Happy Thanksgiving Everybody, Read and Enjoy
Euron wasted no time springing the men into action the moment he became king. as soon as Aeron reluctantly placed a driftwood crown on his head, Euron began began readying the men to put his mad dream into action.
"Now the first thing we must do is prepare our entire fleet for battle. I want every warship and longship in our possession ready to sail and the raiders ready to fight within a fortnight. Erik Ironmaker will oversee the preparations and while that is being done I'm going to pay the north one last visit."
"I thought we were done with the north," Denys Drumm objected.
"We are," Euron assured him, " but first I need to pick up a souvenir."
What kind of souvenir is so important that you would risk going north?" Erik Ironmaker asked.
Euron smiled "let's just say it's a matter of leverage."
Asha and Theon had heard enough were not about to stick around their nuncle and his mad dreams. So soon after the kingsmoot they made preparations to leave along with anyone who would follow them. There were a number of raiders still loyal to Asha but most chose to pay homage to their new king. Most of the men were Harlaws who served Nuncle Rodrik.
Before leaving they decided to try and convince Aeron and Victarion to join them. Unfortunately, their nuncles were not so easily swayed. Aeron was trying in vain to persuade his brother to fight.
"Euron's madness will bring the wroth of the Drowned God on us all," Aeron pleaded. "He must be stopped."
"What would you have me do?" Victarion demanded. "kill Euron? My own blood? No man is more cursed than a kingslayer you know this Aeron."
"You would follow him after all he did to you?" Aeron asked incredulously
Victarion frowned, "the Drowned God has made his will known and the law is clear. You wanted a kingsmoot and that very kingsmoot saw fit to make my brother our king. "You yourself placed the driftwood crown upon his head. I may not like it but we must follow where he leads even if we don't like it."
"I may have crowned him," Aeron admitted. "As much as it shamed me to do so, but I will gladly uncrown him.
Victarion shook his head, "the Drowned God raised him up so only the drowned god can cast him down."
"You will be waiting a long time on that notion nuncle," Asha quipped.
"Come with us Nuncle Asha pleaded, Euron knows you do not support him and he'll likely kill you."
Aeron shook his head, "I will not flee from Euron, the Drowned God is my strength. Flee if you wish but my place is here with out people."
"So what will you do?" Theon asked.
Aeron turned to his nephew, "The captains and the Kings raised Euron up but the commoners shall bring him down. I cannot fight Euron with steel but I can with my voice, that is my purpose."
Euron's supporters had wasted no time either. Once he had won the Kingsmoot, his men began seizing the ships at anchor. Specifically the ones built for battle such as the Great Kraken and the Sea Bitch. Asha didn't worry for she had no intention on taking the slower warships when her plan depended on speed.
As they were about to head out they were confronted by Lord Baelor Blacktyde and a small company of men.
"What do you want Lord Blacktyde?" Asha demanded.
"May damnation take me before I ever call Euron King," Baelor declared. Nor do I intend to stay and wait for him to kill me. I don't know what your plan is but I'm coming with you if you'll have me."
Theon and his sister knew Baelor was sincere about his hatred for Euron so they didn't need to question it. Asha knew this too and readily accepted his help. Baelor not only brought men but even gave Asha his personal ship the Nightflyer to use as a flagship. Together their combined force numbered 500 men and 11 Longships it wasn't much but it was the best they could do.
By the time Nightfall arrived the sibling's fleet had already set sail not south but north to deal with some personal business. Under the moonlight, Theon met with his sister on the bow.
"So after we deal with this personal matter what is your plan?" Theon asked.
Asha frowned, "the rest of the ironborn will side with us now, so we will have to overthrow Euron with 'outside' help.
How will we do that?" Theon wondered. "Roland would sooner spear us as to speak to us, and I don't think I need to start with the other one. The greenlanders have no love for our people so nobody is keen on taking our side."
Asha frowned and ran her fingers through her hair. "Well I do know of one person, who I know hates Euron more than we do."
Roland studied the scroll carefully again and again, his mind deep in thought. Finally he looked up to the person who delivered it. "Are you certain?"
Jason Mallister nodded, "It's true my king, Balon Greyjoy is dead."
"And the kingsmoot?"
Jason nodded briskly as Roland sighed and rubbed his temples.
"You don't seem happy," Eddard noted.
Roland shook his head, "while the world is well rid of Balon Greyjoy, if the reports are correct this means that the new King of the Iron Islands, is his younger brother Euron."
"Theon once told me that Euron of nobody notion of a king," Robb commented
Roland frowned, "for us perhaps, not the ironborn."
"Regardless we will crush him as we did his brother," Greatjon declared and this was received by roars of approval by the northmen."
"Do not cheer too loudly," Roland advised. "Euron Greyjoy may be ironborn but that doesn't mean we should underestimate him. Euron Greyjoy is possibly the most dangerous person to ever rule the iron islands mainly because unlike most of his people he is actually capable of using his head with cunning to match his viciousness and is completely unpredictable. Balon as I said was a creature of habit, Euron on the other hand is not. I have no idea what he will do but I must assume the worst. I will write to Uncle Stannis and Lord Velaryon as well as the rest of the North. They may very well receive a visit from the ironborn again."
"King Euron has been long out to sea," Roose Bolton said quietly. What does he know of the west? Once we return home the north will be secure and we need not fear any attacks they might attempt."
"Have you ever been to a harbor Lord Bolton?" Jason Mallister asked. "Well I happen to own a harbor and Roland speaks the truth. Pirates like Korra the Cruel and Salladhor Saan have made names for themselves, but none are so storied as the Silence. It has raided ports in every corner of the world. The ruthlessness of it's captain and ferocity of it's mute crew. If Euron is as capable a king as he is a captain then we are in for a real fight."
Before the conversation could continue a ruckus was heard outside the tent which caught their attention. Roland and the other lords stepped out to see some of Roland's men dragging a group of soldiers that bore the sigil of House Whitehill.
"What is all this racket?" Roland demanded.
"We found these cunts assaulting some tavern girls." Lem growled throwing one at Roland's feet."
Roland frowned and Eddard didn't seem too happy about it either as they looked down at the man, "What is your name?" Roland asked in a deadpanned voice.
"Britt Warrick, your grace," the man replied
Roland grabbed the man by the throat and lifted him up squeezing. "Are you a northerner or a Lannister? We don't go around butchering commoners."
"They laid with Lannisters, the man said, "they deserve it."
"If we were to kill every woman that slept with the enemy we would spend the year killing every whore in Westeros." Roland replied, "then the lot of you will find yourselves with fewer ways to ease stress." He threw the man back on the ground.
This caused murmuring among the men as the lord the men served stepped forward. "These are my men boy," Ludd Whitehill protested, "unhand them now."
"I don't take orders from incompetent lords," Roland said mentally bemused at the man's audacity.
This got Ludd riled up, "in-incompetent."
Roland nodded, "indeed, you see when soldiers lack discipline the fault lies with their commander." He stepped towards Ludd closing his blue eye so that only his golden on was glaring at Ludd. Between Roland's calm demeanor and deadpanned voice Lord Whitehill grew uneasy and started backing away as Roland started walking a circle around Ludd like a predator circling it's prey before going in for the kill. "You just admitted that those are your men that makes you their commander and thus it makes you accountable for their actions."
Ludd was now very nervous and Roland's smile twisted into a smirk. "That tells me one of two things. "Either one you are deliberately telling your men to terrorize my subjects. Or two you have absolutely no control over them. So tell me Lord Whitehill which is it?"
Ludd was shaking from both rage and fear, unable to respond. Roland turned back to the three Whitehill men drawing his sword. "You know the honorable thing to do would be to cut off your head," he brought the blade to their necks the edge just kissing their skin and already drawing blood. Roland then withdrew his sword and sheathed it, "but you three don't deserve to die honorably. Pigs you are and like pigs you shall die." He turned to Lem, "ready the stakes."
Lem bowed, "it will be done my king," he turned to relay the order to the renegades. Three stakes 12 feet long were crudely sharpened while three narrow but deep holes were dug. Once that was done the men were stripped of their clothes and laid on the ground the limbs outstretched. then the renegades clutched the stakes and began driving it up the men's anus Roland himself driving one stake up Britt Warrick. The men screamed as the stakes were driven up their bodies. Once they were about halfway in Roland had the men hoist the stakes up and placed in the holes. As they were hoisted into the air, gravity took over and the men began sliding down the stakes. Impalement, an old method of execution now reintroduced. The bannermen looked on the sight many with fear some with acceptance and others with both .
Roland came up to Ludd's face, "If you want to avoid any more unpleasantness, I suggest you make it a point to keep the rest of your men in line with Lord Whitehill. If you cannot handle that simple task I'll find someone that can. Sandor Clegane perhaps?"
Roland watched as Ludd started seething, "you would put my men under the command of a Lannister dog?" He sputtered.
"Who better than to keep craven Brigands in line than one of fiercest warriors in Westeros."
"My men are not brigands" Ludd snarled.
"Then prove it," Roland declared. "Keep your men in line or the next time this happens your life will pay the forfeit." Roland turned to walk away and.
"Are you threatening me? Ludd demanded.
Roland turned back to him," I do not make threats lord Whitehill, I only make promises. He then turned to his bannermen, "listen well all of you, insubordination in my ranks will not be tolerated. Any more signs of dysentery will be handled with extreme prejudice."
"You're just like the Forresters, shitting on us." Ludd said accusingly, "They took more than their share of ironwood while we have nothing."
Roland frowned, "the Forresters were given more Ironwood because they know how to work it better than your house." Ludd eyes flashed at this and Roland continued, "I've seen Highpoint and Ironwrath, both castles demonstrate where your talents lie. For the Forresters it's wood and for Whitehills it's stone. A carpenter is given wood and a stonemason is given rock. Stick to your strengths Lord Whitehill and let the Forresters have theirs." With that Roland left the scene with the renegades in tow leaving Ludd Whitehill silent and stunned.
Once he was fare enough away Roland called upon two of his men, "Luke, Dick."
Likely Luke and Beardless Dick stepped forward, "how may we serve, my king?" Luke asked.
Roland's eyes narrowed, "it seems there are burnt kernels in the corn. The two men looked at each other nervously and Roland continued, "keep an eye on the Whitehill pups, make sure they don't harbor any 'treasonous' thoughts."
The pair bowed, "it will be done my king," they said and headed off
FInally, the army reached the Twins, it was decided that Robb's wedding would take place while the army rested for the final steps back north. But before this would happen Roland went to meet with Lord Frey to renegotiate the terms set by Catelyn Stark.
As he approached the eastern Castle escorted by Sandor Clegane, Anguy, and a page, he was met by Ryman Frey and his sons Edwyn.
Ryman bowed clumsily due to his girth and Roland felt sympathy for the horse he rode, "Your grace," he began my father is ready to receive you in the great hall."
Roland nodded, "I thank him for his hospitality Ser Ryman." he replied and together with his guards followed the Freys to the gates of the castle.
The gates opened and Roland entered the castle. In all honesty Roland had a certain respect for the Freys, well at least their origins. The years he spent around Tyrion help Roland understand the value of cunning. Most houses conquered for their castle or at least inherited it the Freys actually worked to for their position without drawing unnecessary blood. They hatched a plan worked three generations to make that plan a reality. Now they were rewarded with an easy money.
Now the Freys were the strongest of Tully's bannermen with two strong castles. Roland looked around studying the castles, Say what you want about the Freys they may be weasels but they know how to build a castle.
The Castles themselves were divided by the central pathway leading to the bridge itself. This created a gauntlet for any enemy that breached the gatehouses and left them vulnerable to the defenders on the flanking walls. With moats, barbaricans, murder holes, portcullises, arrow slits, merlons and machicolations. The well-defended crossing ensured that taking the twins by force was a less profitable option.
Roland had not seen Walder Frey in years, though the last visit was pleasant enough. Then again that was back when his royal position was uncompromised. "I wonder how many heirs he has produced in that time," he mused.
Finally they reached the Great Hall where all Lord Walder and most of his brood were seated. As he approached the head table his eyes darted around the room doing a quick count. About 20 sons, 30 grandsons about ten more since the last time.
"Lord Walder," Roland began with a nod, "thank you for having us."
"Heh, the Black Prince graces me with his presence," Walder said as a greeting.
Roland smiled slightly enjoying his former title if only for a moment, "Before we begin I would as' for bread and salt."
"Of course, of course," Walder waved his hand and one of his daughters came forward with a tray with said items on it. Roland took a piece of bread and dipped it in the salt and consumed it, Lord Walder did the same and began.
"Heh, your grace," Walder said, "you are welcome in my halls and at my table. It's been years since I've had a King in my home. I've hosted three in my lifetime and I suppose you would be the fourth." Walder paused for a moment and gave a wry smile, "though you're not king yet are you?"
If there was one thing Roland respected it was Walder's blunt manner. No boot licking from this man despite his weasel appearance. Too many years around Grand Maester Pycelle had caused Roland to resent such pathetic behavior. So Roland simply shrugged and replied, "well enough people kept calling me king including yourself so it must be so since you have declared for me despite your ties with the Lannisters."
Walder's mouth curled into a snarl. "Heh, your grandfather has always spat on me even though mine own son is married to his damned sister, just because it's my second son and not my heir." Walder shook his head "Emmon, always the weak minded fool, your aunt has him wrapped around her fingers."
Roland shook his head, "Don't take it personally. My Grandfather treats everyone like they're beneath him including the other great lords."
Walder let out a short laugh, "Heh, that's true, yet here he is getting bested by two boys. Not so high and mighty with his armies are getting torn apart by his own grandson. People call me the Late Lord Frey but who said a word when Tywin did the exact same bloody thing."
Roland shrugged, "nobody wanted to risk ending up like the Reynes and Tarbecks though."
Walder let out a growl, "well enough pleasantries, how may I serve your grace?"
"I'm here to discuss this little deal you made with Lady Catelyn Tully during her visit."
"Heh, I remember, what of it?"
"I wish to renegotiate the terms, Lord Walder."
Walder's eyes narrowed, "you would back out on a promise." He growled.
"Oh, no, no," Roland said with a wave of his hand, "rest assured your daughter or granddaughter will marry the heir to Winterfell, nobody will dispute that. It's the other marriage I wish to renegotiate."
"Lady Stark swore an oath right here in my castle, that her daughter will marry my son. Would you make Lady Stark an oathbreaker? She is the mother of your future wife is she not?"
"I know of Lady Tully all too well," Roland growled, "a thrice-fool of a woman who started this mess in the first place. I'll never know what madness possessed her to kidnap the son of a man who's talent is wiping out families who slight him."
"A family trait no doubt," Lord Walder replied. Had the Blackfish listened to his brother the Tullys would have been bound to the owners of the largest fleet of ships in Westeros."
" In any case, the last I checked Catelyn Tully was not the ruler of House Stark," Roland pointed out. "She made the agreement for her children without her husband's consent or blessing."
"Fair point," Walder admitted. "Still an oath is an oath."
Roland nodded, "Arya is only the second daughter after all so not worth as much. But what I can offer has greater value, I know you do not take slight's well."
Walder let out a low growl though Roland suspected he was merely thinking about it. "If I did agree to this what is the compensation."
Roland held up his hand and displayed three fingers. "Three things nothing more. Firstly, myself and my personal companions will take a number of your sons and grandsons as squires. Secondly, due to Lady Whent's unfortunate death a fortnight ago Harrenhal is without a lord. One of your sons shall take that position. Thirdly," Roland gestured to a page who brought forth a map of the south with dozens of castles in the Reach and the Vale marked, "When this war is over, many of the houses that fought with my brother will be 'relieved of their lands and holdings. The keeps they leave behind, will be given new owners. "You've always complained how your family is piling now is your chance to lighten the load."
Lord Walder leaned forward studied the map carefully looking at the castles, after a while, he looked up at Roland and gave a wry smile.
As Roland spoke with Lord Frey, Robb took moment to contemplate everything before meeting with the Frey women. It baffled Robb how Roland seemed to switch between caring to ruthless
"You're troubled Nephew," a voice said behind him, Robb turned to find his uncle Brynden watching him.
"Sometimes I feel like I don't know Roland," Robb admitted. "When we met he seemed so kind and honorable. Now he seems to switch back and forth. at times he seems to genuinely care about the men he commands visiting the sickbed helping Sansa with some of the wounded. He even used his new sword to perform amputations due to the clean quick cut it provides. But other times he's killing injured prisoners, torturing nobles, executing our men in gruesome fashion for wrongdoings. I don't understand him."
Blackfish sighed and placed a hand on Robb's shoulder. "Nephew you are much like your father, Honorable, kind and loved by the northmen."
"Thank you uncle," Robb replied
Blackfish laughed and shook his head, "that wasn't a compliment I'm afraid." Robb looked at his uncle confused and Blackfish continued. "A ruler can't be a shining knight from stories and songs, he has to make hard decisions and most of the time those decisions would be considered harsh, cruel and even dishonorable but that is how it is in the south. You are too soft Robb and soft men do not survive very long especially in war.
"Shouldn't a ruler be good to his subjects?" Robb asked.
"Aye," Blackfish admitted, "he should treat his subject fairly, but this needs to be balanced with firmness. A gentle hand must be able to close into a fist. Being honorable may be enough in the north but the south works differently. Roland was born in the south in the center of it all, he knows how bad it can get, how manipulative people can be."
Robb nodded though he still didn't fully understand, "I think I just need time to think before I understand."
Blackfish nodded, "I don't know him well but Roland seems like a good lad, He may surprise you one day." With that Brynden Tully left Robb alone with his thoughts.
Finally, it was time for Robb to meet the Frey women and choose a bride from the lot. Roland said that Roslin Frey would be his best option, a statement reinforced by his squire Olyvar and Ser Perwyn who were Roslin's brothers. Both were good men and lacked their fathers looks so Robb found no reason to distrust him. Still he decided to reserve judgement until he met her so he decided to save her for last.
Walder had daughters and granddaughters in abundance and they came in all types but for Robb most had the same problem. Too young, too old, too homely, too timid, for a moment he considered two Fair Walda and Amerei Frey. Both were nice to look upon but he found them to be a bit too forward for his comfort.
Finally, Roslin entered the tent Robb's eyes widened ever so slightly, Roland did not lie she was beautiful, the prettiest by far. Like her brothers, she lacked the weasel-like appearance of most of her kin having a small chin delicate nose and pale white skin. Her brown hair fell down to her waist and had big brown eyes to match. She wore a blue dress that hugged her slight frame.
Roslin curtsied before Robb who poured a glass of wine and gestured with his hand, " Lady Roslin lease have a seat."
Roslin smiled "thank you, my lord," she said in a soft voice. Robb noticed a gap in her teeth when she smiled yet somehow this suited her well.
Robb talked with Roslin about many things and her sweet caring nature became clear to him shy perhaps but not timid. Of course that is to be expected when meeting someone for the first time. He learned that she liked music and could sing well. it almost reminded him of Sansa and decided the two would get along splendidly. The more they talked the more Robb found himself enjoying her company.
Finally, Robb dismissed her, "It is a pleasure to meet you Roslin," he said as he took her hand and pressed it to his lips. This caused Roslin to blush furiously and after giving her a smile had her brother escort her back.
Not long after Roslin had left his father came into the tent, "so have you made a decision yet?"
Robb nodded with a small smile, "Aye, Roslin Frey."
Eddard returned the smile and nodded, "I'm guessing from the smile that you are not displeased with your situation."
Robb shook his head, On the contrary, Had I known it would be this easy I would have arranged for the marriage while mother was here." His smile faded slightly, "I wish she could be there though."
Eddard smiled, "worry not I'm sure she'll be happy you found a good match."
Robb nodded, "I suppose your right father, I just hope Roslin does well in the North."
Roland finally returned that evening with the news. he seemed calm not so to Robb than was a good sign which meant that the negotiation went well" He entered the Stark Tent where Eddard and Robb were waiting."
"Well?" Eddard asked anxiously, "what news?"
Roland spoke, "Lord Walder has agreed to withdraw the marriage between Arya and Elmer."
Eddard and Rob sighed in relief before Eddard pressed him. "So what did you offer him?" He knew Walder would never do this unless the reward was good enough.
"I have taken Alesander Frey as a Squire," Roland replied. Several of my men will also be taking on Freys as squires."
"What else?" Eddard wondered.
"I have offered castles from some of the defeated houses to his sons who will marry women from those houses if one is available."
"Which holdings did you promise," Eddard wondered worriedly.
"Not all of it is certain but so far, Black Walder will be named the new lord of Harrenhal while some of the islands in the Vale will also be given away. Aenys Frey will rule Sweetsister, Jared Frey will rule Longsister, Danwell Frey will rule Littlesister and Jammos Frey will rule Paps. Others will be decided in time Should Walder make a decision on which heir he deems worthy of becoming lords."
"That is a lot to promise," Eddard said worriedly. 'as well as a lot of influence to give the Freys."
"Which means he has more to loose if he betrays us Roland replied, "But this is a discussion for another time," He turned to Robb, "right now we have to get ready for a wedding." Roland grinned mischievously and Robb despite himself returned it in kind."