The Scum Is A Loner  

Tang Yun, Shan Lu, and Guo Cheng as well as their fellow disciples looked at Tang Zhe – their leader, their da shixiong. In the beginning, they are already a ten-person team so there's no need to form teams with the other sects like the Zunjingde Sect and Qian Lin, or the Youxiwang Sect and Xinfaxian Sect. In short, their sect has exactly ten people who passed the second stage and advanced to the third stage.

Tang Zhe looked at Jing Cheng, then Xi Ming before he turned to Kang Ce. In fact, they don't necessarily need to be accompanied by the Alliance's disciple. Any of them can pick up their scores. However, they also provide them with a map and give them updates on the changes in the third stage, and they can also see the other teams' development. Thus, they are convenient. 

Tang Zhe looked at Cheng Sheng. Strength-wise and for convenience, they can go with their group. However – "We'll team up with Kang Ce." He said and smiled.

"… HUH?!" they all reacted.