The Scum Is Amnesiac

Xi Ming and Xi Xing were originally quietly walking down the hallway but, right now, they are running for their lives.

"Xi Ming…" Xi Xing called as he looked at Xi Ming in front of him. But he knew it was useless.

One, there was no voice that came out of his throat, and the only indication that he 'talked' can be seen with his lips moving. Two, Xi Ming can't hear him. It's as if there was something blocking their ears to keep them from hearing each other. However, how can they hear the other if they have no voice?

So – was it that their voice was taken away, or was it their sense of hearing being blocked? For now, they don't know the answer, and can't seek answers since they are busy running. Xi Ming was running in front while holding Xi Xing's hand tight while Xi Xing was keeping up with Xi Ming's speed, which isn't impossible.