The Scum Is A Profiteer

Jing Cheng panted and looked at Wu Xi who stood motionless after Qian Lin pasted a talisman on his back while Jing Bai and Jing Hei were holding his legs and Zheng Yi and Jing Kang were holding his arms. After two hours they finally stopped the raging Wu Xi.

"What… what's gotten into him?" Jing Hei asked as he fell on his hands and knees while he heavily panted. Jing Bai sat on the ground, leaning on his back with his hands on the ground. Jing Cheng was using his sword to lean on while Jing Kang and Zheng Yi were sprawled on the ground. Qian Lin's knees were shaking.

They were given a fright earlier after Wu Xi attacked them like a beast. No, he's worse than a beast. They thought as they looked at Wu Xi who slightly moved as he struggled against Jing Kang's talisman. Qian Lin raised his hand and needles came out between his fingers, preparing to fight against Wu Xi.