The Scum Is Shameless

Xie Lan covered his eyes with his hand as he lowered his head to keep himself from looking. Don't look… it's too painful to look at. He thought when he saw his other disciples approached Lei Qing.

"Shijie!!!" the Xinfaxian Sect disciples called as they ran towards Lei Qing. They saw her pushing herself up from the ground. Her face is red from both embarrassment and the impact of hitting the ground. Her nose was bleeding and the blood was dripping to the ground and onto her clothes when she finally managed to sit on the ground. Her eyes are filled with circles because she feels dizzy. 

"Misfortune occurs not only once, but twice." Fei Huang spoke as he smirked at Xie Lan whose face was now blank after what had just happened.

Xie Lan tried to keep his call to avoid losing more of his face.