The Scum Is Protected

The fear in their heart increased as their spine became cold and their body froze when they saw the change in the posture of the statues. They are all looking at them while evilly grinning, their hands raised like they are eyeing, and are about to catch their prey.

"Th-th-this - !" Guo Cheng muttered under his breath as he stared at the statues with widened eyes, his mouth agape.

"RUN!" Tang Zhe yelled. His loud voice jolted everyone's mind turned sluggish from shock. He held Tang Yun in his arm tighter as he ran after Guo Cheng and Shan Lu, while Wu Xi ran behind at their back.

Because the rope on their end had burned out, only at its other end where they came from was burning. Their side had started to turn dark, and only their back was alight. However, they didn't have a second to spare to look back. Or, what else could they see? It would definitely be also horrifying, if not more horrifying.