Chapter 44: For Whom the Bells Toll Part 1

Author's note: Apologies for the wait, lemons aren't my strong suit


Robb checked himself in the mirror to make sure nothing was out of place. As it was his wedding he needed to look his best. He donned a grey jerkin over dark-blue doublet and breeches, black fur-lined boots and linen clothing underneath. For the final touch, a white cloak with grey fur trim. Both the cloak and his jerkin had the Stark sigil stitched to it.

He turned to his father and spread out his arms, "how do I look?"

Eddard simply smiled, "ready my boy."

A knock came at the door and after a moment, Roland walked in With Sansa. Sansa was beaming at her brother's appearance and stepped forward to straighten out a fold in his jerkin. Roland was dressed similarly to Robb except he wore his usual all black with golden trims and his Jerkin was more ornate with a large golden stag's head in the middle. "I must admit Sansa does perfect work," Roland said looking himself over and beckoning to the stitching.

"She always did have a talent for it," Robb said admiring his sister's handiwork. As part of his grooming, Robb had decided to trim his beard. But like Roland had opted to keep their growing hair. Winter was coming and having more hair tended to be useful.

"Are you wearing what I requested Lord Eddard," Roland asked pulling back the sleeve of his doublet to revealing chainmail sewed underneath.

Father nodded and pulled back the sleeve of his gambeson revealing the chainmail underneath. "Are you sure this is necessary?" He wondered, thinking this 'protection' was a bit much.

"We must not leave anything to chance Lord Stark, Roland replied. "Wedding or not we are still at war. My grandfather can be a sneaky bastard, on the off chance that he decided to take advantage I will not be caught off guard."

'You suspect treachery from Lord Walder?" Robb asked.

"He's a weasel and an opportunist," Roland replied, "That is beyond dispute, but he will not sacrifice such a match so easily. It's the rest of his kin I worry about. I imagine they may think themselves to be richly rewarded by giving my brother my head on a stick."

"But they would be tied to us by blood," Robb pointed out.

Roland nodded in agreement, "true, but the Lannisters can claim the same thing. Plus, unlike you, Emmon has the...'heirs' to cement it. Remember, marriage ties but children bind."

You seem doubtful that you're great aunt's children are legitimate Freys." Eddard observed.

Roland smirked, "Aunt Genna says that her four boys are Freys and nobody has dared to dispute that, especially Emmon Frey."

Eddard nodded, "I have relayed the same order to our banner as you requested. "

Roland smiled, "excellent, then we will be ready should anything happen."

After making the final [reparations, Roland and his companions made their way to the Twins. They passed the heavily fortified gatehouse and the flanking walls before passing under a causeway leading to the main keep. Roslin's Brothers Perwyn and Olyvar led their guests to the Main Hall where Walder Frey awaited.

If Robb didn't know better, He would swear that the old man had not moved from his chair since he last saw him. He looked the same on his ugly black chair carved into the shape of his sigil. "Your Grace, My Lords, welcome back, heh we missed you."

"Lord Walder, as ceremony demands, we ask for bread and Salt to secure the traditional guest right." Roland requested remembering his courtesies.

Lord Walder nodded, "of course of course," he made a gesture and a man came forward (a Frey, Roland guessed from the weasel appearance), with the two plates

Roland was the first to take bread and salt, followed by Sansa then father before taking it himself and passing it over to his uncle and the Blackfish."

Once the servant passed the bread and salt to Lord Frey, the old man took it and then began his greetings. "Your grace, my lords, be welcome in my halls and at my table. I extend to you my humble hospitality in the sight of gods and men."

"We thank you for your hospitality Lord Walder," Roland replied.

"I played host to many Kings in my lifetime so I believe I have enough room for you and your lot, tents will be set up outside with food and ale for your host." He then turned to Robb, "my son Perwyn tells me you have gotten well acquainted with your new Bride heh. I do hope you haven't spoiled her before the ceremony, though I wouldn't blame you is you did. She is, after all, my most precious blossom.

"We have gotten acquainted my lord," Robb replied, "and I assure you, I intend to keep her honour until our official wedding."

"Heh," the old man stood up and clasped his hands together, "good, good, now let us not waste time bantering words. A Wedding is in order, the wine will flow red, the music will play loud and the Houses of Stark and Frey will finally be bound together." Walder then turned to his castellan man with a bad leg Lothar, Robb believed his name was. "See our guests to their chambers, I'mm sure you will find them adequate for you your grace."

Roland and the Starks were led to their chambers by a certain Frey

Naturally, Roland's was an entire suite while Robb was given the Bridal Chambers, and Eddard a smaller room but all three were warm, comfortable and richly furnished with draperies of the Black Stag of the Baratheons and the Grey Wolf of Starks hanging on the walls. It was clear the Freys wanted to make the best impression possible.

"If there is anything you require, simply tell the guards and we will provide." Lothar declared before withdrawing.

The rest of the day was spent making the final preparations for the wedding. Finally, at dusk, the time had come and all the guests and their hosts assembled in the Great hall. The Freys to the left and the guests to the right. Robb stood in front of them all before the head table. The double doors opened and Roslin Frey stepped in.

Ser Perwyn Frey led his sister across the great hall. Roslin looked stunning in her wedding gown and made Robb more adhere to her. Once they had reached the Septon, Perwyn bowed and turned to join the rest of his kin."

"My Lord," Roslin said bowing her head.

"My Lady," Robb replied taking both of her hands and kissing them."

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection," The Septon declared

Robb then unclasped Roslin's Frey cloak letting it fall to the floor. He then walked behind her unclasped his own Stark cloak and draped it over her shoulders. Once he had it secure they both turned to the Septon with their hands interlocked

The Septon took a ribbon and began wrapping it around their hands. "In the sight of the Seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. " Once he finished the Septon looked up, "now look to each other and say the words."

Robb and Roslin turned towards each other and began the pledge. "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am yours and you are mine, from this day until the end of my days." Once they had finished, the bride and groom smiled widely before Robb cupped Roslin's cheeks and kissed her deeply. With that kiss the room erupted into cheers and claps from all the attendants.

The wedding feast was by no means a poor affair. Robb inwardly admitted that for a Frey, Lord Walder knew how to throw a proper feast. then again he has done this in the past and not beyond his capabilities due to his wealth.

Lord Walder and his wife sat at the head table with Robb, Roslin, Roland and Sansa seated on either side of them. Eddard, Edmure, Blackfish and Roose Bolton were seated at a table closest to them with The other Northern Lords following suit with half of Robb's Battle Guard and Roland's Renegades seated behind them.

Shadow and the direwolves were in the camps since the hall was already crowded and they had a litter to care for. A number of Freys wanted them locked up, Grey Wind made them nervous but that was nothing compared to Nymeria. But Roland and the Starks would not hear it. "They are in the camps not your halls that should be god enough for you," Roland declared glaring at them with his golden eye

The Musicians were quite good and played numerous songs like 'Alyssanne', 'The Iron Lances', 'The Dornishman's Wife', 'Bessa the Barmaid', 'Fair Maids Of Summer', 'The Queen Took Off Her Sandal, The King Took Off His Crown' and of course, 'The Bear and the Maiden Fair'. At Roland's request, they played 'A Cask of Ale' and 'Fifty-Four Tons', which had been known favourites of his father. Even the GreatJon contributed, singing 'The Lusty Lad'. Robb was pleasantly surprised that the big man could sing fairly well.

The food served to them was also satisfying, biscuits, bread, cheese, strawberry pie, chicken, pigeon pie, boar and even suckling pig. A fine feast by northern standards. "I must say, Lord Walder, you truly have outdone yourself," Roland commented with a smile.

"Only the best for his grace," Lord Walder replied with a grin.

No Longer being a drinker Roland had to be content with milk, while most of the other guests drank ale and wine and the bodyguards remained sober. Rob noticed that Roland proved to be every bit the glutton his father had been having refilled his plate at least four times. It was a stark contrast to his norm since he usually ate the same as the rest of his men while they were on the march. Then again this was a wedding feast and it would likely be the last chance to indulge themselves for a very long time once this was over.

Aside from feasting the musicians played dancing songs encouraging those present to join in.

Most of the guests danced to the music Robb shared a dance with several Freys and Dacey Mormont before finishing with his own bride. Roland followed suit sharing a dance with Fair Walda, Amerei, the Bride and even Dacey, but of course, he saved his last dance with Sansa.

Robb smirked inwardly and mentally thanked his mother for her lessons. While their king didn't make a fool of himself on the dance floor it was clear that dancing was not his strong suit nearly tripping over his own feet several times. Still, he did look elegant with his sister in his arms as the looks they gave each other was any indication.

"They make a lovely couple," Blackfish commented.

"The Bride and Groom? Or our King and his betrothed?" Roose Bolton asked.

"Both," Blackfish admitted, speaking of the bride and groom you would never think they were so nervous about meeting."

"Yet now here he is, eating out of Roslin Frey's Hand." Eddard mused seeing Roslin feeding his son berries."

"He's one of the lucky few to have such a happy marriage," Roose observed.

"Word has it you're marrying one of these Frey girls too," Eddard remarked.

"Truly?" Blackfish wondered. "I had no idea Freys were your type Lord Bolton."

"Well Lord Walder offered the girl's weight in silver as a dowry," Roose replied. "So naturally I now have quite a plump young bride."

The Blackfish chuckled at this and Eddard smirked, this was typical of a man like Bolton. "I hope she makes you happy," he said grimly.

Roose shrugged, "if not at least she's made me very rich," he said bluntly.

"YOUR GRACE!" Lord Walder called to Roland and everybody turned to him in silence. "The septon has prayed his prayers, words were said and Robb Stark has wrapped my most prize daughter in a new wedding cloak. However, they are not yet man and wife. A sword needs a sheath and wedding needs a bedding." The old lord's mouth twisted into a wide grin, "what does my sire say to that?"

Roland stood up and turned to Robb, "what do you think old friend, is the young wolf ready to become a man."

Robb stood up and smiled, "I believe the time is appropriate my king."

Roland smiled and spread his hands outwards, "then, by all means, let these two be bedded."

Upon hearing this the musicians began playing 'Flowers of Spring' as the bride and groom were swarmed by guest and host alike. Roland and Eddard were among the few who did not participate. But, Robb found himself surrounded by women and Roslin surrounded by men as they were relieved of their formal wear. and carried off to the Bedding Chambers. Once they were gone and the doors closed the feast continued.


Robb and Roslin entered the bedding chambers only in their small clothes.

Roslin blushed shyly and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Roslin", Robb began, "I apologise what's going to happen." He then took her hand and pulled her close to him and pressed his lips to hers. They both started gently but the longer they did it the more intense it became.

The couple ran their hands through each other's body before finding their way to the laces. As fast as their fingers could move they began unravelling the frustrating cords holding their garments together each minute adding to their impatience. Roslin pulled off his shirt just as Robb finally was able to pull down Roslin's gown. Once that was down Roslin stepped back so Robb could remove his breeches

They paused for a moment taking each other's bodies in. Roslin naked form was slender yet shapely, from her neck to her legs to her firm breasts and buttocks and even the flatness of her stomach. All in all, a fair body to match her face.

Robb had always been of a stocky build and war coupled with time had made this more prominent. He was taller now and every muscle had been hardened from the constant fighting.

The pause had only been for a moment yet it seems to drag longer as they resumed their passionate kissing. Robb lifted her up, her buttocks resting in his arms as she wrapped her limbs around him. He carried her over to the bridal bed and laid her gently atop the sheets.

Robb soon started trailing kisses down her body. Roslin moaned as Robb kissed her neck, down to her breasts, then her navel and then further down. "Robb, wha-?" Roslin asked and before she knew it, he was kissing her core. Roslin gasped and gripped the sheets as she felt her most sensitive regions were touched. Seeing that Roslin was enjoying this ministration, Robb kept at it then on a whim stuck his tongue out. Meanwhile, his hands found their way to her breasts and he tweaked her nipples and rolled them in his fingers. She writhed on the bed and bucked her hips against him trying to drive him deeper. The kissing was wonderful but this was something else sending a tingling sensation all over her body. Roslin's panting quickened with every second before she climaxed with a shrill cry.

Robb finally stopped and lifted his head, He pushed hi self up till they were eye to reached down and guided his cock to her entrance. The tip rubbed against her lower lips causing her to inhale from a familiar sensation.

They locked eyes and Roslin cupped his face and with a nod, he entered her. Roslin gasped as the sharp pain of losing her maidenhead and she gripped Robb tightly. Robb stopped to allow her to get accustomed to the feeling. Roslin took a few moments before she caressed Robb's face as the signal to keep going. Robb thrust into her gently at first then slowly picked up speed. The feeling of her pussy clenched tightly around his cock was unlike anything he had ever experienced before and all he knew was that he didn't want this feeling to end ever.

Roslin was moaning softly under him as she clutched and clawed at his back their panting grew louder more rapid as sweat had started to form on their bodies. He felt his muscles clench and cramp but he didn't care. Finally with a loud gasp Robbed released himself inside her. Roslin cried out Robb's name as she felt the result of his climax enter her womb. Out of breath and energy, Robb collapsed beside her. They turned towards each other and kissed slowly giggling as they did so and pulled each other in a tight embrace and fell asleep spent of the energy exhausted that night.


Robb awoke late in the morning. He turned to see his wife sleeping soundly beside him. He reached over and stroked her cheek. In response, she sighed and shifted slightly. "Morning," she whispered.

"Morning," Robb whispered back as he leaned forward and kissed her. Breaking the kiss Roslin moved to get up but Robb stopped her, "no, stay like that." He rested his head on his hand. "I want to watch you a little longer."

Roslin blushed, "do I please you that much my lord."

"You do," Robb replied, "now let me return the favour." Then without warning, he dived under the covers."

"Oh Robb, Oh, Oh, ahhh," Roslin cried out as he gave her core more attention.

But before they could progress to the next stage a commotion outside was heard followed by a knock on the door. Rob sat up and Roslin Covered herself with the sheets. "Enter," Robb said with mild irritation.

The Door opened and Robb's squire Olyvar stepped in and quickly averted his eyes. "Pardon me for disturbing you my Lord."

"What is it Olyvar?" Robb asked trying to remain passive.

"News from Winterfell my Lord. They didn't say what it was but I was told to retrieve you immediately."

The look on his face displayed worry, so Robb got dressed and hurried to the main tent. They arrived to find Roland, Sansa, his father and the Blackfish and several northern Lords had gathered. Robb noted that the two latter were visibly distraught and the northerners looked anxious. Roland looked to be shaking with rage and Sansa was in tears. This caused Robb to frown, something terrible had happened. "What's happened?" He asked, "what's wrong."

"Winterfell was attacked by Euron Greyjoy," His father replied. "they managed to beat off the attack, But-." He walked over and put both hands on his shoulders and said something that drained the colour from his face, "Robb, they have taken your mother captive."