized, but at times like this, you as the family member must be the most rational!"

The doctor's face was red from anger. He took the check and ripped it into half. "I will come back and check on your mother when you calmed down."

Han Bing dazedly watches the doctor leave the room. That's right. Hua Yi Xian still needs her. She needs to investigate this. Hua Yi Xian's heart attack was an inherent condition. However, Hua Yi Xian only had a heart attack when she heard that her husband died. Han Bing was unsure of what caused the heart attack this time. "Mom, I will come back."

Han Bing tightly squeezed her mother's hand. If it was a person who did this, Han Bing will let them wish that they were never born alive.

Han Bing stood in front of her house. She directly strolled back from the hospital. There were a couple of nurses who attempted to help her get back home, but Han Bing rejected all their kindness.

"Han Bing, what are you doing out here?" Lin Fei Fei was holding onto a basket of pears as she asked Han Bing. Lin Fei Fei is Han Bing's neighbor. Her family does merchant business and earns quite profitably. Lin Fei Fei would always flaunt to the neighbors that the mole on her chin brings fortune to her family business. Her son also goes to the same school as Han Bing, but he is in class 3-C.

"Where's your mom?" Lin Fei Fei stretched her neck to look inside the house. "I just saw her with your friend before I left"

Han Bing's face darkened. "She was talking to my friend?"

"Yeah. That handsome boy from your class. There was also another girl. She has the same uniform as you. They were just kissing in front of the house. Young people…"

Han Bing didn't hear the rest. The information was too overwhelming for her. Qin Shi Ran caused her mother's heart attack? Han Bing understands that with Bai Rong Rong's mind set, she would try to ruin the people around her, but she never expected that Qin Shi Ran was participating in this too.

"Hahaha." Han Bing cried and laughed at the same time. A dog will always be a dog. They can never be human. No matter how much Qin Shi Ran changed. He will always be the same in his core. Han Bing felt that she was too young. She still can't judge people correctly. Qin Shi Ran and Bai Rong Rong. What a good pair of dog-like couples.

Lin Fei Fei thought Han Bing liked Qin Shi Ran. A handsome young man constantly visiting another girl's house. It will be weird if there is no love that blossoms. "Han Bing, good men are all over the place. Don't hang your neck on that one tree."

Han Bing shakes her head. "Wang aunt, there is nothing between me and Qin Shi Ran. Even more so, from now on."

Lin Fei Fei thought Han Bing couldn't get over Qin Shi Ran. She tried to open her mouth to convince her, but Han Bing already left.

At night, Han Bing furiously read through a paper on theoretical physics. Almost losing her mother. Betrayal by Qin Shi Ran. All of these events made Han Bing realize that she can't do anything without knowledge. She needs recognition, fame, and a power much bigger than the Qin family.

Han Bing didn't sleep for the rest of the night. During school, Ning Ning poked Han Bing's face as she meditated on her chair.

Han Bing smiled at Ning Ning's playfulness. "It tickles." Ning Ning stuck out her tongue and winked. Ever since Han Bing rescued Ning Ning, Ning Ning has been sticking to her like glue. Han Bing, who also liked Ning Ning's cheerfulness, didn't mind their interaction.

It seems like she is in a good mood. Qin Shi Ran walked to Han Bing's table. "Han Bing, I'm sorry about what I said to you in the past."

Seeing Qin Shi Ran coming here and apologizing, Han Bing clenched her fist. This is not the time. "Shi Ran, it's okay. It was all a misunderstanding."

Han Bing gave a friendly smile. Qin Shi Ran raised his head in excitement and tried to hug Han Bing. Han Bing avoided the hug. Qin Shi Ran was a bit disappointed, but he didn't mind too much since Han Bing is talking to him again.

Han Bing forgave him! Does that mean she also likes him in her heart? Qin Shi Ran happily went back to his seat. What should he buy for her once they become boyfriend and girlfriend? Should he propose to her? No, that is too early. It will probably push her away. Qin Shi Ran, who was dreamily thinking about his proposal method, did not catch the flash of coldness in Han Bing's eyes.

The next few weeks were extremely busy for Han Bing. While writing a report on 3D replacement for medial femoral condyle, she investigated the whereabouts of Bai Rong Rong and found her working in a prostistution hotel. Han Bing heard Bai Rong Rong made a permanent contract with the red district palace, and her face was completely ruined by a customer's wife. Han Bing originally wanted to get revenge on Bai Rong Rong, but knowing her fall to this stage, Han Bing decided to not care about her anymore.

A couple of days ago, Han Bing's mother woke up from her coma. Han Bing finally found out the reason why her mother fainted. Han Bing wanted to cry and laugh at her mother's anger. "Mom, I'm not using my body to snatch Qin Shi Ran away from Bai Rong Rong for his money. Bai Rong Rong completely made that up in her head. We have so much money already. Why would I want more?" Hua Yi Xian seems to not believe it. She angrily stared outside the window while folding her arms. Han Bing can only keep explaining until her mouth becomes dry.

This is the first time Han Bing said so much words. Hua Yi Xian actually believed her from the beginning, but she continued to be angry so she can tease her daughter.

"Okay. Okay. Look at you all sweating. Here, drink some water." Hua Yi Xian passed her a cup of water while trying to hide her amusement. Seeing her finally react, Han Bing relaxed. She held onto the water in her hand. So warm.

The doctor came into the room. "Are you feeling well, Lady Hua?" He was the same doctor who slapped Han Bing when she lost control.

"Doctor, thank you for everything and I'm extremely sorry about what happened before." Han Bing sincerely apologized to the doctor.

"Since you were acting out for your mother, I will look past your behavior. However, remember one thing. Do not ever shame anyone with money."

Han Bing lowered her head as she listened to his lecture. "Yes, doctor. I will keep your words to my heart." Seeing that she regretted her actions, the doctor finally stopped lecturing at Han Bing.

Hua Yi Xian was gaping at this situation. This is the first time this stubborn child listened to another adult besides her. "Doctor Wu…" Hua Yi Xian called Doctor Wu familiarly. For the past few days, she was taken care of by Doctor Wu. The two of them quickly became good friends. Doctor Wu also admires this strong independent woman in front of him.

Doctor Wu heard Hua Yi Xian's call and smiled. He made a hush sign as he walked around Han Bing. "Yi Xian, you have a blockage in your artery. You need a surgical procedure paired with a few weeks of hospitalization."

Hua Yi Xian nodded her head, but her eyes were full of confusion. Doctor Wu chuckled at this dumbfounded woman. "it's best that you rest first. Han Bing, take care of your mother for me."

Han Bing felt something was weird about the way Doctor Wu spoke, but she couldn't find anything wrong about it. Hua Yi Xian's face was bright red.