The Scum Is Cold

Tang Zhe and Tang Yun naturally didn't know what had occurred between Shan Lu and Guo Cheng in the past, more so for Wu Xi who is a total stranger to them.

Wu Xi didn't react to Shan Lu's answer; his thoughts are unknown. Tang Yun never understood poverty since he was raised in wealth, so he just stared at Shan Lu in shock as he gaped at him, speechless for his bold idea and shamelessness. Guo Cheng silently wiped his tears and his nose and eyes are red. He had never felt grateful it was dark until now, so they couldn't see him crying.

Tang Zhe, as the leader of their group, coughed to break the awkwardness in the atmosphere because it suddenly became silent. "Shan-shidi. We are currently in a foreign land, so it is best not to touch anything here for now. We might trigger some mechanisms, or there might be something attached to those statues." He explained. "However, if given a chance later, we may bring one or two." He said as he patted Shan Lu's shoulder.