The Scum Is Thoughtful

Feng Mo remembered that they took longer than they could to reach Zhongyang is because they were attacked by thieves. Fei Yin, Cheng Sheng, Feng Mo and Li Tian fared well dealing with the thieves, but this was the first time for Lei Qing, Lei Ling and You Rou to be outside Xinfaxian – which is a haven for them.

Lei Qing managed to defeat some, but was overpowered and almost got injured had it not for Li Tian helping her when three thieves joined forces to deal with her. Cheng Sheng was protecting You Rou while Feng Mo protected Lei Ling. Fei Yin was their vanguard.

After the thieves ran away, Cheng Sheng suggested an idea for You Rou and Lei Qing to protect themselves more. "You are women. I am not misogynist, but we can't say for others." Cheng Sheng said when they camped that night. "Shimei." He called.

"Yes, Cheng-shixiong?" You Rou answered.

"Do you know how to dance?" Cheng Sheng asked.