The Scum Is Stressed 

"That's what happened." Cheng Sheng said after he told them his nightmare. He could still feel the fear he felt when he was inside his nightmare. His body was shuddering from the cold, but also trembling because of the lingering fear. 

He snuggled closer to Fei Yin, plastering his back against Fei Yin's solid chest. Only when he did feel the familiar warmth and the gentle embrace coming from Fei Yin did he calmed down. Fei Yin gives him a full security; he doesn't need to worry about anything, most especially his fears, as long as Fei Yin is there. 

"That's…" they said and looked at each other. Anxiety and alarm filled their eyes. Actually, as the cream of the crop among the current generation of the cultivators, they would never panic. They are always cool-headed. 

However, this is Cheng Sheng we are talking about. The Cheng Sheng who is too OP, too heaven-defying. Surely, his dreams, as well as nightmares, would mean something, right?