The Scum Is Noisy

"AAAAAAHHH!" Jie Mei screamed in pain not only because she was stabbed, but also because of the pure qi emanating from Cheng Sheng's sword that touched her flesh. "AAAAAAAHHH!" she screamed and slowly turned to see her leg slowly burning.

"That's - !" everyone exclaimed when they saw a large burn on her leg aside from the burn Cheng Sheng's sword caused.

"The Cleansing Stone did not lie. She's really not a demonic cultivator." Cheng Sheng said as he withdrew his sword.

"Then, why did you…" Xi Ming said.

"Why did I still ditch her?" Cheng Sheng said and turned to him. "I didn't lie. I really find her annoying, that's why." He answered and frowned before he kicked Jie Mei's mouth. "You're noisy. I'm still talking." He told her.

Everyone looked at him in horror. "Cheng Sheng!" one of them called. "Don't you care about what happened to Jie Mei?!" he asked.