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(⚠ Rape Warning ⚠)

Walking down the seemingly dirt road, Robbin spotted a box hidden underneath a pile of stuff, most likely garbage. He quickly ran too it, opening it up. He was disappointed as it had already been raided. Nothing but a loose string and dirt.

Tired of picking up nothing, he stopped in between two houses to take a small break, leaning up against a wall with a sigh. A voice rang on the other side of the alleyway, but the light was too dim to make out a face. The figure was moving closer, kicking up dirt a bit as they did.

"All alone are ya?" He asked, walking closer to him. He was clearly male, 6'2 at least, and his build was far greater than Darius'. And his accent was more American.

Robbin jumped slightly but nodded. "Yeah.... Who are you?" He questioned, narrowing his eyes sceptically as he took a small step back, but that didn't help, all he wanted up doing was pushing himself further into the wall.

Without a second to spare the older, larger man pinned Robbin down against the ground. The action was swift, rendering the boy surprised and weak, he couldn't seem to fight back. The man sat over the others hips and pulled their wrists together, tying his hands with a thin, crappy rope. Robbin screamed out, hoping someone nearby would hear him, but he knew it was probably pointless. he narrowed his eyes at the man on top of him and started to struggle. "STOP IT. LET ME GO YOU FAT FUCK" With that, he got punched in the face, hard enough to black out for a moment. It was all so sudden. He did wonder if what he had said was worth it, but he wasn't really thinking, it just sort of slipped out.

By the time he had come back to his senses, he could feel the larger male pulling down his pants. Robbin's eyes widened as kicked, whimpering from his hellish headache. But there was no use, the larger male bound his ankles together and ran his hand up the thin others body. Robbin hissed, continuing to whimper through it as he was rolled to the side. There was pressure soon after, a feeling of extreme uncomfort and mild pain. With a yelp and gasp for air, Robbin scratched the dirt a bit. "Let me go!" He shouted. He attempted to push himself up from the ground so the other would be forced to stop.

The large unknown male shushed the small boy as he continued to feel them up and down. "I'm not going to die virgin." He hissed back. Sadly this was common in the games, there was nothing anyone could really do to stop it. Weak people who feared death did stupid things off of impulse, knowing there weren't many consequences that were there to stop them.

Robbin shook his head and continued cry out. "Help!" He whimpered loudly. The unknown man throwing the boys body back against the ground once more. Dead or not, the man would get what he wanted. Robbin blacked out again, falling in and out of consciousness as he whimpered and screamed in pain, his body being forced and he felt like he couldn't control it anymore. No, he didn't just deal that way, he couldn't control it.

The other seemed happy by this, pushing himself into the other, grabbing and pulling on parts of his body and skin, choking him so he couldn't scream so loud. The dominance probably made him feel stronger than he actually was, but only because he happened upon someone much weaker than him. It wasn't Robbins fault, he just had to try and remind himself of that.

Robbin's body wasn't very willing, and the other wasn't as gentle as one would hope. The actions felt like the man was tearing him apart from the inside, the hand on his throat making it impossible to get as much air in as he needed, he was gasping, in pain; mustering up whatever he could when he screamed out Darius' name.

After about ten minutes or so, which seemed like eternity for a crying, scared, and violated Robbin, he thought it was finally over. The man had released on his body. Robbin had hoped he would just walk away, but he couldn't have been more wrong.

The large man took out a knife, dragging the blade along the porcelain skin on his cheek, making a long slice which immediately started to bleed. Robbin was still crying, his voice raw from screaming for help. He was hoping Darius was secretly a telepath because he was thinking of him real hard to come save him, whimpering his name even.

• • •

Back at the house, Darius was starting to get worried, his mind started racing of all the seemingly impossible possibilities, and he snapped. What of the idiot got himself lost? What if he tripped and passed out and got dragged away by wild animals? Or worse, what if someone found him. No, If anyone where to touch him. Darius was starting to freak out. The male quickly began to tighten his armour and dash out of their living arrangements. The others looked a little frightened at how angry the male appeared. He was running off in a pure rage caused by his own delusions. His thoughts where on the others safety, he should've went with him. Some of the group tried to follow him, but he shouted at them to fall back and go eat. He couldn't entirely recall what all he said though, his mind was clouded with fear, maybe blinded by anger due to some of the outrageous scenarios he thought of.

As some of the screams from the other became a little clearer, he sped up a little. His eyes widened at the fact that he was right to assume something was wrong since he so desperately hoped he was actually going to be safe and fine. He was quick, and as if the world moved faster for some reason, the moment didn't take long to where Darius was on top of the other. One twist and the soft pop of his neck, the other male was dead. It made his heart stop, he couldn't stop himself. As the mans body fell limp, Darius dropped it, staring down at the Robbins face as he let himself calm down. He was panting harshly as he stare down at the other boy. He looked helpless and weak, it angered him, but the feeling of guilt was more of what washed over him. His emotions where everywhere, he wasn't sure how to feel anymore, but it was cold, so first thing was first, getting the male home.

Darius slowly got off of Robbin and slipped an arm under his knees, another arm under his shoulders as he lifted their heavy body from the ground. He was walking in silence, and the walk back was slow, it made it seem like they where really far out, but in all honesty, Darius just wasn't as strong as he seemed, and while holding the other, it slowed down his agility. But those were just his excuses, there was more to it, the itching fear that maybe he was too late. He never checked and so he wasn't sure, but was Robbin even still alive? Sure his eyes were open, but his body was limp and he wasn't moving or speaking. He felt cold but that could just be the air. Maybe it was true though, Darius was a little too late.

After awhile, they started to come into view of their building, one of the other members quickly opened the door as they noticed Darius approaching. They seemed a little confused, as to what happened. Most members only cared about their own survival, team captains mostly used their teammates and pawns to last longer. It clicked to most of the members quickly then, but of course, taking in all the features, they probably assumed they where brothers, and not that Darius had a weak spot and actually cared for other people's lives.

"Go eat dinner. Don't worry about this." He sighed, irritably glaring to the children as he made his way up the stairs to and empty bedroom. He placed the male on the bed and stretched his arms a little as be sat down on the edge. "You.. Idi--" Darius slowly stopped himself and turned his gaze towards the other. He didn't notice it before but Robbins eyes at this point had closed. Darius clenched his jaw a bit before letting out a sigh as he dragged out his knife and cut the ropes off the smaller boy.

Darius watched the other before leaning in and laying his head on their shoulder, his breathing was shaky, it was hard to tell if it was because he was out of breath or some other emotion. It was really a bit of both. The male slowly pulled back and reached for the others hand, "God, I'm so stupid.. I should've went with you. I.. I knew something was wrong.." He whispered, slowly tightening his grip, his hands trembling. They where shaking because he feared the thought of being late, and he hated himself for not being there sooner, even more that he killed a man out of anger for it. He wasn't normally one to do that, but he didn't know what overcame him.

Darius slowly stood up and undid his leather armour, tossing it next to the nightstand before turning on the lights. He slowly looked over to the other and moved towards the other bed, he pulled the blanket off and wrapped it around Robbin, "I'll go get dinner and settle the others, then come back. Just... rest." He whispered.

Darius left the room soon after, making his way toward the kitchen. Everyone's eyes where on him, they wanted an answer, an explanation for him running off and bringing home a corpse. Darius knew his move was risky, but he was a pretty quick to come up with an explanation. He straightened his back and stare back for a moment in silence, "This is my team. And if I can help it, I plan to keep as many of you alive as I can. I.. can't promise I will succeed, but I won't let things go down in our safe time without a fight." He said, slowly moving towards the meal he'd made, "I won't be like the other team captains, you're all still human. You're not my game pieces. Now eat up and get some rest." He claimed, slowly making a plate and leaving the room again. It was quiet, unsettling, Darius' only hope was they believed him.

He wasn't entirely lying, but he knew he was only being bias towards Robbin, he wasn't sure why yet, but he didn't want to loose the man, maybe because he gave him hope, telling him the outside world was different.

He slowly walked back into the room and placed the the plate on the night stand. Robbin still hadn't moved, his body was still laying there completely motionless.

Darius sighed softly and kneeled on the floor, "I didn't want to see you dead so soon." He claimed, clutching his fists against his thighs, his eyes locked on the floor.

He was there in the uncomfortable position for quite awhile before dragging himself off the floor. Darius slowly lay himself down beside the other and gently pulled them into his grasp. He knew it probably wouldn't help, but he wanted to do it. He sighed softly after doing do, "I'm sorry.. I wish I had come sooner..." He whispered, his arms wrapped around their lower waist. He remembered as a child, when he was hurt, his mother used to hold him in his sleep, and it didn't hurt as much anymore, because he wasn't thinking about it, he was thinking of her.

After grabbing him, Darius noticed that Robbins body had warmed up, maybe... just maybe his hope wasn't dead after all. Soon after noticing that he heard a soft croaking voice start to speak. Robbin.. he was alive.

"It's not your fault.." Robbin clung close to Darius words, he wondered how long he had been out, he was in so much pain. More than that, he noticed where Darius was, it was odd, why was he being held like that, weren't they safe? He decided to ignore it, he assumed Darius needed some consoling, maybe he was acting like this out of fear. He acted string, but Robbin noticed he was just like everyone else.

"Why are humans the way we are.." he asked quietly, grunting as he rolled himself over in Darius' arms to face him. "We're over emotional.. confusing.. most of us are horrible.." he said quietly. his throat hurt and his voice was groggy and so quiet he wondered if he was even speaking, but he continued. "You're one of the only good people left.. "

Darius lay his head against the others and pondered there words for a moment, letting his body relax as he heard them speak. He was so relived to know he was alive, after the scare Robbin gave him, he was just happy to hear them speak.

"I wish I could believe that." He replied in a soft tone of voice, closing his eyes and taking in the smaller boys scent as he started to drift off to sleep. It might not have felt like it, but he was exhausted, mentally exhausted, and a little physically from running. It felt nice to ease into another and let them do the same, vise versa. "Goodnight." He whispered.

Robbin wished to stay up longer, but he already found himself starting to drift off. He was at least happy to find that Darius seemed to have not given up hope on him just yet, but he could tell they were beating themselves up from the situation that happened. Robbin felt bad about it, but he had to face the fact that it happened and there wasn't much he could do about that. So he left it, closing his eyes again and just allowing himself to fall back to sleep. He'd cling to life tonight, and hopefully remain alive just a little while longer, for Darius' sake.